Plane Universe

Chapter 2599: Ready to break again

Primitive universe.

In a huge abandoned star, Cheng Buyun appeared behind a valley.

Looking at the familiar environment next to him, he was sure that he had returned to the original universe, and his feelings of loss improved.

Before coming back, Chengbuyun was very unwilling, but between loss and stop loss, he chose the latter.

Where there is life, there is hope!

His strength is indeed too weak, unable to resist such cold erosion power.

Even if everything is done, it is impossible to reach the target location.

"First complete the divine body and then break through the realm. It is estimated that it should be almost the same." Shikong said: "It will be the investigation before, and it will be important later. Whether you can get the innate sacred treasure before others depends on yourself Up."

Cheng Buyun nodded, the level of Venerable Universe, the degree of divine body cohesion is higher, and the purity of the body is also increased by one level. If you go to the sinking iceberg next time, the consumption will not be as large as before.

It is estimated that the power of cold erosion can be reduced by more than ten thousand times.

Soon, Cheng Buyun returned to the original secret realm. First, he went to visit Teacher Chaos and told the latter that he had returned safely.

There is nothing to say in this respect, but it has only been nearly two thousand years. It is a very short span of time in the universe. In the eyes of some powerful people, it is equivalent to ordinary people waking up after sleeping.

Has not changed much.

However, Teacher Chaos informed one situation that Luo Feng's breakthrough was not smooth, because the shackles were too strong, so in order to break through the shackles, he had gone to the universe to wander incognito.

Let him not disturb.

Cheng Buyun felt confused when he heard this.

In short, the explanation is that the state of growing too fast is not mellow enough.

Logically, Luo Feng has a huge amount of resources, it is impossible to have such a result.

Will, laws, secrets, realms, etc., are almost all at the level of the cosmos venerable. Is it that difficult to break through the realm master and become an immortal powerhouse?

Especially the realm, far beyond the average Universe Venerable, can't break through!

Is it anti-inflammatory riding a horse, walking on foot!

Not so much!

After much deliberation, Cheng Buyun finally determined that Luo Feng should not have enough mood.

State of mind and state are two completely different concepts.

Realm belongs to the foundation of law perception and the study of secret creation. How many advanced secret techniques a strong person can create requires the support of realm.

In fact, it is artistic conception.

And the state of mind is equal to self-cognition and affects one's emotions.

In terms of mood, Luo Feng is still at a weaker level. The heart of a child is too simple, and to be precise, it is actually silly and sweet.

In his cognition, he only divides black and white, and only does what he thinks is right.

But the world has such a simple, innocent heart, if it is just a general strong, that is enough, but Luo Feng's background is too deep, and he can't support his powerful realm.

Cheng Buyun also ignored this at the beginning, because in his heart, he always believed that Luo Feng was no worse than himself, which led to the result now.

Mood is indeed a very serious and important thing.

How far a strong person can go, only law perception, divine body, secret method, powerful artistic conception, etc., are not enough.

As long as we talk about the cultivation of the state of mind, we have to mention the ‘Hong’ boss. Why was he attracted by the founder of the Great Axe?

Not because of his invincible mental state cultivation!

Natural talents are important for cultivation, but they also have to have a clear understanding of themselves.

"It seems that some things are really unavoidable." Cheng Buyun smiled and shook his head. Luo Feng went to wandering around the universe incognito. In fact, it was not a waste of time. No strong person could avoid it.

Even with his current state of mind, he often wonders in secret how he should go next.


Putting Luo Feng's wandering aside, Cheng Buyun also started his own practice.

Of course, it's not about perceiving the law or studying secrets, but studying and analyzing the genetic map of life.

A large amount of peculiar matter has been obtained in the main universe. For nearly two thousand years, Youhai Clone has been analyzing it, even Xiaohong Empress has been helping out, too busy to talk to each other.

Now Cheng Buyun himself has joined in, researching and analyzing together.

Unfortunately, the life map of the main universe is not available, otherwise it can be contributed to the race.

That kind of life map passes through his hands, as long as it is perfected all at once, Teacher Chaos may benefit.

It's a pity...Everything happened too suddenly, and many things were basically not completed.

In this way, another thousand years have passed.

The faceless Cheng Buyun hidden in the universe finally appeared again today. Walking from the palace, he was full of spirits, and everyone knew that his strength should have been greatly expanded.

After all, the faintly radiating aura of divine power can still be slightly felt even if it is vaguely felt at close range.


In Chaos Palace, Cheng Buyun saluted the Chaos City Lord, and then without waiting for the latter to speak, he rudely sat down on the stone chair beside him.

Chaos City Lord just smiled and didn't care.

Cheng Buyun is now also a great pillar of the ethnic group, and has the qualifications to sit on an equal footing with all great beings. It is not excessive to be unscrupulous.

Moreover, he was courteous and asked not to be so much.

Besides, City Lord Chaos likes to get along with Cheng Buyun, and it's weird that he has to speak his own words for restricting things.

After a while, Cheng Buyun saw that Teacher Chaos was just smiling, and he didn't rush to make a tea set, and he was making tea in an elegant manner. He immediately said strangely: "Teacher, why don't you ask me this time What's the matter?"

The Lord of Chaos City held the tea bowl, knocked it a few times, took a sip without hesitation, and then smiled: "You are all grown up, and you will naturally say something."


Cheng Buyun's complexion is wonderful. More than 20,000 years ago, Teacher Chaos, you still said that I was still young!

So soon, the giant baby has grown up?

Teacher, is your so-called growing up based on strength?

Well, throw these undesirable misses aside, talk about business, Cheng Buyun shook his head, and made Teacher Chaos smile. Of course he understood the details.

Because long ago, he had heard Cheng Buyun whisper to himself, a giant infant of several thousand years old!

"I came to see the teacher today. I want to tell the teacher that I am ready to make a breakthrough." Cheng Buyun said with a serious expression.

Upon hearing the words, the face of Chaos City Lord changed, and then he showed a big smile and said: "Are you ready to break through? Good thing, hahahaha!"

"I have been looking forward to your breakthrough for a long time, and you finally told me today, I am very happy!" Chaos City Lord seemed to have picked up money with a happy expression, Cheng Buyun couldn't maintain his serious expression, and smiled.

This is why he came to talk to Teacher Chaos before breaking through.

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