Plane Universe

Chapter 2751: Leave everything to me

It is true.

It is worth tens of nearly a hundred pieces of the pinnacle treasure, and it is all materials, how huge is that?

How much can it consume?

The master of human beings who can refine tools is only the master of Peng Gong, and now at most, one more Cheng Buyun is added.

The refining of a supreme treasure can take a few years, as good as the supreme supreme treasure.

For thousands of years, the rainbow crystal ore that has been mined in large quantities, and the countless broken treasures that have been harvested are all wealth.

Now, let's just say that Cheng Buyun is richer than his ethnic group, and it is probably not bad.

How many families do humans have?

One peak field supreme treasure, several ordinary peak supreme treasures, supreme materials, etc., worth about 30 ordinary peak supreme treasures.

The top treasures, the most precious treasures, and the materials, etc., add up to about 1,000 pieces, the number of high-class treasures is about 10,000 pieces, and there are more ordinary treasures, about 100,000 pieces.

But most of them are materials.

There are very few true treasures, otherwise they won't appear. Many cosmic lords don't even have ordinary treasures.

Even the founder of the giant axe, dare not say that he is richer than Cheng Buyun.

It is estimated that the founder of the giant axe carried about five peak treasures, some spare peak treasures, and a number of other treasures. The total net worth is probably in the hundreds of peak treasures.

Will not exceed.

The most expensive and top-notch domain pinnacle treasure, the value is also worth up to twenty ordinary pinnacle treasures.

Therefore, Cheng Buyun's harvest in the Black Fire Mountain Range this time is comparable to the wealth of the founder of the Great Axe.

How outrageous, as long as you hear it, you will be shocked.

"Yes, there is more wealth, there are piles of materials where you put it, you must find a way to replace it with practical treasures to give full play to its advantages."

The Lord of Void Gold said with a wry smile: "It's just that this difficulty is too big."

"Really, I used to be poor and sad, but now I am rich and just as sad!" The Lord of Longxing smiled bitterly.

"Seniors, don't worry, just leave it to me." Cheng Buyun smiled, and said confidently: "I have been in the Black Fire Mountains for thousands of years. Dare to say it is very powerful, but the refining speed...I am still very sure."

"you sure?"

The Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Peng Gong, the Lord of Virtual Gold, the Lord of Dragon Walk, and the Lord of Frozen Frozen, all the five powerhouses looked over, with a look of hope, and almost all of their expressions were about to be stretched.

"Don't worry, for those who can refine the pinnacle treasure, refining some secondary treasures is not a big problem, and the speed is absolutely guaranteed." Cheng Buyun became serious and said solemnly: "In the near future, teacher , Seniors, please watch, you will never be disappointed, I promise you."

"That's great."

"We just looked at it. The top treasures are very important. There are many great existences in my ethnic group, and most of them are still high treasures."

This is indeed the case. It is unavoidable to be as strong as the Lord of the Blue East and the Lord of Desolate Mirror. The two of them are better in armor and weapons, and the soul is at the top level. Others, such as the domain and auxiliary, are not good It's a high level, even the top level, it's a high level.

It is not as powerful as the top treasure.

Where is the grade?

The power of the supreme treasure is that it has many effects, and the power is a treasure of a higher level.

As for the flying palace treasure, there are very few ethnic groups. This type of treasure is rare in the entire universe.

There is such a treasure of the ordinary flying palace, which is already considered a lucky chance.

As the Lord of Sirius was as arrogant as before, what is it relying on?

It was not the courage that the Heavenly Wolf Palace gave him.

"No wonder your strength hasn't improved much in these thousands of years."

Chaos City Lord sighed, looked at Cheng Buyun and said with a wry smile: "It is estimated that you have thought of this day a long time ago, so during the thousands of years of adventures in the Black Fire Mountains, you have put all your thoughts on the refining device. Right!"

"Before I was worried, did you reach a certain bottleneck, so that the progress began to slow down, but... turned a different direction and tried hard." Chaos City Lord also understood.

Before 10,000 in the morning, although Chengbuyun also had refining tools, they were all very common treasures, and the best treasures refined were nothing but crystal emperor armor.

Although the Crystal Emperor Armor is a very good grade among the ordinary treasures, it did not make the Chaos City Lord very attractive.

Now that we are making efforts in this area, the achievements are a bit incredible!


It really cannot be judged by common sense!

Cheng Buyun was startled, and remembered the scene of seeing the teacher last time, and he also understood in his heart that this was the reason for the teacher's worries!

"Isn't it?"

The Lord of Void Gold was shocked. He even looked at Cheng Buyun up and down, and even looked at the Chaos City Lord with a weird expression, and said, "This is still not much progress? The will of time and space, the fluctuation of laws, the inspiring of realm, etc., are more than I saw last time. When the time comes, it will be more than ten thousand times stronger. Are you still not satisfied as a teacher? What are the meanings!"

"Chaos has high requirements for time and space, it is inevitable!" Peng Gongzhi laughed and explained, "After all, after a lot of effort and long-term view, the progress of time and space has suddenly slowed down. Worry is inevitable."

"This is the truth. We are not common after all, so we don't notice it." The Lord of Longxing also laughed, and secretly looked at Cheng Buyun, judging his level of strength, compared to the last time he stayed at the Station Temple. As you can see, the strength has increased a hundredfold.

What an amazing growth.

However, the aura radiated, there were fluctuations in the realm of the law, etc., the strength of the last time when the great powers of the God Eye clan were killed, it really didn't increase much.

"You guys, I just said this. You just babbled him, and I didn't mean to blame him." City Lord Chaos smiled and said, "Before, I was just worried. Now I know where he posted. Strength, I'm relieved."

"Chaos is right. As long as you don't get stuck by the bottleneck, you can study other content."

Peng Gong’s master laughed loudly and said: “It’s fine if you don’t have talent. Talents can’t be wasted, especially for refining achievements. It’s better to spend some time to think about it. The so-called cultivation is complementary to each other. Whatever you spend your mind on accomplishing, as long as it is related to the laws and secret patterns, it is all about cultivation perception."

Having said that, he turned his head and left the Lord of Void Gold and Lord of Dragon Walk. Even the Lord of Frozen Frozen did not let it go. He teased and said: "If you change a few of you, even if you force you to go, you will get it. It's a mess. If you get irritable, it's probably the refining room collapsed."

"What are the meanings of these words? Did you harm us like this?"

"Yes, we have no talent for refining, so we don't learn it, we know ourselves!"

"Old man, you are not a son of man!"

"I'm telling you, I've been studying refining medicine recently, and I will make you look good by the time!"

The Lord of Xujin and the Lord of Longxing immediately became angry and roared again and again.

The Lord of the Frozen, full of chills, staring at the Lord Peng Gong with his eyes, as if he would start a fight if he didn't agree.

Is Lord Peng Gong afraid? He laughed again and again, so excited that the lord of the virtual gold and the lord of the dragon screamed.

Cheng Buyun and City Lord Chaos were watching the show, and from time to time they raised their wine bottles to respect them, admiring the noise of a few old people.

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