Plane Universe

Chapter 2761: Chaos City Lord is gaffe again

Main hall.

City Lord Chaos stared at Cheng Buyun standing in front of him with a dazed expression, his expression self-consciously surprised, and the corners of his eyes were shrinking slightly.

Too tyrannical!

Isn't he refining tools? What... Over ten thousand years, there has been such an exaggerated leap forward in the realm of law perception?

Compared with the feelings of my endless years, it is estimated that it is not much different!

Is it really so powerful?

Can a cultivator get such a great harvest, or is it just a special column, is his disciple too enchanting?

Originally, the Lord of Chaos City saw Cheng Buyun's exaggerated progress, and it was inevitable that he had a fascinating idea about refining equipment, but... when he thought that the master of Peng Gong was also refining equipment, he did not have a brilliant performance. Through, what or what.

The waves in my heart were immediately suppressed.

People can't compare with others. Once you have the desire to compare, you can do it yourself, and then... you will fall into a lower level.

Only by firming oneself and having the clearest knowledge of oneself can one go to the end.

The commotion was quickly suppressed.

Seeing the teacher's surprised and happy gaze, Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "Teacher, why look at me like this? Is there something wrong with the disciple?"

"Stop teasing the teacher!"

The City Lord of Chaos gave him a majestic look, then even smiled and said, "It's not that you have something wrong, and you have changed so much now, I can't help but take a few more glances."

Immediately, he said with incomparable emotion: "In just over ten thousand years, your perception of the law has improved by leaps and bounds compared to before. Now, in my judgment, it should belong to the pinnacle level of the Lord of the Universe!"

Cheng Buyun nodded slightly, flattered and said, "All thanks to the teacher."

"Don't give me gold on my face. In the past, I can still give you training instructions on the law perception. After you reach the level of the master of the universe, I can't help it." The Chaos City Lord waved his hand and did not claim credit. But he was very happy, and there was a smug smile on his face.

Cheng Buyun didn't refute, and the teacher couldn't point him to it?

The law perception may be really impossible to give pointers, even the secret method is very difficult to give pointers.

But... if the teacher had no credit after he reached the level of the master of the universe, it would be almost impossible.

The experience of a strong man accumulated over the long years has been taught with all his heart every time, allowing him to have a broader vision in the creation of secrets and progress to the current level of strength.

The teacher definitely has most of the credit.

No credit, but just the teacher's modesty.

Next, the two masters and apprentices had a thorough exchange, and when they learned that Cheng Buyun had already achieved the entry-level combination of all the rules, the corners of the Chaos City Lord's mouth were cramping.

Only by trying can we know how difficult it is to combine all the laws with each other.

In this regard, he has only just touched the fur after tens of thousands of years of cultivation experience.

Compared to my own disciples, the difference is really a bit far, very excessive.

This kind of comprehension really made him sigh, enchanting!

As he had thought before, sometimes people really can't compare with others. Once they compare, they definitely doubt life.

"Unexpectedly, on such a day, I was in turn pointed out by my own disciples on the law perception!" City Lord Chaos shook his head and laughed.

"Teacher, please don't say that. We just exchanged ideas on cultivation, and we haven't reached such a serious level." Cheng Bu Yunlian said: "I only got in touch with this aspect earlier than the teacher, so I just walked a few steps first, I am still far behind the teacher."

Cheng Buyun knows very well, in terms of law perception, don't look at his achievements. There is still a long way to go to exceed the level of teachers.

Below the level of the strongest in the universe, the law is the first person to perceive, that is not a false title, it is the recognized result of the vast number of foreign powers over the years.

Otherwise, it won't. For the first time experienced powerhouses appeared in the two holy places of the universe and sea, they all went to the past to fight for a fight, and let him give pointers.

Why don't the powerhouses of the two holy places find other powerhouses, but do everything possible to find the Chaos City Lord to experience?

This is the reason!

Because the Chaos City Lord is strong enough in law perception, and there is no strong supreme amplitude strength, it is very suitable.

Other powerful aliens are just the stacking strength of the treasure.

In terms of law perception, Chaos City Lord is really powerful.

Admired not only by the strong aliens, but like Buyun.

Not to be complacent about the small achievements I have made today, thinking that even the teacher has surpassed it.


"You, okay, let's not talk about this. I have been extremely pleased to see that you can continue to improve in strength and are better than anything else. I am very happy with You Rong Yan." Chaos City Lord even ignored this topic and said: "Look at the look and manners of you and Empress Xiaohong, Empress Xiaohong's extremely hopeful gaze... The refining tool should have been rewarded, and I am ready to see... I will be shocked for a while!"


As soon as Xiaohong heard this from the Chaos City Lord, her expression was dull, and her eyes were blank, as if she didn't understand how Chaos Teacher guessed her thoughts.

Good guy, it turned out to be such a behavior. The City Lord of Chaos suppressed the excitement in his heart, but said calmly on the surface: "Humph! Humph! I eat more salt than you have traveled. I want to see my gaffe. Excite, it's a bit too interesting."

But the next thing is very slapped.

Even though the Lord of Chaos City was prepared, he still lost his temper.

It was an excitement and shock. They all threw what they had said behind their heads. A pair of eyes just stared at the treasure mountain piled up on the side of the palace like a mountain. His eyes were lost and the whole expression was dull.

After a long time, he shivered and roared and said, "My God... but in more than ten thousand years, not only has not only refined the peak treasure, but also... has refined so many treasures!"

All kinds of attack treasures, armor treasures, shields treasures, wings treasures, battle shoes treasures, ribbons treasures, domains treasures, souls treasures, palaces treasures, and all kinds are complete.

And what is rare is that every level has it!

The City Lord of Chaos rushed to the treasure mountain frantically, constantly touching it with his hands, and his palms flowed past the treasures, falling into extreme surprises, and could no longer take care of the things around him.

I also forgot that there were Cheng Buyun and Xiaohonghou beside him.

The human race has never been so rich.

There are more than one hundred thousand treasures, even if most of them are ordinary treasures, it is quite shocking.

What's more, there are many top treasures in this treasure mountain, and there are nearly 30 peak treasures, which is no longer a shock.

It's horrifying.

Shocked and numb.

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