Plane Universe

Chapter 2622: Post-war analysis

It's not that many foreign powerhouses are afraid of Cheng Buyun, but they feel that there is no need to fight with him, and it is no good. There is no benefit in fighting, and that strong man is willing.

Broke up.

One by one, the foreign experts left talking in twos and threes, turning a blind eye to Cheng Buyun's arrogant shouts.

Cheng Buyun called that embarrassment, as if he was singing a one-man show.

It was a very arrogant scene in itself, but it turned out to be like this in the end. You can imagine the mood.

However, today's battle is spreading at an extremely fast speed, letting a large number of powerful people know.

Primitive universe.

After the Lord of Sirius heard the shocking news, he was ashamed on the spot, and he hated it while gritting his teeth, but he appeared weak.

The meaning of revenge has never been with him since then.

Even a top-notch existence like the Lord Yin Hui was beaten away. He is such a powerful person who is not even a third-rate player. In terms of strength, he can't keep up with the human beings!

How about revenge?

To seek revenge from Cheng Buyun, it is better to find a pit and bury yourself faster.

From then on, the Lord of Sirius buried the revenge in the deepest part of his heart, and no longer clamored publicly. He feared that the human Cheng Buyun would come to him if he heard it.

The wish that was buried is not forgotten, but hidden in the depths, hoping that if there is a chance in the future, he will turn over this hatred and take revenge.

It's just... this wish should be difficult to realize.

He still has self-knowledge. Human Chengbuyun's strength has soared to this level in such a short time. No matter how hard he works, it is estimated that he will not be able to catch up.

Unless, he becomes the strongest in the universe.

Is the strongest in the universe so easy to reach?


"Humanity has finally soared. Our race has missed its greatest opportunity, and there is no way at all."

The Zerzu queen looked lonely. In fact, after hearing that Cheng Buyun's level broke through again, she already had this idea, just in case.

At the moment, it is just a correct guess.

The growth of the human race can no longer be restricted.

Unless the human giant axe fell on the spot immediately, and the human Cheng Buyun also stopped at this realm.

But how is that possible!

The Great Axe is a very powerful figure among the strongest in the universe, fall?

Who can kill him!

Regarding the human giant axe, the Zerg queen has a very clear understanding. In the entire universe, the human giant axe is a powerful existence of the first grade, just to protect the human race and do not want to provoke other powerful people at will.


Humanity! Humanity!

Geniuses come forth in large numbers, with the original before and the giant axe behind, and now there is a Cheng Buyun again, it is really... how sad our clan!

The mother and royal family of the Zerg clan are the cherished sons of heaven, the most perfect life, so special, but even the primitive universe cannot rule, what a grievance!

The machine race, upon hearing this news, felt the same tremor, and they were all stunned on the spot. They could not imagine that Chengbuyun's strength had soared so fiercely that it could be compared with the top master of the universe. , And beat the opponent to run away.

Visible strength.

There are not many machine races like this!

It's over.

They already have an estimate of the future suffering and the moon. It seems that they have to live on the breath of humans, and it is not far away!

Cheng Buyun's battle in the universe has a great influence, especially for the forces of the primitive universe, the influence is unmatched, and a large number of ethnic groups have repeatedly adjusted their policies.

If you don't make a good deal at this time, it will be late in the future!

Even the ancestors of the gods have adjusted their strategies at this time and began to favor the human race in many ways.


The universe sea, the human stronghold temple.

Cheng Buyun didn't know anything about what happened in the primitive universe, and Chaos City Lord didn't tell him, because he didn't want him to be disturbed.

Now that the Universe Sea is here, try hard, and let the rest aside.

"Haha, great. I have to say, Cheng Buyun, you really made me look at me with admiration, even the existence of Lord Yin Hui has suffered in your hands." The Lord of Huang Jian praised very happily, full of admiration. There is no cheating on it.

Cheng Buyun laughed and said, "Senior Huang Jian knows my details. I am still far from that level, but it is because of various reasons and background that I have such a record."

"No matter what, that is your accomplishment, haha!" The Lord of Desolate Jian laughed. Nowadays, Cheng Buyun still respects his status as a predecessor, can he not be happy!

The Lord of Chaos City was very calm. He looked more carefully. On the surface, it seemed that Cheng Buyun had defeated Yin Hui’s lord. It would be better to say that the latter did not want to compete unnecessarily and continue to fight. Although the latter would lose a lot, Cheng Buyun could It’s not always possible.

Thinking of this, he looked at Cheng Buyun and said: "How, how do you feel about playing against the Lord of Yin Hui, such as the opponent's strength, compared with yourself, etc., do a detailed review and analysis."

Hearing what the teacher said, Cheng Buyun closed his eyes and recalled feeling it. After thinking carefully, he said for a long time: "The Lord of Yin Hui is very strong. The secret method, will, power, etc., are absolutely top-notch existence. Compared with me, I am inferior. It’s still a long way away. Being able to beat the opponent like this is the result of everyone’s failure to take it seriously. At the same time, my strong background is at work. If I work hard one-on-one, it is estimated that I will have to pay a great price, even if I can win, It was just a tragic victory."

To be honest, in the previous battle with the Lord of Yin Hui, he paid a lot of price. It seemed easy on the surface, but he lost more than ten thousand times to the Lord of Yin Hui.

He didn't know how much the Lord Yin Hui had lost, but it was definitely not high. After all, he could judge by the aura revealed by his appearance, and he would definitely not exceed 2% of the divine body.

But his own loss is completely clear, the consumption of the **** body stock is about 70% of the deity.

Very big!

70% divine body, it feels scary to think about it.

Cheng Buyun is 100,000 kilometers tall, and 70% of the divine body is more than two-thirds, which is equivalent to 70,000 kilometers of the original divine body reserves. The height of the divine body of a peak universe lord is only 10,000 kilometers.

Of course, these are superficial data, and the divine body of a strong man cannot be converted like this in many cases.

At least the cohesion of Yin Hui's Lord Divine Body was much higher than him.

Thousands of times its purity.

But it can also be seen that Cheng Buyun suffered a great loss in the previous battle.

The master of the universe at the top level is really not easy to mess with.

"I'm very pleased that you can think like this, and I can see that you haven't been dazzled by your little achievements." Chaos City Lord said solemnly: "Compared with the top cosmic masters, you are still very Even if you are not the top-level master of the universe, you will not be able to win even if you are replaced by other foreign powers at the level of the master of the famine. Of course, the premise is a fair fight."

Cheng Buyun nodded modestly to be taught.

The teacher's vision is so high that he can't see any problem, and the teacher knows how much he has. The angle of seeing the problem is naturally clearer.

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