Plane Universe

Chapter 2607: The teacher fights the return of the deity

This primitive universe has the existence of a power peak ceiling, and the most peak power is the true **** limit, that is, it cannot exceed the true god's strength to reach the void true **** level.

In other words, all the endless external threats in the primitive universe can threaten the safety of life, and the highest level of strength is the true **** limit level.

As long as the strength of the founder of the great axe reaches this limit, the theory of fall will not exist. It can be imagined that the strength reaches the limit. How difficult is that?

The strength of the true god's limit level also represents that he can go through reincarnation 100%.

Almost invincible in this primitive universe.

Even the original ancestor did not reach this level, which shows the huge difficulty.

So... the only way to keep the founder of the giant axe is to rely on the power of Xeon Supreme.

And it's the kind of palace-like supreme treasure of very high level.

Cheng Buyun judged that the palace-like supreme treasure of the general level could not save the life of the founder of the giant axe.

At this stage, he has nothing to do with this level of Xeon Supreme Treasure!

We can only look at the future.

Let's wander around the universe first, and then only look at the main universe.

The main universe is higher-end, and there should be many treasures of the Xeon and Supreme Treasures. To get a few stronger Xeon Treasures, I won't be too difficult!

After thinking about it for a while, Cheng Buyun converged his mind and put aside these troubles without thinking about it.

Thinking is nothing but annoying!

After remembering some of the dangerous contents in the universe, he put the matter of the universe aside and began to think and study the secret method.

The content of the secret technique still needs to be improved. With his current strength, the power of the fourth-order secret technique level is still too weak, and he can't handle those old-brand universe masters.

Especially the group of lunatics in the first era, some of them, the masters of the universe, almost all created the strongest secrets, even the two existences of Teacher Chaos and Lord Penggong, compared with those old monsters, in strength Up is also weak.

Basically cannot beat the opponent.

Of course, it is also very difficult for the opponent to defeat the two major existences of Chaos City Lord and Peng Gong's Lord.

It's just that the secret method is one level away, and the actual combat power gap is so big.

Just like Cheng Buyun and the veteran Tier 4 universe master, it is not difficult to beat the opponent, but it is not difficult to go.


After a hundred years, Cheng Buyun was obsessed with the research and creation of the secret method. The knowledge process was very difficult. The creation of the secret method was bumpy and not smooth at all.


There is another problem. He is too young and has not many experiences. Some thought sparks are basically unable to stimulate.

At the beginning, he was able to create a master-level secret method of the universe that was close to the third-order level. It was his law perception and realm that were sufficiently high.

But now these previous huge accumulations have been completely consumed after the last time.

After creating the master-level secret method of the fourth-order universe, there is no wealth, and the foundation is exhausted!

Even if the level breaks through, the space law is great, and the conditions that can be created by the secret law are not many.

It can only improve the power as much as possible under the power of the fourth-order secret method.

It is impossible to create the master-level secret method of the fifth-order universe!

As mentioned before, the research and creation of secret law has nothing to do with strength, but has a lot to do with law perception and realm, especially realm is the most important.

At that level of realm, what level of secret law is appropriate to create.

The Secret Code of the Origin of the Universe, Cheng Buyun's degree of perception is at the fourth level, and his realm is not so clever, he is at a higher level of the Lord of the Universe.

The secret methods that can create the master level of the fourth-order universe rely on the powerful content of the secret code of the universe's origin.

Seeing that there was no possibility of creating a stronger level of secret method, Cheng Buyun immediately stopped, and instead went to comprehend the Secret Code of the Origin of the Universe.

This original secret code is the future.

As for the law of time, it has already reached its limit, and one step further is to break through the level of the cosmos venerable and become the true master of the universe.

Even if it breaks?

Don't even think about it.

He followed the path of the divine body, the cultivation path of breaking the law with strength. Once he broke through with the law, his future potential would be almost unimaginable.

Only the strongest who follow the path of the divine body are the strongest existence, there is no one.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, it was already a hundred years.

One day, the gentle and kind voice of Chaos City Lord directly oscillated in his mind, causing his consciousness to immediately withdraw from his comprehension.

On the mighty Thousand Treasure River, the figure in the golden robe stands tall.

Even though this figure is just standing quietly, the endless power is spreading and affecting the surrounding time and space, the ultimate killing aura, like a giant beast about to violently roar.


Cheng Buyun bowed calmly. When he saw the ceremony, he was also looking at the appearance of Teacher Chaos’s master warrior deity. He was dressed in a golden robe engraved with rules and secret patterns, which looked extremely burly, with a few small patches on both sides of his forehead. The scales and black long hair shawl resemble the faces of human beings on the earth, but those eyes that resemble stars are different from the common avatar sitting in town. The incomparable tyrannical aura hidden in the eyes is obviously the result of killing too much. Traits.

This characteristic is the inevitable result of any strong.

Can only rely on time adjustment, the so-called mentality.

Master Chaos, the main battle deity, he has seen countless times in the virtual universe in the past, almost in terms of body shape and appearance, there is not much difference between the avatar sitting in the Chaos Palace.

The same golden robe, the same appearance that resembles a human being, is quite strange.

"Ready?" The tyrannical aura in Chaos City Master's eyes slowly converged. Although it could not be fully converged, it was much better than before, and the facial lines were a bit softer.

"I'm ready, and I can play with the teacher at any time in the universe, and see the style of a strong alien." Cheng Buyun nodded and said.

Venerable Nine Swords handles affairs within the ethnic group. He is very relieved. The four wives and others have also arranged arrangements. Whether it is experience adventure or practice perception, there will be special personnel to guide him. He does not need to worry about it.

Naturally, Xu Xin followed suit.

As long as needed, there will be a large number of strong people to give pointers.

After all, in the line of Chaos, there are many Cosmos Venerables, and those named disciples are naturally willing to serve and please.

As long as Luo Feng's background and potential can be seen thoroughly, the future will definitely be more than a cosmic sage.

Quite simply, relying on the great existence of Chengbuyun, even if you use resources to pile up, you can pile up a master of the universe.

What's more, Luo Feng's talent is not bad at all. Although it is not as good as Cheng Buyun's enchanting level, he has one thing to say, and it is also a genius of the younger generation that is difficult to produce in tens of thousands of years. , The strength is comparable to the invincible immortal gods.

In this madness, he has a lot of resources tilted, it will not be too difficult to become a great existence.

The earth is full of evildoers!

Let alone Alice, she has already fully proved her existence. I heard that there are some talented powerhouses who come from the same line of the earth, and there are several others, such as Hong, Thunder God, and Chen Zhen, who have developed very well and are expected to become super powers. By.

It is not a secret that Hong and Thunder God practiced in the Giant Axe Fighting Ground. Although there are not many rumors, it is from the identity of the earth line, and it is also an existence that has attracted the attention of many powerful people.

And Chen Zhen has also joined a top cosmic hegemon of the Virtual Universe Company. He belongs to the Lord of Longxing and belongs to his grandchildren.

The identity is a bit worse, but it is not a problem.

As long as the cultivator is strong enough, as long as he respects the teacher, his status and other things are equal.

Jicheng Buyun is now the same as Chaos City Lord and other great beings.

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