Plane Universe

Chapter 2752: About to start

The quarrel between the big powers is naturally rare.

After all, you must remain majestic and not lose your share.

The difference in strength between the few people is not too big, and in terms of status, they are quite close.

The Lord of Xujin, the Lord of Penggong, and the Lord of Chaos City are all leaders of the same line of forces. The Lord of Longxing has existed for a long time and has ancient qualifications.

The status of the Frozen Lord is also worse, but he has a strong background and the identity of the original ancestor's disciple is enough to sit down and make a few jokes with them.

Cheng Buyun is of course not to mention, no matter what status, background, etc., there is no difference.

And... the title of the future leader of the ethnic group also makes everyone not worried.

On the contrary, it made such a fuss and felt closer.

The strong also have small circles. Of course, such small circles are not split, but at the same level of strength, which can make people less worried.

Just like the master of Peng Gong just now, he changed the general level of the master of the universe, and probably wouldn't dare to talk back, that would be boring.

On the contrary, he would feel that the master of Peng Gong underestimated him and revealed his shortcomings.

The joke turned into a dark gap, which is definitely not a good result.

After a joke, everyone sat down again and talked happily.

Time passed day by day, but only a few days, and it was possible to see the huge size of the original universe.

Zhensha River began to fly, and it was not far from the original universe. A few days was enough.

"Haha, I finally arrived here safe and sound. As long as you pass through the wall membrane, you can return to the ethnic group." The Lord of Longxing sighed. This time the responsibility of guarding is sad and excited.

He will never forget the disdain of the opponent's strong eyes when facing the Purple Moon Holy Land.

I can't forget the excitement and joy of Cheng Buyun when he revealed the great harvest.

It can be said to be ups and downs, I tasted them all.

"Come back, only in the primitive universe can you feel a moment of peace, and that kind of leisurely meaning that the universe can't experience." The Lord of Xujin also hissed.

"Where did this come from?" said the master of Peng Gong: "No matter what, it's all over, ridiculed, but it's a temper for us and a source of growth."

Cheng Buyun was shocked? I instantly understood that this transaction must not be as pleasant as it seemed on the surface, and immediately said, "Teacher, who is the other party of my human transaction? Purple Moon Holy Land or Eastern Emperor Holy Land?"

There was endless anger in his eyes as he spoke.

Chaos City Lord waved his hand and said with an expression that he didn't intend to talk more: "The situation is stronger than humans. Weakness is the original sin. It is inevitable that the strength is not enough, and other strong people will despise it. Therefore, we all have to fight hard and become even more. Strong, only strong, can the aliens dare not underestimate us."

"Of course, no matter what you say, the successful exchange of the required materials this time can be regarded as a great ending. We should not bear the hate."

The Chaos City Lord said: "The opponent is powerful, despise me and so on, many of them want to do it, but there are many alien forces in the universe, and there are not many that can make the opponent take a high look."

How could Cheng Buyun not understand his explanation? He knew immediately that the only objects of the transaction were the two holy places, and only the two holy places could produce a lot of materials in such a short period of time.

"Purple Moon Holy Land, it's already easy to talk about, I can't guarantee if I can successfully trade after changing the East Emperor Holy Land." Peng Gongzhi said with a wry smile.

"It turns out to be the Purple Moon Holy Land!"

Cheng Buyun's expression was tense, with no color on his face, he said, "I remember this kindness."

"A sacred place, would you dare to deceive me humans like this?" Xiao Honghou frowned and snorted coldly: "When they ask us in the future."

Regarding what she said, all the human experts here believe.

They may not have the ability to wait, but Cheng Buyun is definitely hopeful.

How could it be possible that a wealth of cultivation knowledge that has inherited at least the power of chaos realm can be annihilated in time.

Eternity, to create a holy place, is the lowest condition.

They believe this very much.


Going back to the original universe through the cosmic wall, and going back to the territory of the ethnic group, naturally it does not take much time.

A divine kingdom teleportation arrived immediately.

Convenient and fast.

This is the case in the primitive universe.

As soon as he returned to the original secret realm, City Lord Chaos readily took out all the materials and gave them to Cheng Buyun, and solemnly said: "It's up to you next. The teacher can't help you in this regard."

Originally, the master of Peng Gong wanted to stay and could give Cheng Buyun a hand, but at first thought, the techniques of refining tools were all secrets that were not taught. Without the permission of the teacher, let alone teaching, other strong people would not be able to watch.

Naturally, there are only goodbyes.

The Lord of Xujin also encouraged a few words, expecting so much, and left.

"It's up to you, no matter what, just do your best!" The Lord of Longxing nodded, looked at City Lord Chaos with expectation, and left.

"Work hard!"

The Lord of the Frozen has few words, a word of encouragement is enough.

City Lord Chaos finally took a look at Cheng Buyun, left the original secret realm directly, and set off again to the Universe Sea.

In the main hall, Chaos City Lord watched the Lord Zhan depart, his sight returned to Cheng Buyun, just watching silently.

Chengbuyun refining device affects the hearts of all human beings and pays attention to it. But they didn't show up, come to disturb.

Even the emails were not sent, and they didn't ask or snoop.

The purpose is not to put too much pressure on Cheng Buyun.

For this action of a strong ethnic group, Cheng Buyun naturally understood whose handwriting came from, and silently expressed his gratitude to the founder of the giant axe.

The other party has done a lot for himself secretly, put a lot of pressure on him, and supported himself.

Such trust and support must be remembered.

"Just because of this trust and support, I have to give an explanation. I won't disappoint the founder of the giant axe and the teacher." Cheng Buyun whispered in an inaudible tone.

Divine illusion refining is 100% successful, but in addition to divine illusion, it also needs to refine some treasures to strengthen the strength of the race.

Magical illusions are expensive, and naturally not everyone can afford to wear them, so...some good top treasures, high top treasures, are necessary products.

let's start!

Have a big fight!

The refining of the treasure is actually a design process. Whether the secret pattern engraving is reasonable or not depends on the refiner.

I have time and time to help, just do design work, it will not be difficult.

After returning to the Palace of Time and Space, Cheng Buyun first met with his four wives, spent a few days leisurely, and then began to devote himself to the production of the treasure.

Refining the supreme treasure, the materials are readily available, and there is time to help, it is considered to be 90% successful, and the 10% that is poor must be regarded as Buyun's own perception and insight.

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