Plane Universe

Chapter 2586: Completely anti-resident

A powerful existence that is almost the same as the Chaos City Lord's realm of strength, possessing an incredible power.

Moreover, it was extremely outrageous to take out the treasure of the peak level to suppress a **** emperor, and it was no different from grabbing it.

How can a **** emperor resist resistance!

Even the general Saint-level powerhouse couldn't resist!

Just as the Lord of Chaos City was going to bully the Lord of Sirius, and the two stones would go down, the latter would have to scream, and his life would be lost by half.

Cheng Buyun is now like the grandson monkey in the hands of the Buddha, and there is almost no possibility of escape!

Danger! Danger!

The crazy alarm in the mind is just...the strange power covering the suppression in the sky, the airflow around the body seems to be full of stickiness like a paste, almost to the extent that it is difficult to move!


Cheng Buyun's will runs wildly, and the power of will hidden in his soul roars and trembles. He is fighting and the water is exhausted, and he can't help but fight.

If you don't fight, you will have to be suppressed and restrained.

It was only at this moment that he understood that the power of the master of the universe at the peak level had geometric strength, and that kind of power level was a powerful existence that could not be compared with such a rare thing as the Lord of Sirius.

That is not a level of power!

Great difference, the distance of light years!


call out! call out! call out!

The whistling sound from the golden rope shook people's minds, and while wandering around, they were already close to Cheng Buyun's divine body, and the distance between the two had reached a distance indistinguishable by the naked eye.

"My child, don't want to fight anymore. With your strength, you can't resist my sacred treasure." Lord Wangu said with a smile on his face and in a very gentle tone: "I just invite the future Lord Buddha You are only going to my Buddhist country as a guest, and I promise you will not worry about your life!"

It is rare that such a good seedling appears, and the Buddha of the ages did not want to hurt.

Cheng Buyun is destined to leave a strong and glorious figure in the history of mankind, even if he cannot be a friend, he cannot be an object of hatred by the former!

As for the option of killing Chengbuyun given by the Buddha in the future, it is a situation that must be done!

For example, when the Heavenly Court powerhouse arrives and they can't get it, they need to be cruel and show it to people who don't know the truth.

"Don't even think about it!"

Cheng Buyun roared and roared, his strong will and state of mind played a role at this moment, and his struggle had a result.

Peng's sound!

Endless rays of light penetrated from his body, madly erupting and spreading in all directions.

The golden rope that had just wrapped around his waist was shaken by the light, and it drifted slightly outward for some distance.


The extremely dense sound is deafening, resounding in this space and time!

A large amount of golden light surrounds and shines, and the golden rope swayed in the golden light, and it was not allowed to be deposited.

"how is this possible?"

Eternal Buddha saw the scene before him, and his eyes were about to fall off. He looked at Cheng Buyun incredulously, almost unable to speak!

Lord Morafo was also stunned, his expression was as shocked as he was shocked, as if he had seen something that shocked him beyond imagination.

The Cheng Buyun at this moment really shocked them, and they were already in a daze.

Ten thousand golden lights, stagnant and oppressive space, the two hold each other.


Almost without even thinking about it, Cheng Buyun immediately turned around and flew away.

"How could it be resolved!"

Eternal Buddha had a dull expression on his face, and he couldn't figure it out. It was hard to understand why Cheng Buyun was able to resolve his secret method.

"These golden lights are incredibly powerful, how did he do it?" Lord Morafo was extremely puzzled, and couldn't completely react.

Could it be that Chengbuyun has an innate treasure on him?

It's very simple. Cheng Buyun just used all his strength, without any reservations at all, to do this.

The divine power is burned, the power pill is used, and even the hidden will power hole cards in his hand are used, so that there is the terrifying power that looks now.

Easily prevented the secret method of the town seal of the Lord Buddha!

It's just resistant!

The divine power burns 100 times, the power pill is 3 times, the will power is 240 times, and its third level is close to the four-level domain secret method.

Taken together, it is far beyond the power that the Lord of the Universe can explode.

After all, the power amplitude alone has reached more than 70,000 times, which is more than 60,000 times more than the burning power of the Lord of the universe, that power!

If there is no ridiculous degree, it is really a waste of the power of the will.

The power of will is the housekeeping skill of Panlong universe, and the burning of divine power is a level thing.

When the two are added together, the effect is naturally extremely powerful!


The Lord Eternal Buddha shouted, as if losing face, with a cold expression pointing towards Cheng Buyun's back.


The heavy roar and explosion sounded through the space with sonic energy that broke through the surface, and waves of ripples spread quickly like water waves, and the sound waves appeared behind Cheng Buyun in the blink of an eye.

But Cheng Buyun ignored it, and the speed of escaping became faster. He just secretly operated the divine power to condense the precious armor and increase the defensive power of his back.

"No, what is this kid doing?"

Seeing that it was about to hit, the Lord Molaifo was shocked and shouted: "Eternal, pay attention, keep your hands!"

"I have a score!" The Lord Buddha replied faintly. When the sound wave was about to hit Cheng Buyun, the finger that pointed out in front of him rotated slightly, removing a part of the secret magic power.

Hearing Peng's sound, the sound wave bombarded Cheng Buyun behind, hitting him and throwing him forward, but...the speed of escape was faster.

It doesn't look hurt at all!

"This bastard!"

The Lord Eternal Buddha immediately became so angry that his whole body was trembling, and he did not know that he had misestimated Cheng Buyun's strength, and roared; "This **** is not a normal human divine body. He has been pretending to be pigs and tigers with us."

"I saw!"

Lord Molaifo was also shocked and his face changed, and he estimated and said: "Even if it is the defensive ability of the acquired best sacred treasure, under your secret technique of the sound of the Buddha, it is estimated that you have at least one kilometer of the body size. Only to ensure that the injury is not visible, what do you think?"

"Almost, good boy, what kind of blood is it? Do human beings have such a large divine body?" The eternal Buddha frowned and said: "He has more secrets in his body. It is estimated that he has cultivated some physique enhancement techniques that we don't know. !"

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two teleported almost at the same time, and immediately appeared beside Cheng Buyun, the main body of Morafo shook, and instantly turned into a sky-reaching giant, with five fingers stretched out.

The giant hand shimmering with golden light, under the shock of the golden brilliance from Cheng Buyun's body, rumblingly grabbed it toward Cheng Buyun.


With unmatched coercion, Cheng Buyun gave a long laugh and shouted: "Excuse me for not being with me!"

When the words were over, the person immediately fell down and plunged straight into the ice lake in a head-down manner. The two powerful Buddha masters were shocked again, and the eternal Buddha master panicked: "No, don't go into the ice lake. , We put..."



Lord Morafo's giant hand passed over the surface of the ice lake, but it was empty!

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