Plane Universe

Chapter 2617: Golden Light

The energy vortex that covers the diameter of tens of thousands of light-years, in fact, if someone stubbornly breaks through, it is impossible for the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Desolation to stop it.

It's just for some reason that there is no foreign powerhouse to be that early bird for the time being, lest the Lord of Chaos City loses face and attacks them.

Among the Lords of the Universe, there is no strong person who is a fool. They know that once they break in, they will definitely provoke his endless secret attacks by looking at the resolute expression in the eyes of the Lord of Chaos.

In the stronghold temple, Cheng Buyun felt helpless.

He didn't want to create this strange scene, but he still wanted to absorb the chaotic energy, and this scene would appear.

Don’t you recover if you are afraid of attracting attention?

That's impossible, you can't stop eating because of choking.

"I don't know if my divine body is too small, that's why such a strange sight appears!" Cheng Buyun muttered to himself.

The miniature universe, which can also be the strongest in the universe, can also absorb these chaotic energy and turn it into its own divine power source, but when they absorb it, this scene will not appear, and the impact is very small.

After all, the smallest microcosms of the strongest universe have a level of 100 million light-years in diameter or more. Even if they absorb chaotic energy to restore themselves, the scope is large and the impact is minimal.

It's not like him, because the size of the divine body is so big, and the guy Shikong is secretly contributing to the flames, and the degree of absorbing madness is stronger than the ability of the strongest in the universe.

At this moment, Time and Space heard Cheng Buyun's murmur, secretly chuckles, but did not show up to explain.

But I can't be known, and then I will be scratched.


The confrontation outside is getting more and more serious, and many powerful aliens are clamoring, wanting the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Desolation to move away, or they will be good-looking.

"What to do? There are more and more powerful alien races, now it is close to forty, but it is estimated that there will be more powerful alien races coming one after another later." The Lord of Huang Jian spoke to the soul of Chaos City Lord with a solemn expression. , His face was full of worries, "The most fearful thing is that the madmen in the first era heard it. They felt that there were a lot of prey here and it was fun, and it was even more difficult to deal with at that time."

"I'm also worried about this." Chaos City Lord also nodded, with the same worries as the Lord of Wild Jian, "It's just that once Cheng Buyun stops, will they immediately rush in to check, will they think, The treasure has fallen into my human hands?"

"Although this question, but no matter what, if you always stop, it will make the aliens feel good." The Lord of Desolate Jian laughed wantonly, "Could it be that the treasure is in the hands of my human strong, can it be handed over? Come out, the foreign race does not have this ability."

"Besides, if you don't stop, once the time is long, these alien powerhouses will be unable to sit still and will break in. Instead of that, it is better to let Cheng Buyun stop actively, so that you can better keep your own secrets." The Lord Jian explained.

What he said is very reasonable, Chaos City Lord also had to nod his head, he did think a little wrongly, in order to restore the disciple's divine body as soon as possible, it took such a long time.

At the beginning, I had thoughts of famine. I'm afraid that even if these foreign powerhouses came and didn't see this strange scene, they would complain at most two words, envious of the luck of their own ethnic group.

This time, I really considered too much and too anxious.

City Lord Chaos couldn't be said to be wrong, after all, he had always hoped that Cheng Buyun could be stronger and more detailed.

After all, the universe is very dangerous, and there are so many super-powerfuls. I'm not afraid of ten thousand in case.

Because Chengbuyun has more divine powers, he will have a greater chance of survival. Even if he is chased by the strongest in the universe, he must have the foundation to support him and the founder of the giant axe to rescue him.

"Decide as soon as possible, those guys have already begun to clamor, I am afraid that they can't help but want to check it out." The Lord of Desolate Jian is also very anxious, and the powerful aliens have been reprimanding, if it is not for the mighty strength of the Chaos City Lord, It is estimated to have swarmed.

It just so happened that the Lord of Wu'ao was yelling at them at this time, "Primitive humans, do you let them? If you want to swallow the treasures, that can't work, you don't think we don't know, you already have strong people in it. Now, being able to endure it by this time is already considered as a face to you."

"Who dares to come up, don't blame my stone pillar for being rude." City Lord Chaos yelled, and immediately overturned the huge stone stick in his hand, his eyes looked around with incomparable gaze, and the imposing momentum on his body was pressing and covering the past. For a while, the noisy alien race The strong men immediately looked at each other, as if they were shocked by the aura of the Chaos City Lord, and the scene became quiet.


Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter, and the sound shook tens of thousands of light-years. I saw a strong man flying in the air, covered in bursts of colorful glow, affecting the surrounding space, but behind him was a stream of water like ocean waves. Spread by leaps and bounds.

The way of appearance is so exaggerated.

"The Lord of the Sea Covered." The Chaos City Lord looked at the incoming person with a solemn expression. This Lord of the Sea Covered City is not easy to provoke. He is not much worse than him in terms of strength. The background is also extremely amazing. There are two alliance forces in his The strongest in the universe sits down, and the strength is a little bit higher than that of human beings, barely close to the first-class forces.

"It's so lively, it's rare to see, the Primordial Mankind, Chaos City Lord, this is your fault. The treasure is born, but you don't investigate, but you are here to obstruct others. It really should not be." As soon as he came, he put himself on the stand of other foreign powerhouses, targeting Chaos City Lord, naturally very popular.

"I said that……"

The Chaos City Lord’s expression was extremely cold, and he said with a cold expression: "There is no treasure born here, but you are rare and weird. If it is a treasure born, how can I prevent you from wasting time here by not investigating it, think about it, I Is that right?"

Suddenly, the words of Chaos City Lord fell, and the huge energy vortex suddenly disappeared without a trace, and those chaotic air currents also slowly began to dissipate, each flowing nearby.

"What, the vision disappeared?"

"Why? Isn't the supreme treasure not born yet? How can it disappear? Has it been found and acquired by the strong?"

The disappearance of the vision directly caused an uproar.

"Humans, you have to give us an explanation to the strong guys present. Because of your obstruction, we all missed a chance. It's horrible." The Lord Yin Hui's expression was incomparably violent, and his expression was distorted, unseen before. , "Don't give an explanation, don't want to end it easily!"



The golden light shone magnificently, scattered and covered. Under the endless power, many strong men changed their expressions and stared at the location of the human stronghold temple.

This grand golden light was naturally emitted by Cheng Buyun. He was very angry when he heard the unceremonious words of the Lord Yin Hui. He even dared to spray my respected Teacher Chaos. You don't want to live anymore, do you?

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