Plane Universe

Chapter 2611: A pile of whetstones

In fact, it is more intuitive to treat the universe as the universe and the primitive universe as a planet.

How big is the universe, how big is a planet.

This comparison is very intuitive.

Of course, there is only one celestial body that can breed life in the primitive universe, and nowhere else.

Other celestial bodies, miniature universes, etc. can only multiply ethnic groups, and cannot allow all kinds of strange life to be born.

Two concepts.

And don't forget that the celestial bodies in the universe, as long as they are not microcosms, can't thrive at all. The powerful oppressive force is enough to make the immortal god's divine body immediately rush out, and the cosmos venerable can only wait for death.

"The birth of the primordial universe gave birth to hundreds of millions of ethnic groups and countless powerful people. With the passage of time, the primordial universe will rapidly decline and even be destroyed after reaching a maximum peak! Then a new birth will begin. Every reincarnation will give birth to Hundreds of millions of people, many genius strong, some of the strongest in the universe, and even the main level of a large number of universes."

Chaos City Lord sighed and said: "One generation is reincarnation. Our generation of life belongs to the youngest generation in the universe. In terms of strength, it is inferior to the previous two eras, because they have completed reincarnation and reached the peak of the era. In terms of quantity, strength and so on, they are far longer than me."

Of course Cheng Buyun also understood this. The strong lived long enough to represent strength.

Even if it is a third-rate powerhouse like Sirius Lord, who can live through a primitive universe reincarnation, no matter how bad the understanding is, the strength will inevitably reach the top and higher level under the baptism of time.

This is the baptism of time.

"Of course, this is the case, and we don't have to belittle ourselves. In the past, my teacher, your ancestor, the original ancestors can rely on their strength to cross the universe and sea invincible, a large number of powerful people walk around, even the two holy places dare not offend me humanity,"

The Chaos City Lord mentioned the past honors, his expression was extremely proud, and his eyes squinted and said: "They just live a little longer than us, don't be too afraid."

"Teacher, I am not afraid of them."

Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, as if he said with incomparable confidence: "Those strong in the previous era are just our stepping stones. They are used to sharpen the blade. When the knife is sharpened, they will You can only kill by pulling your neck."

"Hahaha, well said, the idiom of slaughtering the neck is too good to say, the language and culture of the earth is really broad and profound, hahaha!" Chaos City Lord laughed and shouted in high spirits, but it was a pity that he said, "What a pity The place is wrong, otherwise, I really want to make a big splash for this sentence of'pull the neck and kill'."

Chaos City Lord is also very proficient in earth culture. After all, Cheng Buyun is his favorite disciple, so he naturally has to understand earth culture in order to better communicate with Cheng Buyun.

There is nothing more intimate than the taste of hometown.

"Okay, let's go, let's go ahead and talk about it, everyone else has probably been waiting for a long time." Chaos City Lord reminded.

Cheng Buyun was shocked and said guiltily, ‘how does this make it? ’

Obviously, the meaning of the Chaos City Lord has been revealed, the temporary stronghold of mankind in Qingfeng Realm, because Cheng Buyun came to the Universe Sea for the first time, so many powerhouses in the ethnic alliance are waiting there.

Chaos City Lord smiled and waved his hand, saying that he is a very important powerhouse of the ethnic group, and everyone is willing to wait because of respect and politeness, so you don't need to take it seriously.

I wasted a little time, but it was nothing to welcome Cheng Buyun.

Along the natural wormhole, the speed is unimaginable, just like using the Kingdom of God Teleport, and it reaches the other end in the blink of an eye.

As mentioned before, cosmic channels, wormholes, etc. can be accelerated to 10.8 million times. How fast it can be depends on you.

Moreover, in the universe, the speed of light is not the end, so the speed soars even more ridiculously.

The distance of hundreds of billions of light years is no more than a little time for the strong.

"It's so cool. I haven't really experienced this speed before." Cheng Buyun immediately laughed freely as he emerged from the natural wormhole vortex.

In the wormhole just now, his speed soared to thousands of times the speed of light, and the incisive and vivid feeling was really cool.

"Hehe, the rules in the universe are different from the original universe, especially the speed, even more so. The powers such as the Lord of the Universe are not outrageous in terms of speed. Those who are the strongest in the universe are called powerful." Chaos City Lord explained with a smile Said: "A long time ago, I was walking with the giant axe. I couldn't catch up in the wormhole. The giant axe could explode tens of thousands of times the speed of light, and the blink of an eye would disappear. Just as you people on earth said in the early days of drag racing, car taillights I can't see it."

"Haha, it turns out that the teacher still has such embarrassment."

Cheng Buyun laughed, but his heart was shocked. Sure enough, the most powerful person in the universe can only exert all his strength in the universe, and speed alone makes people scratch their heads.

The Chaos City Lord smiled and said: "You said it was embarrassing, so why would I mention it indiscriminately."

"However, in the universe, you really have to pay attention to the existence of the strongest in the universe. They are not easy to provoke, so try not to provoke them if you don't need to." Chaos City Lord reminded.

In fact, the purpose of telling his embarrassment is to alert Cheng Buyun and let him have the most intuitive understanding of the strongest in the universe.

Because of the different rules, the performance of strength is also a different result.

In the primitive universe, everything is under a relative fairness. The strongest body in the universe, the secret method, and a large number of methods are almost restricted. If they can't be displayed, their strength will naturally look bad, as if they are like some universe masters. .

"Well, teacher, I understand that I won't be careless." Cheng Buyun nodded heavily.

Teacher Chaos has been instilling these common sense into himself, and he will do so by caring about himself. He has to keep it all in his heart.

"Ah, a broken microcosm after the strongest man in the universe fell."

Just as he was about to continue on his way, Cheng Buyun suddenly looked at the front and made a surprised sound, then remembered one thing, and asked Chaos teacher: "Yes, teacher, on the map you passed to me, in the original universe. The area in the back doesn't seem to have much explanation, it just shows some broken microcosms. Isn't it...the other side is barren?"

He pointed his finger to the back of the original universe, with a strange expression on his face.

"Well, yes, there is no celestial body over there, it is extremely barren and remote. A long time ago, some strong people wanted to investigate there on a whim, but after a certain distance, they had to return." The Chaos City Lord looked serious." There is no reference object over there, once the distance is too far, or the space collapses and is transmitted suddenly, it means lost."


Cheng Buyun was incomparably astonished. In this way, if the microcosms of some of the strongest in the universe were launched over there, it wouldn't be over?

"Don't worry, the miniature universe is a celestial body that can be controlled. As long as it leaves the gravitational range of the original universe, you can move at will." Chaos City Lord laughed: "The miniature universe will be safer and more concealed if it moves there. Convenience."

"That's it." Cheng Buyun said that he understood that there was such an operation.

It's right to think about it. The microcosms originally existed in the air, just like a ball, without obstacles, so naturally you can go where you want.

The premise is that you are the master of that miniature universe.

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