Plane Universe

Chapter 2663: Who is willing to hide

This time the highest resolution, amidst a joyous voice, ended.

Many masters of the universe left the Great Axe Temple with joy and went to make arrangements.

The practice and inheritance of the Secrets of Secrets is the same as the Secrets of Cultivation that Cheng Buyun contributed before. All the people of the tribe must pass the most severe test before they are qualified to watch the contents of the secrets if they want to be qualified to practice and enlighten.

In the matter of inheriting and practicing the secrets of cultivation, human beings have almost adopted a strict prevention method, preferring to develop slowly and grow the strength of the ethnic group more slowly. This is necessary.

After all, the method of soul enslavement, sometimes you are really overwhelmed, the immortal **** level is enslaved by a foreign race, even the founder of the giant axe can't see the flaw.

And it is impossible for the founder of the Great Axe to deal with such a thing.

With that time, it's better to explore the universe. If luck comes, and get a piece of the most powerful treasure, the race does not need to fear offending people like that.

Just because there is no Xeon Supreme Treasure in hand, the founder of the Great Axe dare not speak louder, afraid of offending the strong foreign race, and fearing disaster to the race.

In order to complete the entrustment of the original ancestor, the founder of the giant axe has been living very hard over the years, almost always pretending to be grandchildren everywhere, and he is too humble.

Is he trying to pretend his grandson is humble?

Isn’t that impossible?

Who wants!

Of course, this statement is a bit exaggerated, but it is also imaginable.

Before getting the Xeon Supreme Treasure, the founders of the Great Axe were trying their best to hide, lest the sharpness of the edge would cause the bane of the race.

With such patience, even if the strong ethnic group was bullied or bullied, the founder of the Great Axe never came forward, and did not even mention any words of revenge.

As long as the alien race is not too much and the life goes well, the founder of the giant axe can bear it.

Therefore, the secret of inheritance is very important, and it must not be leaked out, so as not to let the aliens feel the threat from human beings and do something by unscrupulous means.

At this stage, the main thing is patience, and there is not enough time for the arrogance of the strong ethnic group.

Everything is for the overall situation.

Cheng Buyun was unable to judge the actions of the strong ethnic group. He understood the hardships of the ethnic group over the endless years, and he also knew the suppression of the human ethnic group by the alien race.

Once there are signs of re-emergence, how can the alien race be willing, and the alien race definitely does not want human beings to have another strong like the original ancestor.

During that period, it can be described as a dark sky, and even the most arrogant God Eye Clan today cannot be compared with one.

At that time, the human race was really domineering, and it was completely worthwhile to run into the universe, even if it encountered a strong person higher than itself. With the great prestige of the original ancestor, even the tiger beard of the strongest man in the universe would dare Go and flip.

At that time, the powerhouses of the two holy places had to keep a low profile when the original ancestors were looking at each other, and very few powerhouses came out.

Because the powerhouses of the two holy places don't want to come out and get angry.


But now it is no longer.


Cheng Buyun suddenly muttered to himself like this. The Chaos City Lord glanced at him for unknown reasons, thinking that he was pitying for the inheritance arrangement, so he explained: "There is no way, we are not strong enough now. So everything can only be considered as low-key arrangements as possible."

"It's very easy to change this situation. You practice hard, hone your own experience and foundation, and wait for you to break through and become the master of the universe."

Chaos City Lord said calmly: "I think at that time, my human being will be able to make a huge voice again, and I can point to the strong alien and say no again!"

He believed this very much. Once Cheng Buyun became the lord of the universe, he would definitely be able to fight at higher levels as he does now.

Because... Cheng Buyun has inherited from a chaos realm or even above.

The inheritance of existence above the Chaos Realm, what a noble existence is that?

A great existence that is three realms higher than the true **** is like the difference between the true **** and immortality.

The gap is so big that it is hard to imagine.

Take the geniuses cultivated from the five human forces, can they be compared to ordinary human powers?

Couldn't the Lord and Genius of the Primordial Secret Realm go beyond the ranks to fight the immortal gods?

Any one of His Royal Highness can compete with the Immortal Lord, even with the Immortal Fenghou, and even a few of them can kill the Immortal Fenghou.

Cheng Buyun is the same.

With a strong heritage, fighting at higher levels is like eating and drinking.

After all... Wasn't he leaping in the previous battle?

And it's the kind of very outrageous higher-order battle, don't say I've seen it before, I haven't heard of it before!

The Venerable Universe can fight fiercely with the Lord of the Universe, and even fight with the master of the Universe, so they watch Cheng Buyun grow step by step, or they suddenly see it, I am afraid that people will be frightened!

"Teacher, I will try my best not to disappoint you in any way." Cheng Buyun was not humble, but nodded heavily. As for the teacher's misunderstanding, he did not defend himself.

His sigh just now was not that everyone was too careful, but that he hadn't brought the "Soul Mirror" from the main universe.

Also forgot, let time and space copy records.

But he tried to ask, and sure enough... as he guessed, there was no record.

The Soul Mirror is not expensive in the main universe. It is a very ordinary treasure. It is not worth spending Zhou Zhang to record and copy. If necessary, you can directly purchase it.

It's a pity... Cheng Buyun forgot.

Teacher Chaos didn't understand, so he misunderstood, but it was all trivial.

After this period of time, just go to the main universe to get a batch back.

"Okay, I have to arrange it too, do it yourself." Chaos City Lord waved and smiled, but this is just an excuse. Arrangement can be done in the virtual universe. Convene those who are in charge of the universe to explain. Arrange the matters, the cosmic venerables will do everything properly, without the slightest mistake.

The virtual universe company is still very good in execution, and dare not deceive the top and the bottom.

After all, the human monitoring system is too powerful, and if there is a slight disturbance, it cannot hide from the virtual universe system.

It's just that the upper echelons want to move you.

It is useful or not to investigate you, it is useless, the next moment you have to lose your hard-won position.

Saying goodbye to Teacher Chaos, Cheng Buyun went back to the palace where he was staying. It happened that Wang Ya returned from outside experience, and he spent a few days leisurely with the latter, playing around in the primitive secret realm.

The wives had a hard time, at least they didn't feel too lovesick.

There is a virtual universe, and another avatar sits in the original secret space-time palace. Several wives can see it whenever they want to.

Xu Xin felt a bit miserable. Luo Feng, the **** deity, sat in the palace for thousands of years without moving. The avatar of the Demon Killer clan wandered in the universe, all communication channels were closed, and he had no idea where he was crazy.

For thousands of years, Xu Xin was able to see his deity sitting cross-legged in the palace, so he didn't worry much, otherwise I don't know how many times I have asked Cheng Buyun.

PS: Sure enough, I didn't even mention the contribution. A group of old guys are still the Lord of the universe. I'm shameless!

Cheng Buyun: I am also very helpless. No wonder I admire me so much, and a lot of praises hit me on my head. I am still too young!

The Lord of Peng Gong and the Lord of Xujin laughed together: the society is sinister, remember this lesson!

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