Plane Universe

Chapter 2662: Not everyone is qualified to bear the word great

The heart of the human being is agitated, but Cheng Buyun sits quietly and smiles, and said indifferently: "What's the matter if the ethnic group needs it!"

"What a group needs, what's wrong with a good one, okay!" The City Lord of Chaos laughed loudly as he heard the case, and exclaimed: "The pillar of the group should be so!"


"Chaos is right, so should be the ethnic pillar!"


All the masters of the universe laughed one after another, but the gaze that looked at Cheng Buyun had changed a little, and there was an inexplicable look in each of his eyes.

Such gazes, they will only show when they face the founder of the giant axe.

Today, Cheng Buyun's position has moved closer to that of the founder of the giant axe.

The mood can be described as high and enthusiastic.

Everyone was discussing the contents of the Secret Secret Code and how to arrange it.

The secret pattern knowledge is very high-end, and the general cosmic venerable level can't touch it, but this part of the content can be ignored, but...the illusion flow, there are many powerful humans who are studying.

The perception of mood cultivation is that human beings have not formed a good system now. Now that there is the guidance of mood cultivation in the inheritance of mystery, the cultivation of geniuses will be much smoother in the future.

For a strong person, talent is important, and understanding is also important, but mood and will are also vital content.

Many geniuses are unable to break through and are trapped in a certain realm. It is also because their mental perception is not enough to support them.

Well now, with the guidance of the Secret Illusion Inheritance and its central realm practice, mankind will have an outbreak period after a certain time in the future, and there will be a large number of king breakthrough results.

There are still many immortal gods in the human race, about 300,000 people. They can't break through. Is it because of the realm of law?

No, the law of space, or the law of time, is actually an extreme level.

They can't break through. In fact, they are inadequate in their realm, or will and mood, and they are not complete enough, and all have stopped.

Just like many cosmos venerables, the strength has been standing still for endless years, and the conclusions are almost the same.

The mood is not enough to support the progress of strength.

In the final analysis, in fact, the ethnic background is too weak and there are not enough resources to supply the development of genius.


After negotiating a temporary arrangement, everyone stopped a bit.

"Haha, now with such a precious inheritance guide, in conjunction with the many precious secrets that time and space have contributed in the past, we humans will enter a truly powerful outbreak period."

"All of these are the merits of time and space, and his contribution is worth remembering and grateful for the race!"

The Lord of Chaos City took a look around everyone, then turned his head to look at Cheng Buyun, the voice agitated, aroused everyone's response.

"Haha, it should be the case. We all see the contribution of time and space. What I didn't say, I can only use one word to express-great!" Peng Gongzhi said with a joyous smile.

"The original ancestor laid the foundation for the rise of the ethnic group, the giant axe guarded the development of the ethnic group, and time and space pragmatically laid the foundation of the ethnic group. Everyone thinks it!"

The Lord of Xujin looked at everyone and said loudly, it was surprising that Cheng Buyun's position was pushed up to the same level as the original ancestor and the founder of the giant axe.

But the lord of the human universe present here did not refute, and even nodded in agreement.

Cheng Buyun was suddenly taken aback, and even stood up and humbled and said, "Senior Xujin, how dare I be such an exaltation? Master’s contribution is so great that I can’t compare it. Even the contribution made by the great axe is what it is today. I'm still far behind."

"It's just a temporary shortcoming. It's all trivial things. In the future, you will continue to sway. The word greatness doesn't give you the slightest praise."

The master of Peng Gong said: "Even now, in terms of contribution, I tell the truth, I am far behind you."

"Indeed, what Peng Gong said is very true, and we are just that you live longer. In terms of contribution, it is really ordinary." The Lord of Qingdong also expressed respect on the spot.

In terms of the number of contributions, Cheng Buyun is very rare, only three times, but that time that shocked them?

I won’t talk about the secret tones I took out before. The huge wealth that the entire group can’t afford is passed down by the secret tones in front of me. Isn’t it precious?

As long as someone with a bit of knowledge knows, it is very precious, okay!

The inheritance of the Secret Secret Code is not comparable to that of the Ancestral God Sect. You can only rely on your own to understand it, but there are guidelines in the Secret Code, and it will be much easier to comprehend, much better than relying on yourself to explore.

There are no systematic training guidelines for many ethnic groups in the entire primitive universe.

Even in the universe, there are not many races.

This alone is pretty good!

The more he talked about it, the more he couldn't. Cheng Buyun wiped his sweat secretly, and even said modestly: "Too much praise, I can't afford it, seniors, please forgive me!"

"Haha, I'm still humble."

"That's it, facing the mechanical demon god, the Zerzu queen, and the dream demon clan are all worthwhile, and now it's not worthy of just exaggerating you!"

"What are you afraid of, take out your momentum!"

All the old guys, relying on their seniority, actually started laughing.

"OK OK."

Chaos City Lord hurriedly stopped, and said with a smile: "He is still young and he is not fully prepared. He still needs experience, so don't say that. In the future, he should bear the responsibility, even if we don't say it, he will naturally take it. The word great, even if it is not on his head, it will fall on his head. Now... let us ignore it!"

"Haha, Chaos makes sense, it really needs to be experienced, and let him spend more time, haha!" Peng Gongzhi said with a smile, not forgetting to glance at Cheng Buyun.

Several veteran experts such as the Lord of Xujin, the Lord of Qingdong, and the Lord of Huangjian also nod their heads, and the other masters of the universe also attached themselves to each other, and they did not embarrass them.

The newly promoted young master of the universe, such as the Lord of Youhou, is full of envy. If you want to make these people laugh, you must have that ability.

The word great is not something that can be said at will. Don't think that the strong below respectfully call a great existence, you are really great.

To be great requires an unparalleled contribution to the race to be called great!

Like the original ancestors, like the founder of the giant axe, that is the real greatness. The rise of a leading ethnic group and the status of a foundation-laying ethnic group, and the survival and development of a guardian ethnic group, can be called greatness. The lord of the universe must be respected.

These existences of them can only be regarded as the pillars of the ethnic group at best, and they are not great.

And now, Chengbuyun already has this trend.

The contribution of a large number of practice secrets has pragmatically strengthened the foundation of the ethnic group, strengthened the power of the ethnic group, and greatly improved the potential of the ethnic group. Only then can it be called great!

Of course, if an ethnic group wants to grow, it is impossible to rely on one person alone, and safflower needs green leaves.

Without the assistance of the Lord of the Universe, no matter how great a person is, it is impossible to support a strong ethnic group.

ps: A group of old guys, it is estimated that they want to fall back!

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