Plane Universe

Chapter 2597: Only faith

Among them, the eternal Buddha is 489 light-years deep.

Nebula Lord, 485 light-years in depth.

Tianluo Buddha, 483 light-years deep.

Saint Lord Wanyan, 476 light-years deep.

There are also some holy Lords and Buddhas, which are between 450 and 470 light-years. It can be seen that the depth of 400 to 500 light-years is a very large gap. Only the holy masters of the fifth level and above can achieve.

The rest of the Saint-level powerhouses at the fourth-order level were estimated to have been unable to bear it within 400 light years, and then retreated.

I can't hold on to a more important position. After all, when I go back, it needs to be consumed by the divine body. If I can't get out, it will have to fall.

Of course, there is a strong rescue, hiding people in one world, that's another matter.

Suddenly, Time and Space solemnly reminded: "It is about to cross the depth of four hundred light years."

Is it finally over 400 light years in depth?

Cheng Buyun was also shocked on the spot, his expression became solemn.



The endless cold power almost made Cheng Buyun's entire soul consciousness freeze, and his conscious thinking instantly seemed to stop the secret method of time, and he could no longer think.

Without the control of consciousness, the divine body completely stopped after diving deep for a certain distance, floating in the cold lake water.


I don't know how long it has passed, Cheng Buyun gritted his teeth and made a sound, then trembling and trembling all over, his complexion completely changed.

"The cold power has increased ten times, and the restraint power has been further strengthened. Based on the judgment of losing soul consciousness for a short time, I estimate that the speed will not exceed 120,000 kilometers per second." Cheng Buyun frowned and his expression became extremely serious. .

"It's true that the data you judged has increased by 9.8 times, the speed has dropped by more than 12,000 kilometers, and the overall speed is about 118,000 kilometers." Time and Space reported accurate data and made concessions. Yun's mood is not beautiful.

The consumption amplitude was close to ten times the power, and the consumption became more intense. The normal human universe overlord turned into a ten-second man in this position, and then a brainstorm approached to fall, and the environment became more dangerous.

In other words, his 100,000-kilometer divine body can support about 15 years.

I'm rubbing, is there any foul language?

It is estimated that between 400 light-years and 404 light-years, the divine body needs to be replenished once, and then every light-year, or even several times within a light-year distance.

Because the cold power increases every light-year, just like boiling a frog in warm water.

It's no wonder that even the strongest holy emperor of the universe's strongest level can't hold a long distance, it's really too difficult.

"Now you know, this is what I told you at the beginning. I don't know the reason why you can stick to the goal." Time and Space sighed and said: "For your current strength, let you dive in the ice lake. Nearly four thousand light-years deep, I feel that I am embarrassing you and pushing you to a dead end."

Cheng Buyun was silent, and said helplessly for a while: "I can't think of it, the result is so difficult!"

"Do you still want to persist?"

Shikong smiled and said, "I won't laugh at you."

"why not!"

Cheng Buyun's tone is very determined, and the current huge consumption can be sustained, and he has not yet reached the point that he will give up an extremely powerful innate sacred treasure.

There is no Xeon Supreme Treasure, and there are no humans in the primitive universe. Just because there is no Xeon Supreme Treasure, the strong humans have been enduring it, even if they are bullied by foreign races, they dare not mention to find justice.

Is the realm of the founder of the giant axe not strong enough?

No... It is the lack of a treasure of the town that makes the founder of the giant axe unable to exert its strength.

It is only when the aliens see this that they will despise the human strong. What if they are bullied, can they find a place?

If you can't find it, the strongest people in the universe of alien races generally have the strongest treasures, and they are not afraid of the powerful strength of the founder of the great axe.

Even if they can't compete in the realm of strength, they can use Xeon Arcana to make up for the strength gap, but the founder of Great Axe does not.

The strongest treasure is only the pinnacle treasure level, the pinnacle treasure is in power, not a little bit worse than the Xeon treasure, it is a hundred times the power.

The worst is a hundred times!

Xeon Zhibao is a true god-level weapon, a priceless thing.

Even if you use one hundred peak treasures to exchange them, no strong will be so stupid to exchange them for you.

Therefore, after the founder of the giant axe had the strongest treasure in his hand to attack the gods, the **** eye clan immediately knelt.

With the axe of the magic weapon, it is directly the ninth-order might, that kind of sharpness, no strong can resist.


Therefore, how could Cheng Buyun give up on this innate treasure that was discovered.

After obtaining it, even if it is not used by the founder of the giant axe, it can be used by him, and it can deter a large number of foreign experts.

Human beings just lack the most powerful treasures. As for who the most powerful treasures are, it makes no difference.

The Chengbuyun who carries the Xeon Arc can't get you, but it doesn't mean that the founder of the great axe who carries the Xeon Arc can't get you.

Two concepts.

Is there any!

Yes, it means that the strength of human beings has risen a step, if not, you have to pretend to be grandsons, and you can only be bullied by foreign powers!

When you encounter Xeon Zhibao, you must fight if you have hope.

Not only Cheng Buyun, but even the Lord of Chaos City, Lord of Longxing, etc., would still fight.

Between the possibility of obtaining a supreme treasure and the fall of oneself, many great human beings will choose the latter.

The benefits that a Xeon Supreme Treasure can bring to the race are endless. It is a deterrent.

It means that human beings have treasures of this level, just like nuclear weapons.

With the Xeon Supreme Treasure, many of the universe masters of mankind are adventurous in the universe. They don't need to be patient when they encounter treasures, and they don't dare to use them if they have the strength. They are afraid of the super power behind the opponent's revenge.

Because of this, how many encounters has the human race missed?

How many treasures do not dare to fight for others?


What are you afraid of when the divine body is consumed? If you lose it, you can slowly recover. If you miss a treasure, you miss it.

Although the congenital sacred treasure buried in the sinking iceberg might not be taken away by other strong people because of the dangerous environment, Cheng Buyun didn't dare to gamble at all.

A treasure cannot never be obtained by others. Since it can be released, the result obtained by the strong is done well.

Obviously, there are tests in the submerged iceberg, and this innate sacred treasure can be obtained unconditionally by passing the test.

Or, as he is doing now, it is possible to reach the target location directly and then obtain the treasure.

As for whether it is right or not, let me say otherwise.

You will never have a chance if you don't try, and you won't regret it if you try.

Cheng Buyun would not foolishly think that the innate holy treasure is waiting for him to get it, and he is not a true son of the plane, and any treasure he encounters is reserved for him.


Step by step, towards the goal.

At this moment, Cheng Buyun had only one belief that the consumption of the ocean of divine power did not exceed 40%, and he would not consider the issue of retreat.

PS: The Immortal Spirit Scroll is about to end, and the next volume Nuwa Palace opens. A book friend suggested that the protagonist should go to other worlds. Do you have any good ideas? Please mention it for the author to choose and consider, thank you!

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