Plane Universe

Chapter 2744: Hard-won

After the transaction, both parties immediately chose to leave.

Not much to talk about others at all.

As for the benefits promised to the Lord of Ningyu, of course they will not be given face-to-face, but will be resolved after the fact. Both the Lord of Ningyu and the Lord of Chaos understand this.

The purple moon holy land powerhouse is very proud in his heart, and he doesn't look down on the friendship of the human powerhouse, even if there is such an existence as the Chaos City Lord, even if their ancestors of the purple moon have praised it, they will not care.

The Lord of Negative Yu took care of the Chaos City Lord, one because he was young, and the other also admired the talent of the latter, so he cared a little.

The other Purple Moon Holy Land powerhouses will not.

A passing glance.

Mirror flowers and moon, nothing more than bubbles.

The powerhouses of the previous era are not all buried in time, and disappear forever.

Chaos City Lord?

It's hard to escape such a fate, why bother!

"These guys are really arrogant. Who do you look down on?" The Lord of Longxing looked at the figure of those strong men going away in the Purple Moon Holy Land, and he snorted twice, with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Eternal, it is inevitable to be arrogant. I will look at it later, there is always a time when they lick my human toes." Peng Gongzhi said with a smile.

"Peng Gong's remarks are very refreshing." The Xujin Lord laughed and said lightly: "The power in front of us is only for a moment. They are only temporarily ahead of my human beings. In terms of potential, they are compared to my humans. It’s too far to be the same."

"Indeed, when I have accumulated enough human beings, I must blind them and scare them to death." The taciturn Frozen Lord also coldly snorted a few times to express his anger.

The Lord of Chaos City heard a few people talking, and smiled slightly, showing a smile.

He didn't know what the cultivation knowledge system of the Purple Moon Holy Land was, but it was certainly not as powerful as his own ethnic group now. Cheng Buyun risked angering the cosmic roots to reveal his cultivation system knowledge, which was vast and great.

If the two great sacred places have these backgrounds, the strength of the strong people in their power sacred places is more than what you see now.

So... he guessed, no.

Or, the founders of the two holy places cannot reveal them.

As for the reason, huh...It must be said that the cosmos must be suppressed by will and will not be revealed.

A strong man who has left this universe, if he dares to violate the rules, there will only be one end, and that is fall!

As smart as the Chaos City Lord, how could he fail to guess this? Since Cheng Buyun revealed a lot of inside stories and the key to reincarnation, he has guessed that there is a more powerful world outside the primitive universe.

The primitive universe includes the universe, but a novice village, a cradle of talented powerhouses, not even a cradle. Only the top genius can break this restriction and go to a wider place outside.

But now, instead of trying to come back to his senses at some point, he glanced at everyone and said: "Go, we can't stay here any more, we also leave as soon as possible and return to the ethnic group."

At the moment, there is no need to say that the five strong human beings even left the desert and drove back to the primitive universe along the route they came.


Black Fire Mountains.

Cheng Buyun is still digging, and the wealth contained in a large number of volcanoes is amazing. Even if he is mentally exhausted, he has to continue digging.

What's buried underneath is all wealth. If you don't dig it, it would be too wasteful.


Constant vibrations came from a volcano.

After Xiao Hong pouted her little butt, she kept digging around the pit with her hands, piles of ore dug out, before it fell into the pit, it had disappeared before her eyes.

With the assistance of the magical combination of treasures, Xiaohong’s ore mining speed has been increased many times, the extremely hard Rainbow Crystal Mine, in her hands, although it is an exaggeration to be as fragile as tofu, it did not take much effort. .

Digging is much easier than before.

Needless to say, it’s hard work. Mining is not hard work.

But because of the great harvest, I don't care about the hard work.

Not to mention, the wealth on these volcanoes in the Black Fire Mountain Range is really amazing. I won’t say that the rainbow crystal ore is a treasure material. Although the grade is relatively low, a piece of ore with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers is worth about one treasure point. .

If it is not difficult to mine, the income from ore alone is enough to overwhelm the income from treasures.

It's a pity...too difficult and too hard.

It is not for Xiaohong Empress, if Chengbuyun mines by himself, it is estimated that he may not get a treasure in a year.

You can't even get a treasure point.

Hongjing ore is incredibly hard, comparable to a treasure. With such a hard quality, it is naturally difficult to mine.

Cheng Buyun, who was mining, suddenly said: "I don't know what the teacher is doing, whether he can trade the materials with the foreign race, and what the price will be."

"It shouldn't be difficult. Although those materials are also precious, they won't be exchanged. It's just a matter of how much to pay." Xiao Honghou pouted her little butt, digging for ore with both hands, and smiled in response: "Brother, Don't worry, it's only more than ten years, and it's still early."


Cheng Buyun shook his head. In fact, he understood one thing very well in his mind. It would not be much more expensive than the outside materials to directly exchange materials for refining magical illusions.

The value of a top treasure is around 300 treasure points. The combined value of four materials such as stardust sand, mingling earth stone, gold leaf, and soul wood, no matter how you change it, it will not be the top treasure. under.

But he still did.

Those materials are too rare, without the help of the ethnic group, it is almost difficult to obtain a large amount of materials.

Of course, he can also excuse that he was lucky and found the treasure, but only deceived it again and again.

One more thing, he also hopes to let the strong ethnic group know that treasures are hard-won and should be treated very rare.

Thinking of these questions in his head, he suddenly smiled, but he received an email notification from Teacher Chaos that the materials have been changed, and he is returning to the original universe at this time. If he is okay, he can come and meet and go back together.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the teacher is still very capable, but within a short time, the materials have been changed." Cheng Buyun couldn't help but smile with joy after reading the email.

He had thought that it would take hundreds of thousands of years to change to these materials, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

Only more than ten years.

"Already switched to materials?."

Xiao Honghou also stopped her hand immediately, turned her head and asked in surprise, "Is it so powerful? Brother, how are we now?"

"Of course it's time to go back, lest everyone wait in a hurry." Cheng Buyun smiled, glanced down at the pothole, estimated the depth, and said: "Use your strength to get out the treasure below, and then we I went back."


Xiao Honghou responded happily, and the power of both hands digging the ore became stronger.

Regardless of the cost, with a lot of divine power, the treasure buried under the ore was easily dug out. It was a semi-broken treasure armor, with a value of about twenty-odd treasure points.

The broken pinnacle armor is really worthless and can only be recycled as a material.

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