Plane Universe

Chapter 2598: Retreat

But sometimes, manpower is exhausted.

It’s not that you want to get something.

Perhaps it is impossible.

Cheng Buyun was in the ice lake and sneaking into the depths was not smooth.

As the depth increases, it becomes more and more difficult to dive.

Especially when the depth exceeds 500 light years, not only the icy power is further enhanced, but the lake water stagnation power is also soaring, and he even thought that even the Dream Ancestral Domain of the Dream Demon Ancestor did not have such a powerful restraint power.

The lake covered by his side gives him the feeling that it is estimated to be several times stronger than the Dream Ancestral Domain. It is estimated that it belongs to the top-level power in the peak domain.

Among the treasures of each level, there is also a gap between each other.

Ordinary, top-notch, small best, best.

Needless to say, ordinary, it is the most common level treasure in each level of treasure, and it is also the most in this level. The top is the fine product in each treasure level and belongs to a small number of types.

Small best products are rare goods, rare.

Supreme, it belongs to the peak of a treasure level, and the quantity is extremely rare. There may not be a treasure of this grade in the number of 10,000 pieces.


Cheng Buyun gasped frantically, and a white smoke came out from his mouth, reaching hundreds of meters away, forming a long white curling dragon, which shows how powerful the cold power is.

Even his strength was so cold as to blow up smoke!

"I really don't understand how the strongest beings in the universe survive here." Cheng Buyun vomited, and his mother was selling criticism.

The current icy power, the divine body consumed every moment, is so huge that even the top cosmic overlord can't hold on for a second.

In other words, the height of the divine body of a normal human universe overlord can't hold on for even a second, and it will be completely annihilated immediately.

His 100,000-kilometer divine body is annihilated by ice-cold mighty energy for one-five millionths per second, and 100,000 kilometers can only last for 5 million seconds.

The divine body needs to be refilled once less than two months.

In other words, it takes about 20 times to fly a light-year to the depths.

Such a huge consumption, even with the support of the divine power ocean, is a bit unbearable.

One light-year needs to replenish the **** body 20 times, ten light-years? How about a hundred light years?

Don't forget, the deeper the position, the stronger the cold power.

It's no wonder that even the existence of the pinnacle holy master level can't exceed the depth of 500 light years, and there is really no such ability to support it.

Only retreat.


"You are the problem, I guess..." Time and Space considered for a moment, and said in a guessing tone: "It should be the effect of uttering the law and affecting the attenuation of a part of the ice lake."

"Say what you say?"

Cheng Buyun looked confused, and finally nodded, approving the explanation.

The holy emperor of the strongest rank in the universe exists, and his words and expressions will affect an innate sacred treasure without a master. Although this innate sacred treasure is very powerful, it can still be done barely.

No matter how powerful the Innate Sacred Treasures might be, but after all, it is ownerless, not a life, no right to life, no subjective wisdom, and no threats.

There is another, the power is naturally emitted by itself, and it is not aimed at the life of a certain strong person, just like a realm master facing the supreme treasure, although the supreme power is extremely oppressive and powerful, it is relatively easy to face it for a short time.

Even so, the existence of the holy emperor can only go down to a position of more than 1,400 light years.

Therefore, the power of this innate treasure is really outrageous.


In spite of the huge consumption, Cheng Buyun has been approaching the target position without stopping, almost every step forward is a huge loss of wealth.

"Across five hundred and one light years."

With the reminder of time and space, Cheng Buyun immediately felt that the speed dropped by one point again, and the icy power increased again.

Five hundred and two light years, five hundred and three light years...

Keep advancing to the end, under tremendous pressure, in the end, Cheng Buyun surpassed the limit of 600 light years.

In this position, he was already thinking about whether it was worth the effort to continue.

Because the consumption of the divine body is a bit large, even the one light-year-in diameter feels a bit tingling on his scalp.

The icy erosion power has increased by a hundredfold on the basis of ten times that of five hundred light-years, reaching a consumption of one-fifty thousandths of the divine body per second.

One hundred thousand kilometers of the divine body, one-fifty thousandth of the divine body consumes!

Why don't you go to heaven!

The soul of the heavenly emperor arrives, kills all quarters, eliminates inflammation, fights qi and transforms horses, and drives ~~ Xiaoyan quickly leaves the field at a speed of 50 miles!

Seriously, this is not a joke, Cheng Buyun really wants to fight his spirits and put a pair of wings on himself.

Between 500 light-years and 600 light-years, he replenishes the divine body about 600 times, and 599 light-years, about 120 times.

That is to say, every light-year distance is increased by one or two times on the basis of 20 supplements of the divine body.

The total is about 7000 times.

And now 600 light years later, the power has increased by nearly ten times again, that is to say, multiplying ten times on the basis of 7000 times, my God!

700 light years later, 700,000 times, 800 light years later, 7 million times?

After 900 light years, 70 million times?

Directly hit and die!

In other words, with Cheng Buyun's ability, he can reach the position of a thousand light years at most, and once he reaches this position, he is directly at the stage of almost falling.

If he gets to that position, he can't go back if Time and Space cannot open the door.

The deity fell directly!

"Time and space, is the location of Xiantian Saint Treasure determined?" Cheng Buyun finally thought about it, but still asked this question.

Time and Space knew exactly what Cheng Buyun meant, and said with a certain answer: "The location of the Xiantian Sacred Treasure is about 2,700 light years away from you, which is very far away."

"So, stop here!"

"Open the door and make plans after going straight back."

"Where the treasure is hidden, it is not so quickly obtained by others."

"Countless years have passed, and it is impossible to be taken away by others immediately after you find out."

"Hope, it shouldn't be so unlucky." Cheng Buyun showed a helpless smile, which really refreshed his cognition. He always thought that his divine body was huge and could do whatever he wanted. Only today did he understand the mystery of the universe and received education.

"Then the door opened?" Shi Kong asked.

Cheng Buyun considered it for a while, and finally nodded and said, "It's good, the temporary loss is not too big. It's okay to go back and recover, because I'm afraid that the door will not be opened."


Time and space directly seemed to be provoked, exploding, "A small thing with a million times power, even if the power in its domain is strong, it won't make me unable to open the door."


An extremely special force quickly formed and appeared around, and huge pressure enveloped. Many energy gathered and ignored the surrounding lake water, repelling it, and then a mass of energy rotated to form a black hole-like location.

This is the space-time channel.

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