Plane Universe

Chapter 2612: Human Stronghold Temple

The two figures walked through the broken microcosm, and from time to time a piece of the wall membrane above the distant high altitude seemed to be unable to bear the weight, and then fell downward.

When you look up a little, you can see the broken wall membrane that is full of endless cracks, a series of irregular wall membranes with cracks. From a glance, people know that this micro universe has been damaged for a long time.

A large amount of chaotic air currents penetrated through those breaches and flowed in the space, but these large amounts of chaotic air currents were not considered rich, so many constructions, land, and even a large number of corpses in the interior were not completely eroded.

It seems that even if this microcosm is broken, the internal rules still play a protective role.

But all annihilation is only a matter of time.

When the mini-universe is completely dissolving, everything in it will turn into nothingness and return to the origin of heaven and earth.

The broken miniature universe also means that the owner of this miniature universe is the strongest existence in the universe, but...has already disappeared in the long river of time.

No matter how great it is, it has no effect.

"This is a strong man from a few previous eras, but unfortunately, when the time comes, when the three reincarnations have passed, there is only one death." The City Lord of Chaos sighed incomparably, "It is so difficult to think about eternity."

"I am a human being, it will not end like this." Cheng Buyun said repeatedly. In this matter, he can still guarantee that even if there is no other way in the end, he will be able to take some humans away and leave this realm.

Of course, that is the only way out. Leaving means giving up the resources of this realm.

The loss is great.

But he didn't believe that in three eras, so far away, could he not even break through the passage of reincarnation?

Even if he can't, isn't there still Luo Feng?

Luo Feng: Mom sells batches. Am I a spare tire?


After checking out the damaged miniature universe after the fall of the strongest in the universe, the Chaos City Lord rushed with Cheng Buyun.

Coming to this mini-universe to check it out was mainly because he wanted Cheng Buyun to take a look and feel the cruelty of the universe, as well as the situation that the race has to deal with in the future.

No one hopes to fall, and it is such a fall without a price, that is undoubtedly the most cruel to a strong man.

The Chaos City Lord is not afraid of death, he is afraid of death without cost.

If it is for the loyalty of the ethnic group, why should he be stingy to die?

After continuous high-frequency teleportation and some natural small wormholes, they soon reached the Zhenshahe area. The City Lord Chaos also explained the dangers.

Regardless of the fact that Zhenshahe is not well-known, but the danger is also very high. If you dare to arrogantly move around in this town Shahe, you will also pay a high price when you end.

These circumstances were heard by Buyun, but he didn't have to worry too much.

Zhen Shahe's danger also depends on the level. The Lord of the universe is naturally extremely dangerous to invade here, so he can pay a little attention.

Between several large areas, hurriedly hurriedly hurried, about ten days later, the two masters and apprentices were still close to the scope of the three great Jedi Mountain Boundaries.

"Look, that's Qingfeng Realm." Chaos City Master pointed to the past and said, "Qingfeng Qingfeng, the top of the fallen mountain. Have you seen the flying gravel around it? Where is the distance between us more than 100 million yuan? Light years, how big do you say those rubble are?"

At the end, he smiled, looking forward to it.

The Qingfeng Realm is undoubtedly a magical place, a majestic mountain like a giant mountain, and the scope is so wide that there is no end in sight.

In particular, one of the peaks fell halfway up the mountain, as if an existence with endless power cut across the mountain, causing the peak to fall directly.

Around the top of the mountain, countless rubbles continue to fly around the peak. On the smooth main mountain, there is a huge waterfall that is endless like a nine-day milky way leaning down, impacting on the mountainside below, and the current filled the surroundings, dropping it and sitting there. The top of the mountain was submerged by a small half.

Everything seemed extremely shocking and superb!

At this moment, where is the distance of the step cloud, it is estimated that there are still hundreds of millions of light years, but everything can be seen clearly, it is conceivable how big and majestic this Qingfeng world is.

Therefore, judging by the distance of the gravel, the diameter of each stone is estimated to be several light-years away.

After all, you can see clearly with your eyes at such a distance, but it's not too small.

It is true, and there is a detailed description of this on the map.

According to the obtained map data of the Universe Sea, the description of the Qingfeng Realm is still very detailed. The main height is about 9802 light-years, and the maximum diameter of the truncated peak is 1226 light-years.

The surrounding area outside the mountain belongs to the outer domain, and the degree of danger is low, but some dangerous places can still let some masters of the universe with weaker life-saving ability fall.

The mountain body is an inner region, and the level of danger is extremely high. The chance of the power of the master of the universe is very high. Even at the level of the Chaos City Lord, they dare not go into chaos.

The core of the mountain is the Jedi, the place where the strongest in the universe may fall.

It is definitely a forbidden zone belonging to the master of the universe!

"Let's go, we are still some distance away from the stronghold temple, and we have to teleport for a while." City Lord Chaos smiled and did not raise the question again.

With the existence of a map, as long as he pays attention to the content, he believes that Cheng Buyun should have seen it a long time ago, and he must know the detailed content.

After a while, the two teleported to the outer area of ​​Qingfeng Realm.


The huge, almost infinite rocks are flying around at high speed. They were just small stones hundreds of millions of light-years away, but now they are almost infinite, but the speed is beyond imagination, almost ten times faster. The speed of light is flying around.

Following the introduction and guidance of Teacher Chaos, Cheng Buyun had a deeper impression of Qingfengjie.

After crossing the rocks, they soon stopped on a rock that was about eight light years old.

The human race's stronghold temple in Qingfeng realm has arrived.

The two landed in a huge hidden canyon, and then Cheng Buyun saw the temple hidden in the cracks of the canyon at a glance.

Having just arrived within the scope of the stronghold temple, many human experts in the temple have already felt it, and stepped out to greet them.

"Ha, Chaos, you finally brought time and space."

"Haha, chaos."

"Time and space."

All the strong men greeted with kind eyes, Cheng Buyun also saw many familiar faces, and he even smiled and responded politely and humbly.

Give enough face to all the strong.

Regardless of whether the opponent is an alien or a human, they are treated equally, and will not be underestimated because of their identity and background.

Strong aliens are attached to the human race, serving and fighting for the human race, so they must be treated with respect.

Let the other person feel cared, feel that the effort has not been wasted, and be more loyal.

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