Plane Universe

Chapter 2618: Irritable

Cheng Buyun's appearance is no worse than the shock of the Lord of Covering the Sea, but it is even worse!

Very grand, and the power displayed is also strong.

As long as you feel the power contained in this golden light, you know that this is a strong person, and the kind of strong person who is not low in strength.

Otherwise, it is impossible to urge the power of a realm's treasure to this level.


Under the gaze of everyone, Cheng Buyun teleported into the void, looked around his eyes, and then teleported to City Lord Chaos again with an indifferent expression. His indifferent expression was reduced, and he respectfully leaned forward and said: "Teacher, I am late to come out. It makes you wronged."

teacher? Many powerful aliens were immediately stunned. Some of the lonely and ignorant aliens had never heard of Cheng Buyun, let alone seen his image.

Basically, I don't understand him.

Of course, this only represents a part of the alien powerhouses.

Among them, many powerful aliens still shouted the title of Cheng Buyun, Lord of Time and Space!

Some of the foreign experts who had heard of Cheng Buyun's deeds and had some knowledge of him suddenly became a little unsightly.

The main reason is that Cheng Buyun's degree of danger is too strong, and the threat to the Lord of the universe is very high.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Although Cheng Buyun had never appeared in the Universe Sea, it might as well have heard his rumors and learned about his information.

Some powerful aliens with poor strength, seeing Cheng Buyun appear at the moment, felt a little retreat in his heart.

They don't want to try out the power of the World Tree to explode. With such a small body, it is estimated that the World Tree will explode, and they will have to be crippled without death.

Even a fall is possible, but you can't go to this muddy water!

"I heard the movement." City Lord Chaos smiled, just a little grievance, nothing, as long as the effect is good, no matter how wronged, you can bear it.


Cheng Buyun nodded lightly, and then said, "Teacher, take a break first. The so-called disciples will do their jobs and wait for me to come."


Chaos City Lord smiled, as if he had achieved a certain goal.

Huang Jianzhi opened his mouth, suddenly turned his head and glanced at City Lord Chaos, the expression in his eyes was very meaningful!

"It's good to know, see through but don't say through." The Chaos City Lord's soul said.

"I won't tell you, don't your disciples know?" The Lord of Huang Jian teased and said: "You are really cunning, I think you are not as thorough as you!"

"How about you know?" City Master Chaos said with a smile: "He knows this is a pit, so he has to jump."

At this moment, the Lord of Desolate Mirror really admired, and everything was calculated by the Lord of Chaos. Such a scene is simply the best place to experience and temper.

A large number of powerful masters of the alien universe, and all of them are not bad in terms of strength. Where can they find such a good opponent, and... still with the help of Chaos City Lord and himself?

It's much better than Cheng Buyun's experience alone.


No wonder he didn't say anything to stop Cheng Buyun, waiting for the east wind to come, really cunning!

What's so special, it really can't be used to play politics, and it is estimated that he will have to count the money after being sold!

The Lord of Desolate Jian really sighed, the old fellow Chaos City Lord had already considered several steps in his mind after taking a single step. It is estimated that he has an answer.


Cheng Buyun flew up and looked directly at the Lord of Yin Hui and Lord of Covering the Sea. His expression was indifferent, and his tone was full of coldness. He said, "I want my teacher, City Lord Chaos to give you an explanation? I want to give you an explanation. ?"

The voice oscillated in the void nearby, and a group of powerful aliens looked at Cheng Buyun with grim eyes, wanting to see what he was going to say.

"How old are you?" Cheng Buyun's indifferent tone, full of mockery, made the Lord of Yin Hui furious on the spot, feeling that he was despised by a junior.

"Damn junior, nonsense!" The Lord Yin Hui trembled with anger.


Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, and said disdainfully: "No power!"

As soon as these words came out, many foreign powerhouses' complexions were full of anger on the spot, but the Lord of Huang Jian made a burst of laughter, and the Lord of Chaos also had a smile.


The Lord Yin Hui was furious and roared: "Damn junior, I want you to die!"

"Only you?"

Cheng Buyun's eyes widened, his whole body soared, and with one step, he quickly flew towards the lord of Yin Hui. At hundreds of times the speed of light, the distance was only a few hundred thousand kilometers, just a blink of an eye.

"Damn junior, it's really arrogant. I didn't find you. You will attack me first. Okay, let my Lord Yin Hui teach you a lesson today." The Lord Yin Hui gritted his teeth with a fierce expression. He also spread out and carried a crystal cane. Welcomed up.

The fight between the two sides is about to happen.

"So grumpy!"

He didn't expect the stunned look of the Lord of Huang Jian, after only three sentences, Cheng Buyun violently raised the weapon and started fighting with the alien.

But I was very envious in my heart. There is such a disciple, just because the other party yelled at his teacher, he immediately went out to defend and find the place. What more!

But sometimes, some things are not envious.

In the human race, there are only three disciples who have the master level of the universe, the founder of the Great Axe, the Lord of Chaos, and the Lord of Darkness. The other strong people, none, can only look at them with admiration.


A large number of complex secret patterns appear in tandem little by little, forming a phantom universe pattern around Cheng Buyun, the slowly rotating universe map exudes bursts of power, blessing the secret method he is about to use.


A giant monster with a peculiar appearance and huge size, aura of coercion and full of oppression was formed behind the lord of Yin Hui. The light blue huge body shook slightly, and the entire void was solidified.

The roar of the beast was thunderous and powerful for a time.

The Lord of Yin Hui is definitely not comparable to that of the Lord of Sirius. The level of strength he possesses is definitely at the top level of Tier 5, with a powerful strength that even the Lord of Chaos can't win.

Chaos City Lord can be suppressed, but cannot be defeated.

The cane shone with blue light and the'chacha' sounded continuously, and a large number of complex and mysterious secret patterns appeared one after another, all wrapped around the cane, forming a peculiar pattern. The Lord Yin Hui was wrapped in green light, roaring fiercely and hitting the cane Xiang Chengbuyun.

As soon as Cheng Buyun saw it, he would naturally not lose his momentum. He yelled in anger, and the stone rod in his hand also showed a strange sight. A large number of laws and secret patterns were inspired by the laws to form patterns one after another. Pulled by a large number of laws, all kinds of light are integrated, making the miniature universe surrounding the divine body seem to be alive, full of vitality and color, and it looks beautiful.

Then, the will power blessed, buzzing ~~~ an invisible power spread on the surface of the divine body, and finally a large part of the invisible power was attached to the stone rod, enhancing the secret magic power.


The world is falling apart!

At this stage, the strongest secret method shot.

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