Plane Universe

Chapter 2647: The strongest secret method

All the masters of the human universe present know the deeds said by the savage giant, which is a proof of the achievements of the imaginary devil.

Regardless of whether the Lord of the universe who fell in his hands is powerful or not, it is a fact that he was killed by his soul attacking the secret method while carrying the treasure of the higher soul.

very scary!

Everyone is talking, all kinds of wonders.

However, the two performers didn't stop either, and the speed of consciousness transmission was extremely fast without any effect.

"Teacher, be careful, my secret is more than this." Cheng Buyun's Lang Shuang laughed in all directions, and a figure appeared from the light and shadow, slamming across the void at a very fast speed, with a long hand. The sword hit the Chaos City Lord's chest.

Seeing Cheng Buyun showing up so easily and attacking with great care, the secret magic power he used to tell the truth could not satisfy the Chaos City Lord.

I saw him frown slightly, but didn't immediately make a judgment. Instead, he dealt with it seriously, and it was a stone pestle that stepped back.


The Chaos City Lord's heart jumped, and he felt a bit wrong at the moment when the weapons of both sides touched.

How should I put it, he felt that Cheng Buyun's attack was very virtual, and the divine body and divine power were exactly the same in the virtual universe. It was almost unimaginable to want to defeat Cheng Buyun so easily.

Almost at the same time when the Lord of Chaos felt that something was wrong with his thoughts, things happened, as if a hornet's nest was hit by a stone pestle, and a group of clouds appeared in all directions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Like illusions, countless step clouds launched a tide-like offensive towards the Chaos City Lord, each of them holding a long sword or cutting or slashing, making the Chaos City Lord a little rushed in an instant.

He knew exactly what his disciple was doing, his true body must be hidden in the ‘light’, ready to wait for an opportunity.

Once the eruption of a unique move to resist, swept away these figures, then he must show his flaws and receive a strong blow!

"What's this stuff?"

The Lord of Youhou was almost stunned by seeing it, but he was amazed!

"The law of the wind system, mysterious clone technique?" Peng Gongzhi exclaimed.

"Do not!"

The Lord of Longxing said with a mighty voice, "It's not exactly the clone technique in the mysterious law of the wind system, and the phantom clone in the mysterious law of the light law!"

The savage giant also nodded solemnly and said, "It's true, as Long Xing said, it's not exactly the avatar technique of the law of the wind system. You see, those avatars in time and space have speeds like glimpses of light, appearing suddenly and disappearing suddenly. It’s like teleporting."

Phantom clone?

Clone technique?

Combination of two phantoms?


Only amazed!

"Isn't this just the essential content features of the mystery book presented by Time and Space? Look carefully." The savage giant was also surprised. He didn't expect that the Phantom Clone would be so terrifying in the application.

Sure enough, there is no useless application of the law, only the strong who can't use it.

If you just think that the Phantom clone is a means of escape, it is really wrong.


The Chaos City Lord guarded his body tightly, almost dripping water, a stone pestle was dancing like the wind, it was called a nimble, it did not give Chengbuyun the slightest opportunity!

Cheng Buyun also laughed helplessly. Teacher Chaos, who knew his trump card, wanted to rely on this method to take advantage, it was almost impossible.

The light and shadow disappeared, all scattered before the eyes.

Maintaining this secret method consumes a lot of money, and this simulated divine body can't support it for long. In such a short time, he has consumed about 10% of the divine body.

"Haha, the old Chaos is cunning. He has delayed the time and spent time, so that the subsequent parts of the space-time secret method cannot be used." The Lord of Longxing laughed, and looked at the performance of the two masters and apprentices over there with a teasing smile.

"Yeah, the secret method of time and space is really powerful, and the fierce danger hidden in the secret can even be sensed by me." The Lord of Qingdong smiled and said with emotion: "I changed to go up, even if he knew that the real body of time and space was waiting for an opportunity in secret. But I can’t cope with it."

"It's very scary. Those phantom attack powers don't seem to be strong, but it depends on who the opponent is. Chaos can deal with it easily. That's because the realm and consciousness are strong and powerful enough, so it can be so easy."

The Lord of Void Gold said: "But in this universe, there are a few powerful people at the level of Chaos! I dare not make it clear that I can resist it, not to mention those alien powerhouses who know nothing about time and space!"

The Lord of Longxing hurriedly laughed and said, "Haha, I'm really sad for those aliens. In the future, they will have to deal with such a perverted existence of time and space. You have to sweat it for them even thinking about it!"

Naturally, their arguments were also heard by the two fighting each other.

City Lord Chaos was already very satisfied at the moment, and he was impressed with the secret technique created by his disciple.

The combination of a large number of laws, the combined application of many mysteries, and especially the powerful illusion effect as the basis, it can almost be said that it is the top level of the ultimate secret method.

There are definitely not too many strong people in the universe who can cope with this secret trick.

However, he still thinks about it, how much power he has in his disciple's strongest blow.

Thinking of here, he couldn't help but look up, where Cheng Bu Yun stood holding his sword quietly, the whole figure is like a sharp sword that has been unsheathed, and the endless sword intent radiates, affecting the surrounding void, letting the simulated chaotic airflow Are vaguely distorted.

It can be seen that Cheng Buyun's achievements in Kendo artistic conception are very powerful.

What a monster!

A strong person can perceive a kind of artistic conception to the top level, which is already considered incredible, both of which can perceive to the top level, that can only be a monster genius.

You know, Cheng Buyun is not yet 30,000 years old now, and everyone has to be impressed with so many achievements.

The kendo artistic conception is Cheng Buyun's masterpiece in Panlong Universe, and it is also the practice content he has never let go of.

Otherwise, he would not easily switch to light weapons.

"The most powerful form of the secret method, show it to me." Chaos City Lord said, his expression also slightly solemn.

Hearing the teacher's request, Cheng Buyun nodded and said, "Okay, teacher!"

The eyes of other human powers became serious again, and they didn't want to miss any action when Cheng Buyun used the secret method. They could also realize something from the good secret method.

This is also the meaning of the Chaos City Lord calling them to come!


Cheng Buyun shouted, Cheng Da's light soared from him, covering the audience as before, disappearing, but soon appeared, almost blinking to the side of Chaos City Lord.


call out! call out! call out!

When he used the secret method to attack again, his speed was so fast that he could barely sense his consciousness. The endless sword light was soaring, and it was filled with psychedelic feelings, that powerful force.

call out!

The scream of the sword's blade splitting the space, shaking the space!

A bit of starlight penetrated the space and broke through the air. How can Chaos City Lord dare to be negligent, he also quickly roared, the law of the whole body appeared, the aura was violent, Shi Chu slammed on it, and roared: "Good come, let me block you!"

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