Plane Universe

Chapter 2623: Gain a lot

The power of the master of the universe at the top level is indeed great, not comparable to those of the Lord of Sirius, it can be said that there is endless power between the hands and feet.

If it is not before breaking through, it is estimated that Buyun will not be able to take it after three tricks.

His treasure grade is nothing more than a pinnacle armor, and the next one is no more than a top attacking treasure. Relying on these reliances to fight against a top cosmic master, he is still incapable.

On treasures and on the secrets of secrets, he was far behind Luo Feng, who had just arrived in the universe.

What he relied on was just the huge ocean of divine power.

Without this thing, against the master of the top universe?

Go dreaming!

In the battle just now, Chaos City Lord explained a lot of more detailed content knowledge, analyzing their respective pros and cons, as well as the power of the secret method, and so on.

It can be described as a high-end course, which has greatly benefited Chengbuyun.

This is knowledge that can't be learned behind closed doors, because it has not been experienced, even if the Lord of Chaos has the idea to teach some content in this area, it is impossible to talk about it.

But after Cheng Buyun has experienced it, it is much easier to explain and teach. Almost once a lecture, Cheng Buyun has a spectrum in his heart, with contrast, etc., which can be more clearly absorbed.

I have to say that for Cheng Buyun's growth, City Lord Chaos also took great pains.

Even in the future, Luo Feng did not enjoy the treatment.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is still the problem of the background of the cloud.

Cheng Buyun only has the teacher of Chaos City Lord. If the latter doesn't teach, no one will teach him to give instructions. Naturally, he should be more concerned.

"Thank you, teacher, for your guidance. I have gained a lot today and I have benefited a lot. I feel even happier than getting a few treasures." Cheng Buyun said gratefully with a joyful smile.

"Ha, you are my disciple, I don't teach you who will teach you?" Chaos City Lord Xihe said with a smile.

The Lord of Desolate Mirror has also gained a lot. When the Lord of Chaos City explained, he also had a lot of touches. This is the reason that the so-called three people have my teacher.

The realm of Chaos City Lord was much higher than him, and he was also better than him in terms of insight. This is all fact.

Seeing the warm scene of the two masters and disciples, he couldn't help but smile. The relationship between master and disciple was very solid, comparable to the fetters of blood. To be honest, he was very envious in his heart.

It is a pity that he does not have such a disciple of the Master of the Universe, which is really a pity!

If he also had such a strong disciple, all roaming in this universe, it would be so wonderful and wonderful, what a pity!

"One more thing, I have to remind you that you are not allowed to be like this in the future." City Lord Chaos said with a serious face: "This place is in the Qingfeng realm, and there are many strong people. Your cultivation like that will definitely attract the attention of the strong. take."

"If you really want to restore your divine body as soon as possible and let yourself reach the peak level, you have to find a hidden place, or stay away from the area where some treasures appear."

"But I don't recommend these. The best place should be the universe of the giant axe, where it is the safest, and there is no place where the strong can disturb it."

"I just don't know, where can you absorb the chaotic airflow."

The suggestion of the Chaos City Lord suddenly made Cheng Buyun's eyes bright. The microcosm of the founder of the Great Axe is indeed the safest place. No matter how big the scene is, it will not attract others' attention or be disturbed.

But one thing, as the teacher said, can it absorb the chaotic airflow?

But don't try it, who knows!

If you have the chance, you must try it in the microcosm of the founder of the Great Axe.

Cheng Buyun took this note in his heart and thanked Teacher Chaos.

Just mentioned the creator of the giant axe, no, the latter immediately sent an information email.

"Congratulations on Cheng Buyun, this battle has played out the prestige of my ethnic group and made your own reputation! Also, I have read the content of the email sent to me by your teacher, Chaos City Lord. If necessary, go there, my The energy clone will receive you. Well, here, I wish you all the best."

The founder of the giant axe sent a congratulatory email, and Cheng Buyun saw a smile on his face. Although the content was not much, his heart was vaguely touched. It is rare to take the time to send a congratulatory e-mail and explain that the founder of the giant axe can see that he values ​​himself.

He also quickly replied to a thank you email, saying that he would pass if necessary.

Then, other human alliance universe masters also sent congratulatory emails, such as the master of virtual gold, the master of Peng Gong, the master of Qingdong, etc., and several of them also expressed their apologies in the emails sent. He expressed guilt for not going back to meet him before.

After reading these e-mails, Cheng Buyun immediately replied a thank-you e-mail to the masters of the universe of the Human Alliance.

"Okay, things are almost done. I'm going to make trouble. Take care of yourself. Of course, you don't need to look forward and backward when you are training. You can do what you should do. The teacher and everyone will always support you. "City Master Chaos said calmly, then stood up, ready to leave.

"Teacher, I understand, please rest assured, I will work hard in the universe and will never let the teacher's painstaking efforts be wasted, and will not let everyone down." Cheng Buyun nodded solemnly.

"Haha, the teacher has always believed in you." City Lord Chaos laughed, turned his head and glanced at Huang Jianzhi, and then dashed away and left.

"Come on." The Lord of Huang Jian smiled cordially and patted Buyun's shoulder. He said nothing but encouragement, but his actions were the best words.

The temple was quiet again.

Cheng Buyun glanced around, suddenly chuckles, but within a few days, his realm was a little stronger than the previous time, as long as he absorbed his strength by at least three points.

In the realm of the master of the universe, a little progress would require a huge amount of effort and endless years. It is the ceiling of Chengbuyun that can progress so easily.

The level of City Lord Chaos has not been improved for a long time now, it can be said that it has reached a limit.

Of course, this so-called limit is a matter of vision.

Before the change, City Lord Chaos had never thought about it, he could only blindly study the path of time and space, hoping to make a breakthrough in this path, now, there is no such idea!

With the training content revealed by Cheng Buyun, even if it was just a preview, it was enough for him to live endlessly.

The so-called one way known by the public is just a shortcut, a trap, and a way to stifle the potential of the strong.

With this premise, the mentality of breakthrough is not so anxious. Many of the masters of the universe of mankind now desire more than the strongest of the universe. That is just the beginning.

Everyone is ambitious.

What if you get lucky to be the strongest in the universe?

The reincarnation of the three eras will not have to fall, and it has no effect on the eternity of the human race. Only... starting from the foundation, can eternity be possible.

They are not afraid of death, they are afraid of death without any cost, just like those crazy men of the first era, they messed up before they fell, and annoyed and hated a large number of ethnic powerhouses.

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