Plane Universe

Chapter 2762: Unsurpassed

A large number of treasures stacked on top of each other, the coercive coercion exuded, made all the powerhouses in the entire Chaos Palace almost aware.

As long as the existence is not shielded from consciousness, almost all of them have sensed the endless power transmitted from the main hall, and each of the strong people awakened from the meditation, their eyes looked over in amazement.

I don't know what happened.

Such a huge coercion!

It's too terrifying!

"What level and quantity of treasures is it that has such a huge pressure?"

"My God, is it... the Xeon Treasure?"

"Teacher, has he got the Xeon Treasure?"

The disciples, with shocked expressions, looked at the main hall in amazement with their eyes, they all lost their voices.

That incomparable coercion, even the might of Qianbaohe, was eclipsed at this moment and could not be suppressed at all.

Too tyrannical!

In the main hall.

When Cheng Buyun began to explain in more detail, it was mainly the special power of the illusion. The Chaos City Lord was not shocked anymore, but had an incredible face, and his whole body was constantly roaring and roaring with excitement, trembling as if he was sick.

The special effects of the illusion are terrifying.

Even, the Chaos City Lord was still persuaded by Cheng Buyun, and recognized the Lord's set of magical combinations, the supreme treasure, that kind of mighty power made him even more shocked.

Even if it was only the most basic amplitude of the illusion, the Chaos City Lord almost fell into madness.

The Chaos City Lord is close to ten thousand times the life level, and the divine power multiple is close to one million billion times, now multiplied by ten... how much is that?

Nearly petaflops.

Such a level of divine power, once the divine power is burned, it can be used in conjunction with the secret technique, the superposition of artistic conception, and the amplitude of weapon equipment.

I really don’t know, that strong alien can resist!

Only two words can express-tyrannical!

Such a powerful combination of the treasure, even without the strongest secret method, will not suffer too much from the level of the strongest in the universe.

You can't win, but you can save your life without any problems.

At least, the Chaos City Lord who wears the illusion is already at the level of a false true god.

The general six-tier sub-powers can definitely contend, the top six-tier powers can suppress at most, but they can't kill the Chaos City Lord wearing the illusion.

Only the strongest in the universe of Tier 7 has a powerful threat.

And the strongest in the seventh-order universe, how can it be embarrassing to turn to the initiative of a universe, is it shameless?


The Chaos City Lord laughed, looking down at the magical treasure on his body, touching here and there from time to time, he looked reluctant to take it off, it can be seen that he likes the magical illusion to the extreme.

How could Cheng Buyun not know the powerful attraction of magical illusions to the strong, and he even smiled and said, "Teacher, there are five sets of magical illusions here. I have already figured out the distribution results, and one of them belongs to the teacher.

As soon as the Chaos City Master heard this, his expression was stunned, and he even raised his head and said, "Is it okay? The materials are the wealth of the ethnic group. Without everyone's vote, even if you don't say it, you will have opinions in your heart. "

He still cares about the unity of the ethnic group and doesn't want to make a statement.


Cheng Buyun had different opinions, and said with a faint smile: "Treasures match the strong, the special effects of magical illusions can only be experienced in more powerful beings. The general universe wears them, but it only makes the level of divine power soar to the limit, but In terms of power, the gap is far, and it is impossible to compete against the strongest in the universe. Only the teacher and a few limited beings can do this step."

The powerful power of the illusion, to be honest, the Lord of Chaos is naturally unavoidable, but... still has many concerns.

Of course Cheng Buyun could see the concern in the teacher's heart, so he couldn't persuade him any more, so he had to say: "When the time comes, I will vote. I believe other cosmos lord will agree with me."

"Don't go too far, it's best to let everyone be willing to do it from the bottom of your heart." Chaos City Lord reminded. Of course, he also believes in the power of the group, not the kind of existence without the slightest insight.

"Teacher, in fact, in addition to the magical illusion, there is also the great treasure of the Taiheng combination. Although the power is not as powerful as the magical illusion, it is also a rare treasure." Cheng Bu Yunlian waved his hand to pull three top treasures from the treasure mountain. Come out, levitate it in front of you and say: "Teacher, please look! Because there are not enough rare materials, I spent a lot of time reducing the effect of the magical illusion, and refined the treasure of the Taiheng combination."

After seeing Taiheng Combination Supreme Treasure, Chaos City Lord even laughed and said: "As you said, although Taiheng is much inferior to the magical power, it is also a rare treasure in the universe, unique. The existence of, it can even be said that it is not worse than many of the best peak treasures."

He looked at Cheng Buyun, his expression mixed with emotions, and exclaimed in excitement: "I really don't know how powerful your refining skills are. You can even refine such a rare and powerful treasure. It's really... Fortune of the family!"

"Without the protection of the teacher and the cultivation of the ethnic group, how can I have this day." Cheng Buyun also said with emotion: "Cause, result!"

"Haha, what a cause and result!" City Lord Chaos laughed freely, fully understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Cheng Buyun's words are undoubtedly talking about how the race treats him, and he treats the race like this.

After calming down for a while, the Chaos City Lord suddenly looked towards Xiao Hong, and said with a smile: "Xiao Hong, it is as you wished, so you can see my gaffes! However, such gaffes, I Hope to come back a few more times, and I am very willing! Hahaha!"


Xiao Honghou pursed her mouth and smiled with a strangely embarrassing look, causing City Lord Chaos and Cheng Buyun to laugh at the same time.

After smiling, Cheng Buyun looked at the teacher and reminded him: "Teacher, the treasure has been refined. If possible, I can ask everyone to come back."

"Yes, yes, I really should let everyone come back and lie down."

When the Chaos City Lord heard it, he immediately reacted and said with a serious expression: "It doesn't matter in normal times, and the two treasures of the illusion and the Taiheng that you have refined now are simply unique, just like a bead of immortal gods. It can greatly enhance the strength of the strong!! Such a treasure, for everyone, not only can improve the level of strength, but also greatly enhance the security of the strong. It is necessary to let everyone come back and distribute it as soon as possible."

Needless to say, Chaos City Lord quickly wrote an email and sent an email to every strong person in the group, even the founder of the Great Axe.

Such a major event has a great impact on the ethnic group, so it is natural to notify the founder of the giant axe to let him know the details.

Moreover, Cheng Buyun also specially reminded him that if possible, let the founder of the giant axe come back and lie down.

PS: I'm a little busy, I hope you can forgive me! Don’t talk much, keep on codewords!

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