Plane Universe

Chapter 2648: Secret of Heart


The heavy blow of Chaos City Lord seemed awkward, but it was incredibly fast, and the latter slammed on the starburst as if it came first, and directly smashed it into a cloud to fly away.

In terms of conscious reaction, Chaos City Lord surpassed Cheng Buyun by a lot, and his experience was very old, and the straight-forward offensive did not have much effect on him.

All the strong humans present were intently, and their expressions were extremely serious.

Cheng Buyun's secret technique is terrifying, and its lethality is definitely the top class in the ultimate secret technique level.

That kind of unparalleled power can make them feel surprised one by one, even surprised.

The speed is too fast, and the strong like Chaos City Lord, the strong with weak strength really may not be able to catch this powerful secret technique.

"Haha, good, very good secret magic power." City Lord Chaos laughed, his face full of joy.

Cheng Buyun was very happy to see that the teacher was satisfied.

Although the newly created secret method did not fully display its power, these were enough.

After all, it is a teacher, and it is not a fierce battle between life and death, and at the same time, just in case, the teacher can't help but lose face.

"Haha, good, good!"

The savage giant also laughed and said, "Time and space, being able to make such great progress in such a short time at such an age, you really make me admire! Sure enough... Haha, let you experience in the universe, yes The most correct choice is undoubtedly!"

"The so-called not experiencing oppression, there will be progress!" Lord Peng Gong said a very serious sentence, making everyone laugh suddenly.

"Senior Great Axe, Senior Peng Gong, you have a good reputation."

Cheng Buyun smiled modestly: "I'm far from what you and the teacher can do."


A group of strong humans laughed again.

"You're still humble. You have achieved such a great achievement. If you continue to be humble, then what are we to be ashamed and dare not go out?" The Lord of Longxing pretended to be angry and stared at Cheng Buyun.

Cheng Buyun felt that he had created such a powerful secret technique, and the human power was extremely excited, as if he had seen the proud peak of the human race in the future.

They had no jealousy, only admiration for Cheng Buyun's great achievements.

It's an amazing achievement, an amazing ability!

They have been looking forward to the rise of the race again for too long. Since the original ancestor was suppressed, the overall strength of mankind has dropped several levels, and the strong aliens have no awe of the human race.

It is pediatrics not to treat the human race with a right eye, and bullying is even more common.

If it weren't for the two powerful masters of Chaos City Lord and Peng Gong's Master to try their best to maintain, the human alliance might have already fallen into the hands of foreign powers.

The human race is still young, and every strong person is important, so it can only work harder, even if you gain less wealth, you must maintain it.

Therefore, there is no jealousy about Chengbuyun's achievements. Everyone can't wait for Chengbuyun to be stronger.

It's a pity that cultivation experience is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It takes time to accumulate.

Even if it is a genius of evildoers, this process is needed, and the genius of death can only accumulate faster.

"Tell us, what is the name of the secret method you created?" Chaos City Lord asked Cheng Buyun with a smile on his face.

Everyone looked over, wondering what Cheng Buyun was going to call.

Cheng Buyun pondered for a moment and thought for a while, and even said: "The whole secret is called the Secret of Heart Fantasy, and now I have realized that the whole secret is a magical phantom kill. Magic light, third-style magic kill."


Hearing Cheng Buyun's name for the secret method and the name of his moves, everyone thought about it.

Suddenly, the savage giant showed a surprised look, and said abruptly: "Are you fusing the three secret methods together, can you use them together?"


When everyone heard the questions pointed out by the savage giant, they were all shocked and shocked.

The power of a single secret technique has a limit, and the combined secret technique moves, then... the power will be greatly improved. Is Chengbuyun already able to do this?

But they all had to believe it. If the savage giant couldn't see something, he would definitely not say that.

Now that it is picked up, it must be like this.

And how powerful is the realm of the savage giant, how can he be mistaken!

Among the strong human races, the strength of the savage giant is naturally nothing to say. Below are the Lords of Chaos City and Peng Gong. They guess and think according to what the savage giant said, and they can't help but nod secretly.

Especially the tool man of City Lord Chaos, because he was the person involved, was more thorough. His disciples attacked three times in total, and each time they attacked, they stopped without stopping.

Now that I think about it, they are all reserved.

This kid is also afraid of the great power of the secret law, afraid that I can't stop the car from overturning and being teased, really...Do you look down on me too much!

Of course, the last sentence was just a joke in my heart.

Cheng Buyun didn't fully display it, and he didn't dare to guarantee that he would really be able to resist. The so-called world has no absolutes. The stronger the person, the more cautious he should be.

No experience, empty words, that is arrogant behavior!

"Senior Giant Axe, with good eyesight, he has seen my secrets thoroughly, amazing!" Cheng Bu Yunzun replied, and at the same time admitted the savage giant's guess.

His secret trick is a secret method that can be used jointly.

This recognition, everyone suddenly exclaimed.

The three types are combined and displayed, so the power... can it be simple?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look at the Chaos City Lord, their eyes were meaningful!

"I'm going, these old guys are really shameless, they want to see me roll over, they are really not human!" City Lord Chaos slandered in his heart, and then looked back.


A burst of laughter!

The scene is very joyful.

"In that case, let's take a look directly!" The savage giant suggested. To be honest, he is really curious. What about the power of the three-form combination?

Will it reach the secret law level of the strongest in the universe?

Am looking forward to!

The Lord of Chaos City, Lord Peng Gong, etc., are equally looking forward to it.

Being able to achieve the existence of a set of secret methods that can be combined and displayed, except for the giant axe in the human race, even the two powerhouses closest to the level of the strongest in the universe, the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Peng Gong, cannot do it.

They lack some background.

"it is good!"

Cheng Buyun saw the look everyone was expecting, nodded in response, and then immediately flashed away, and the person had appeared tens of millions of kilometers away.


The light covered the audience again, but this time, Chengbuyun moved very fast, as if following the light, the sword intent was surging, the spiritual power permeated with the light, and a large number of figures appeared with the light, like a flood, facing the sky. A non-existent enemy launched an offensive.

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