Plane Universe

Chapter 2608: Cosmos Sea Map

Speaking of going to the Universe Sea, Cheng Buyun's eyes showed the look of expectation, Chaos City Lord also showed a smile, and said with a light smile: "You should go to see where you can get the best temper. "

"In comparison, the Primordial Universe is just a cradle, the cradle that gave birth to me and others. It is very comfortable and very low in danger. Even with your current strength, you can run rampant without fear of any strong. Only where the universe is. The real battlefield is a place where a large number of powerful people gather. There are so many super powerful people. It is a place that any ethnic group must experience if it wants to grow."

"There are many strong, dangerous, but also many treasures. Many precious treasures are born in large numbers in the universe."

"Remember, the depths of the three major Jedi can never go deep. You can only explore and practice in the outer and central regions, you know?" Chaos City Lord said, his tone became extremely serious, "To obtain the treasure of resources for the growth of the race, etc., and Not your main task at this stage, your main task is to experience and sharpen yourself!"

"Only fighting with those many foreign powerhouses can you strengthen yourself."

"With strength, do you want anything in the future?"

"This is the real future!"

City Lord Chaos has the most sober understanding of Cheng Buyun, not looking for the present, but for the future.

Cheng Buyun can only be regarded as a powerhouse like himself now, but not as a tribal leader. Only in the future can he reach the level of Great Axe and Teacher and become the strongest support of the tribe.

Once he has truly become the master level of the universe, he can exist. If he breaks through to become the strongest level of the true **** in the universe, then the human race is not afraid of any alien race.

At that time, the human race was about to return to the era of teacher-sponsored-the pinnacle!


Every time he thinks alone, City Lord Chaos is full of excitement and expectations for the future.

He has tremendous confidence in the human race because he believes that his disciples can do it.

Cheng Buyun listened to the teachings of Teacher Chaos and nodded from time to time to show that he had understood and understood the meaning.

I have to say that the Chaos teacher and the founder of the Great Axe are really well-intentioned, and they are very unique in their vision, not seeking the present, only the future.

Fighting for a while is only a pleasure for a while, only a lifetime can eternal!

"As long as you remember this, it's enough. The power of yours that the race doesn't need now to make outstanding contributions." Chaos City Lord said solemnly.

"I remember the teacher." Cheng Buyun also replied solemnly.

"Well, that's fine." Chaos City Lord smiled, and then said: "Okay, the lock of consciousness will follow me and set off to the universe."

Immediately, the Chaos City Lord took Cheng Buyun and directly teleported away from the original secret realm, and when he reappeared, he had reached an extremely remote location.

Cheng Buyun was suddenly startled by the huge black hole celestial body with a diameter of nearly 10,000 kilometers.

Distortion affects the huge black hole celestial body for tens of thousands of kilometers. The power is beyond imagination. The twisting and tearing force is simply too strong. In the surrounding area of ​​millions of light years, no matter remains at all. All, as long as it is in the range of gravity Inside, everything has been swallowed, even time cannot escape, everything around is plunged into darkness.

Its power is powerful.

Even at the level of Venerable Universe, I am afraid that he would not dare to enter at will.

As long as you enter these celestial bodies, there is no doubt that the cosmic master will die.

It is estimated that only the top cosmic overlord can pass easily and without damage, and the average top cosmic overlord may be injured.

The Toya black hole is the largest black hole celestial body that Cheng Buyun has ever seen, and it is also the most powerful celestial body.

"It's shocking, right?"

The Chaos City Lord looked at the Toya Black Hole with a faint sound, and turned his head to explain to Cheng Buyun: "There are two ways to go to the universe sea. One is to enter the space interlayer and teleport until it reaches the end edge of the space interlayer. Penetrating through the wall of the endless universe!"

"Cosmic wall membrane?" Cheng Buyun nodded to express his understanding, but he had never arrived there, too far away and inconvenient.

After all, no matter how fast the teleportation speed is, it cannot be compared with the teleportation of the kingdom of God. In the primitive universe, as long as it has accurate coordinates, any area can be reached instantly.

Except original stars!

