Plane Universe

Chapter 2587: Within the ice lake

When Cheng Buyun plunged into the ice lake, the golden brilliance of the sky faded away, and his vitality was completely lost in a time and space.

On the spot, Lord Molai Buddha and Lord Buddha of Eternity, both looked at the calm ice lake and were speechless. For a while, they had no idea what to do.

Jump off the ice lake and continue to chase?

Feasible is feasible, but they are even more afraid to frighten Cheng Buyun again, misunderstand their purpose, and will continue to flee deeper into the ice lake, the sin is even greater.

Under the water of the ice lake, there is no way to transmit the sound of the soul or sense the soul. If it is pursued, Chengbuyun will flee 100% of the place.

After all, Cheng Buyun's last escape speed scared them a bit, almost not much different from them.

How to catch up at such a speed!

The restrictions in the ice lake are too much, and chasing is undoubtedly increasing the speed of Buyun's death.

"Damn it!"

The Lord Eternal Buddha slapped the ice lake water in annoyance, shaking the ice lake water fiercely, and then said helplessly and unwillingly: "Why is this child so strong and impulsive!"

"How to do?"

Lord Morafo had no idea at all at this moment, looking at the huge ice lake with a worried expression on his face.

"What else can I do now? Only wait!" Wangu Lord Buddha looked distressed, and secretly hated in his heart, very regretful, what to do, and now something happened to the game!

Lord Morafo naturally felt the regret in the heart of the Lord Buddha, and did not blame it much.

Just like his previous thoughts, he thought that suppressing Cheng Buyun would be very easy, and he had never expected that Cheng Buyun would have the power to resist!

The only thing that can be hoped now is that Chengbuyun will not go too deep in the ice lake, otherwise the consequences will be a bit serious.

It's not much different from killing Cheng Buyun on purpose!

This is bullying!

Taking away Cheng Buyun’s suppression, he can also use the excuse of inviting to make it happen, and the killing problem is much more serious.

Can't explain!

Under the ice lake...

As soon as Cheng Buyun entered, he even moved quickly into the depths, almost ignored.

To be honest, this time, he was really frightened.

The strength of the Eternal Buddha Lord is a bit too amazing, compared with his strength, it is simply not a level of existence.

It's like a comparison between a child and an adult!

After flying for an unknown amount of time, Cheng Buyun slowly stopped, and his emotions had calmed down.


When he recovered after the fright, he felt the special and strangeness around him.

Under the water of the ice lake, the soul consciousness cannot be expanded to much distance, about ten meters in radius, such a small distance, even the naked eye can't match it!

Moreover, there is also a powerful icy air current eroding the divine body. Under the erosion of this icy air current, the divine body consumes about twice as fast as on land.

Slightly looking at the surrounding deep blue lake water, lifting his right hand, a feeling of stagnation that was so powerful that Cheng Buyun could barely help but exclaim, made him feel terrified on the spot!

"This oppressive force is a bit too strong!" Cheng Buyun was completely confused, how did he fly such a long distance just now?

Could it be that the potential exploded under the stimulation of life and death?

Otherwise, what had been flying in Buyun before was the result of a complete eruption after almost exhausting all the strength of feeding.

Naturally, he didn't notice any big obstacles, and now he stopped the divine power burning, and a large amount of special oppressive power around him moved closer to him.

Amazing power, everything is shown!

"By the way, before I fell into the ice lake just now, Lord Eternal Buddha seemed to shout something to me." Cheng Buyun recalled carefully, the tone and emotion of Lord Eternal Buddha seemed very excited at that time.

What do you mean?

Cheng Buyun was really puzzled and puzzled.

Falling into the ice lake caused them to fail in their mission. I can understand it, but what do we mean by letting the last one?

Allow yourself to leave, or...give up the invitation to yourself, or deliberately disarm yourself?

No matter what, Cheng Buyun felt that it was best not to go up, he did not have the strength to guarantee his safety.

He was really afraid of the golden rope in the hands of the eternal Buddha, fighting to consume the divine body, he was not afraid of being suppressed by others.

Once suppressed, it is almost impossible to escape with his strength, no matter how big the divine body is, there is no use in resisting it.

He is just an immortal god, not the lord of the universe, and his power is not strong enough to ignore the opponent's pinnacle and seal the treasure and tear the opponent's treasure at will.

The rank is too weak is an insurmountable mountain!

"Forget it, don't think about it, no matter what the other party's purpose is, you just need to do what you think is right." Cheng Buyun restored his previous steady expression, his figure sank and fell towards the ice lake.

It's just... my god!

The falling speed like a tortoise shocked Cheng Buyun.

It's maddeningly slow!

The speed is almost as slow and exaggerated. The child runs much faster than his current speed.

The mass of ice lake water is too heavy. Each atom is heavier than a giant star. A drop of water is composed of trillions of molecules. Under the cover of a large amount of lake water, there is the mass of countless atoms piled up. That is simply amazing. Up.

Just like an ordinary person caught in the mud, even if you step on the ground, the mud above your head can make it difficult for you to move.

"All my precious treasures are all condensed and exposed, but I can't resist this oppressive force. The domain power of this innate sacred treasure is a bit too strong." Cheng Buyun's expression was shocked and very excited.

If such a treasure is obtained by oneself, to what level will its power increase?

Isn’t it a little condensed that the Lord of the universe has to stay in place?

too exaggerated!

This innate sacred treasure is now just a natural emission of its own power, and the power when it is controlled by the owner are two concepts.

"too exaggerated."

Cheng Buyun was shocked. It is indeed a treasure with a million times the power. It is unmatched in power, and it is also the treasure of the domain, which is more expensive than the treasure of the palace.

At the level above the peak treasure, the domain treasure is the most expensive, the palace treasure is second, and the soul treasure is again.

The weaker the strength level, the lower, the soul treasure is the most expensive, because there are too many strong people needed, and everyone needs it.

For example, the overlord of the universe needs the most defense of the soul treasure, so the price of the soul treasure is the most if it is below the peak treasure, top and high treasures!

It is a type that is incomparable to the treasures of the field.

The level below the cosmic hegemon is very afraid of foreign powers enslaving their own souls. Life can fall and the treasure can be lost, but the soul must not be lost.

"The pressure is so great, it seems a bit difficult to get this innate sacred treasure." Cheng Buyun frowned, and at the same time he understood why this innate sacred treasure could be here safely without the strong.

With such a large oppressive power, and the cold aura erodes, wanting to get this innate sacred treasure is not much different from dreaming.

"Try again?" Cheng Buyun whispered, he was a little shaken about his previous confidence.

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