Plane Universe

Chapter 2745: Go to rendezvous

With countless gains, Cheng Buyun and Xiao Hong left the Black Fire Mountain Range, ready to go to the chaos teacher and his group of experts.

As for the way to leave the Black Fire Mountain Range, it is very easy. You only need to fly upward over the layers of black clouds and mist to escape the powerful gravitational force inside the Black Fire Mountain Range.

Of course, it's easy to say, but it's very difficult to do. Even Cheng Buyun wants to leave. If it is his own strength, he wants to leave the Black Fire Mountain Range.

There is absolutely no possibility.

This is also the reason why no strong people come to venture out in the Black Fire Mountain Range.

It's easy to come in, but difficult to leave. There is no difference between being without strength and dying.

If you don't have the strength of the pinnacle level of the Lord of the Universe, and without the Supreme Treasure Flying Palace, and without the help of the strong, it is estimated that you will always stay here and die.

It wasn't for this reason. Why was the Black Fire Mountain Range so quiet? After thousands of years of wandering around, there were not even a few strong aliens.


The huge heart fantasy palace, under the impetus of Chengbuyun's divine power, flew upwards quickly, and soon submerged in the black clouds.

But after reaching a certain distance, due to the huge pressure of the Black Fire Mountain Range itself, the ascent speed of the Palace of Heart Illusion dropped sharply.

Even the speed of light cannot be maintained.

Black clouds and mists were permeated, and gray matter covered the void layer by layer.

Don't underestimate these gray substances. These gray substances seem to be light and fluttering without the slightest weight among the clouds, but in fact, they are like dust in the universe, hindering the acceleration of flight.

Moreover, due to the gravitational problems of the Black Fire Mountain Range, these gray materials were entangled in the clouds, which played a great interference effect.

A strong person who doesn't have any strength, don't want to pass through easily.


Cheng Buyun gave a soft drink, the endless power radiated from him, spreading away, the invisible power penetrated the palace of the heart illusion, causing the surrounding mass of dust and other materials, as well as the gravity of the Black Fire Mountain Range, to be instantly solidified. In an instant.

The power of will urges the law of time, and the power is great, even if the Black Fire Mountain Range itself has the supreme power, it can't stop the monster from leaving.

Immediately afterwards, golden light filled the whole body of the Heart Fantasy Palace, and the surface of the palace flickered with secret patterns, and a large number of laws rippled, pushing layers of clouds and mist away from the body like water waves, rippling towards the distance.


With the help of the power of will, the law of time made the surroundings stand still for an instant. Under the impetus of the divine power, the palace of the heart illusion rose rapidly, ignoring the black clouds and gray matter.

It urges the Palace of Heart Fantasy, shaking the will power from time to time to stop the surroundings according to the law of time. Although the Black Fire Mountain Range is extremely gravitational, it cannot prevent him from leaving.

"Gravity is really strong, and the gravitation in the sky is even stronger than on the ground." Xiao Honghou turned her head and glanced at the serious figure, feeling the rapid consumption of the eldest brother's divine body, her eyes condensed like a gem. , Said: "It's no wonder that there are so many terrified here, even Teacher Chaos specifically pointed out on the map, do not come here to break."

There is no gray matter on the ground, the interference is not too big, and the speed can naturally be faster.

The void is completely different. A large amount of gray matter dust, in terms of weight, is much heavier than the dust of the universe. The speed is fast and it is full of holes, and it will hurt itself.

The palace will also be greatly shaken, damaging the controller's divine body.

"Indeed, although it's not a Jedi here, it's not a strong person who can come. If it weren't for the power of will, I wouldn't have come here." Cheng Buyun urged the palace, and there was still room for energy. After Xiaohong argued, it can be seen that it is not difficult to control the palace to rise, "even if you have a palace of fantasy."

"Hey, brother, and me, I am not afraid of these gravitational forces." Xiao Honghou said with a proud smile.


Cheng Buyun laughed, it was because Xiao Hong was by his side that he dared to break in.

Although Xiaohong Empress’s strength is very weak, it’s just that the Lord of the Universe has just entered the level, but its body mass is tyrannical, and it can be transformed into a battleship, and its power is even stronger. In terms of speed and power, it will not control the Xeon Supreme Palace more than the strong Come too weak.

The supreme treasure palace also depends on the strong person's own abilities, and how much power he wants to play, he also needs tyrannical divine power.

And her changed battleship mode itself has 3000 times the speed of light, which is still not discounted. A little gravitational force is nothing to say to her changing to the battleship mode.

The previous time I played against a few strong men of the God Eye Clan, I had already understood it.

The domain power is unlimited, and the laws of nature are the same.

Domain power is almost the same as the power of natural law, there is not much difference.

In other words, Xiaohong's own speed is higher than the ability that belongs to the rule.

Of course, these are just speculations, time and space have not explained, and he can't understand it.

Who knows, there are more time and space means, even if you say it, it's just a sound, it is impossible for him to cultivate, and he can't understand it at a low level.


Getting in is easy, but getting out is difficult.

Even with the help of will and power, Chengbuyun's Psychic Fantasy Palace still took a whole month to escape the huge gravity of the Black Fire Mountain Range.

Standing in the palace, consciousness spread, and the appearance of the Black Fire Mountain Range, like a giant beast of the abyss, clearly appeared in his mind. Cheng Buyun shook his head, glanced at it one last time, and said: It’s so big, I don’t want to leave anymore."

"Brother, please forgive me, I don't want to go mining anymore." Upon hearing this, Xiao Hong spit out bitterly, and urged Cheng Buyun to leave quickly.

Even Xiao Hong Empress is so afraid of mining, Cheng Buyun's face is also sad, mining in the Black Fire Mountain Range, Xiao Hong Empress is definitely the hardest one.

He is just assisting by the side, even most of the time Xiaohonghou is digging, and he collects ore from the side.

"Seeing you are scared." Cheng Bu Yunyun laughed loudly, shook his head and said soothingly: "I know you are very hard mining, and you won't come next time, don't worry!"


The palace of heart illusion advances at full speed, the bursts of power that emanate spread out, flying across the void at thousands of times the speed of light in the interior, attracting the attention of many foreign powers, even guessing who is so courageous, dare to be here. Unscrupulous in dangerous places.

But when they went to explore, they immediately found the illusion palace flying fast in the sky, and shook their head with a wry smile, and cursed in anger, **** rich!

Among the treasures, the three treasures of soul, realm, and palace are almost the same, each of which is several times more expensive than weapons.

At the same time, it also scores levels, the powerful power level is higher, and the value is more expensive. The appearance of any masterless treasure will cause countless strong fights.

"Haha, a bunch of poor ghosts, go envious, and don't have time to pay attention to you, otherwise you will be beautiful." A burst of laughter spread over, listening to the ears of the strong foreigners, and suddenly they walked away, making each foreigner strong The person repeatedly shouted at the void.

The Chengbuyun in the Palace of Heart Fantasy shook his head secretly as he saw it. Only Xiaohong Empress could scorn the foreign race with wealth.

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