"Yes, although the barrier of the cosmic wall membrane is strong, the lord of the universe can break through that wall membrane." Chaos City Lord laughed, "Of course, the fastest is the transmission of the kingdom of God, which is simple and convenient. The coordinate token is also concealed a bit, and then transmitted to the edge area of ​​the Toya black hole, and then penetrates through the Toya black hole, and then reaches the universe sea. This is the second method."

"Moreover, this has another advantage, because there are 39 natural wormholes around the area from the Toya Black Hole to the Universe Sea."

"Before, you should have seen the information that the ethnic group gave you newly opened for browsing. You should know that the universe is vast and boundless. It is so scary. Once you enter the universe, you will not belong to the primitive universe. Relying on the transmission of the kingdom of God, you cannot rely on the dark space flight."

"So all actions in the cosmic ocean have to rely on your own flight, or teleport, and then rely on a large number of natural wormholes."

"The fastest way to go to a remote area in a district is to go through a natural wormhole."

"So the importance of these large natural wormholes is evident."

"The environment of the universe is extremely harsh and weird, and there are dangers everywhere. Sometimes it is not safe to rely on teleportation. Only natural wormholes are the safest and fastest."

"After all, going out along the natural wormhole, from one end to the other, it takes as short as a few light-years, or even tens of billions or even billions of light-years away."

"This is the case for normal driving in the Universe Sea, relying on a large number of wormholes to spend most of the journey, and some distances can only rely on teleportation."

"Of course, after an endless long period of time, a large number of natural wormholes are located where the two points are connected, and there are long records, so I deliberately found the fastest route to the destination from them."

City Lord Chaos has been explaining that Cheng Buyun is also very patiently listening. This is the summary of the experience of Master Chaos over many years, and he puts money in his pocket.

"Remember, the cosmic sea is different from the original universe. The original universe has a special structure and its coordinates can be confirmed anywhere. But in the cosmic sea, the coordinates cannot be confirmed."

Chaos City Lord looked very solemnly and said: "So in the universe, the map is very important, and the reference on the map is also extremely important. The basic map and the reference will not get lost in the universe."

"Lost in the universe sea is a very terrible thing, once lost... if you rely on teleporting to find the way home, I am afraid that the more teleportation, the farther and farther it will drift, and then you will be permanently lost in the universe sea."

"Maybe after endless years, with good luck, I found a way back."

Hearing this, I can already predict the extent of the universe. Even the Lord of the universe can't return once the position is too far away. It's really scary.

It is not an exaggeration to say boundlessly.

So Cheng Buyun had already prepared so that he wouldn't be frightened, but at this time, the expression on his face was really shocking and inexplicable, and the universe was really vast.

"So any master of the universe must leave an incarnation in the original universe to prevent some special circumstances from happening in the universe, leading to complete loss."

"With an avatar, you can at least get a map, but even if you get a map, once the lost location is too far away and you can't find a reference on the map, it's over."

Chaos City Lord said: "So in the universe sea, you can't run around. If you want to explore the universe sea, you must rely on your own flight, because where you fly and lock the country, you can record the reference objects passing through the area to form a map."

Cheng Buyun was like a primary school student, nodding his head repeatedly to indicate that he had written it down.

"The place marked clearly on the map can be teleported. The area not covered by the map is forbidden to teleport!" Chaos City Lord looked at Cheng Buyun, and saw that he listened very seriously, and nodded secretly. I didn't take it in my mind, and didn't have the slightest awe of the universe, which caused problems.

The reason for my tireless explanation is that I paid too much attention to it, and I heard him all the time, so I made a final summary and said: "Okay, I will give you the map of the universe now. This is what I am now a human being. The most detailed map known, of course, is only a half-star area in the universe, but the three major Jedi are included."

Soon afterwards, Cheng Buyun received a very complex and huge map representation in the virtual universe, the complexity of which made people dizzy at first sight.

There are a large number of reference markers on the map, as well as a large number of textual content explanations. It is simply to the extreme. This thing is no longer a map, it should be a combination of a map and a strategy.

Even if it is a rock on the map, there are a lot of text annotations, as if you are afraid that later generations will not understand it.

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