Plane Universe

Chapter 2621: Who else, stand up

The war of attrition of the strong is very common, not special.

It can be said that a large number of powerful people in the universe are fighting attrition.

It’s just that the war of attrition that I saw today was a bit eye-opening.

It was a bit shocking that a top-level master of the universe lost in a war of attrition to a first-level master of the universe.

A strong man who has just entered the Lord of the universe, what is his divine power multiple? No matter where the divine body is, no matter where it is judged by the eyes of the gods, the latter will definitely not fall well.

But the facts are the opposite. The leader of the top universe turned out to be the one who finally ran away, you dare to believe!

"It's amazing, eye-opening!" A strange beast with three heads admired again and again, looking at Cheng Buyun's figure full of admiration and said: "It is indeed the existence that made the other three peak races of the primitive universe tremble. The background is really enviable."


After saying this to himself, the three-headed strange beast turned and left.

This matter is over, and it's no use staying here.

The three-headed strange beast is a lonely strong man in the primitive universe, whose strength is in the fourth rank of the master of the universe, but is not well-known.

Because this special beast is very low-key, never competing with others to blush, as if indifferent to everything, seeking no treasure, nor fame and fortune, just like a hermit.

His departure didn't attract much attention, but the Chaos City Lord was aware of it, and secretly nodded towards the leaving figure of the other party.

It seems that he should have known or seen this strange beast.


After the Lord of Yin Hui retreated suddenly, Cheng Buyun was filled with admiration in amazement. The opponent's will and attitude were really firm enough, and it was also the basis for a strong man to survive in the universe.

There are not many strong people who can do this. Many strong people know that they can't consume others, and they have to fight to death, and wait until the end before they have to retreat.

In fact, it is a desperate need to face it. It is really undesirable to have face but lose wealth and wasted time.

And the resolute generation like the Lord of Yin Hui seems to lose face, but the strength is not consumed, the foundation is preserved, there is no time wasted, and the ethnic group or power is not affected.

A top-notch powerhouse is still very important in terms of degree within the ethnic group or influence, and it is the existence of the ethnic group to rely on.

Just like the two powerhouses, the Lord of Dragon Walk and the Lord of Void Gold, are among the human race. If one of them is injured, it will take millions of years to cultivate. What is the loss for the human race?

And how much wealth can be obtained in the universe for millions of years?

Even if you don't cultivate for millions of years, you can directly use the treasure materials to restore it, it will be a loss.

A totally unnecessary result.

So Cheng Buyun admired the decisiveness of the Lord Yin Hui, and knew that the entanglement would not result in good results, and immediately withdrew and left, and he was responsible for the ethnic forces.

The master Yin Hui's touch on Cheng Buyun was still great.

The so-called experience is not only the realm of strength, but also the feeling of oneself about things, and the truth of being a strong person.

If you give up, you need to give up. You need to think about the overall situation, rather than act according to your own preferences, which will cause huge losses to the ethnic group.

If you want to walk according to your own preferences, you have to stand at the true peak level, truly invincible in the universe, and no one dares to provoke.

So... no matter how unscrupulous, other alien powerhouses will be frightened by your strength and dare not retaliate against your race.

Just like the original ancestor, Rampant Wuji proudly in the universe, that is the embodiment of strength!

The Lord of Chaos City saw Cheng Buyun closing his eyes and thinking, as if he had realized something, and even the soul transmission reminded the Lord of Huang Jian: "It may be a little touched, don't disturb him, let him realize."

"Too much, am I the kind of ignorant person?"

The Lord of Huang Jian stared and said with dissatisfaction, and then looked at Cheng Buyun, a strange feeling appeared on his face, just a fight, there was a touch and sentiment, it is a bit too enchanting, such a character, billions of eras Hard to come out!

It's just like the original ancestor.

I am human...I will be blind if I don't stand at the top!


Cheng Buyun suddenly closed his eyes, ignoring the many powerful players present, making them feel even more shocked and puzzled.

One ran away, and the other closed his eyes on the spot, as if he had fallen into practice. What kind of thing is this? Are we all transparent and non-existent?

"The primitive cosmic humans are training soldiers." An alien powerhouse suddenly awakened and shouted: "They took this opportunity to let some powerhouses fight against those young powerhouses to temper themselves."

"No, **** it, aren't we all whetstones, good, your personal race, really cunning!"

"It is the Chaos City Lord who is cunning enough. I am afraid that all of this is under his control."

"Everyone, if this is the case, it can't live up to the wishes of human beings in the primitive universe."

Many powerful aliens seem to have reacted, looking at the Chaos City Lord's eyes are not good, no matter who is regarded as a sharpening stone, I am afraid that they will not be happy.


The Lord of Covering looked equally stunned, looking at the Chaos City Lord, his eyes became sharp, the treasure was born, it is likely to be fake, it is the means of primitive universe humans to play in order to achieve their goals, damn!

He was so stupid that he ran over and jumped into the pit. Damn it!

In fact, he felt strange before. If there is a treasure born here, and it is the territory of the primitive cosmic human beings, it makes no sense that there are just two powerhouses.

Now, finally understand!

The **** primitive cosmic human beings are really cunning. What a Chaos City Lord, with a powerful wrist. Those who do not like to be in power can't play him at all.

"Good harvest, in a vague way, even the realm has been faintly shaken, and there has been a small improvement. It is really...the world is unpredictable!" Cheng Buyun did not expect it to be just a let-up fight, but let I have gained so much.

Is it because it has been depressed for too long?

After blooming to your heart's content, playing happily, refreshing your mind and body, your realm rises?

It seems that I have come a few times. I like this kind of fighting and fighting!


Knowing that his eyes suddenly opened when he closed, Chengbuyun's two golden divine lights shone out like pillars of heaven. The golden divine light was very grand and remained in the void for a long time.

The phenomenon is very shocking, directly causing the hearts of many foreign powers to tremble, my god... the aura is a bit scary.

"Who else?"

Cheng Buyun's faint voice shook the void, and his sullen expression was full of arrogance, "Who else, want my teacher Chaos City Lord to give him an explanation!"

"Please stand up, I'll take it!"

The audience was silent, and all the powerful aliens looked at each other and were silent, as if they were deterred by the heroic and majestic aura of Stepun, and did not dare to be the first bird at will to take on a difficult task.

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