Plane Universe

Chapter 845: Holy Light

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Cheng Buyun said that the Will family may not have been frustrated for hundreds of years, so that they have developed such an arrogant attitude, and they have a sense of look down on anyone ... in their hearts.

"However, you do n’t think that we ca n’t let go of your hands and feet to deal with you. You are more attentive. The family just asks you to be taken back by us with life. It does not say that it is preserved and you do n’t have any hands and feet. "The leading middle-aged man said with a smile.

It's just the kind of skin that doesn't smile, it's cold.

"Master, give me sticks. I'm going to kill them. These people make me uncomfortable." Xiong Er couldn't help it first. These human beings are not fools. Why are all these arrogant gestures? Isn't this human being able to get into the eyes of my bear two, except the owner, it's too rubbish.

Cheng Buyun did not speak, instead of speaking with action, his right hand wiped the space ring, and a huge sharp serrated mace was thrown to the nearby bear two. The latter stretched out the bear's paw and caught it. Cried to rush up.

"Rolando, hold it." The leading man Shen Sheng shouted slightly.

The middle-aged man next to him realized that he immediately pulled out the epee on his back, and his whole body exploded.

"So, what other cards do you have? If not, we are going to start." The leading man smiled at Cheng Buyun with a cold face, a kind of cat and mouse pleasure, he imagined that after a while, the other party's heart The hope sinks a little bit, and his face is sad ... In the end, he ca n’t resist being caught, what a wonderful thing it will be.

Xiong Er waved his mace and hit the middle-aged man who rushed up. The other party's sensitive dodge and no move, Xiong Er sneered in his heart, dragging himself? You think too much.

Suddenly, his mace seemed to enter nothing, suddenly turned a corner, followed behind the man opposite, and swept past.

"Rolando, be careful, flash quickly." Another man who was always watching Xiong Er's movements was immediately anxious. He even pulled out his back of the sword and exploded in anger, trying to rescue him.

Is it just ... is it possible?

Xiong Er's shooting speed is so fast, no matter whether the three men on the opposite side press one, the strength is simply not comparable to it, and it is too far.


There was a loud noise, and the sound of crisp bones broke out. The middle-aged man named Rolando had been hit directly by Xiong Er with a mace, and flew out under a cliff 100 meters away. .

This man is no longer alive. With the angry shot of Xiong Er, how powerful is it?

The opponent's grudge was broken like paper. The sharp teeth on the mace stick even inserted deeply into the opponent's body. On the mace stick, the door was covered with blood, and the front part was concave inward. After entering, you must know that this is a solid thing, but it's actually a few centimeters indented, so horrible ...

The power of bear two!


The leading middle-aged man was incredulously watching Rolando's body falling down the cliff. The whole person was burning with anger, staring at Cheng Buyun with resentment, and with a snap, he pulled out his back sword and flew towards Cheng Buyun. He rushed over and there was only one miss in his heart at that time, that was to kill the other party and avenge Rolando.

As soon as the master dies, Warcraft will also die, letting you have the fact that you can't change with the strength of the sky.

Therefore, there are very few Sacred World of Warcraft willing to enter into a contract with humans, even humans who are not strong enough, and the super-smart World of Warcraft will not die, because of this rule, the master dies, and Warcraft will die even strong.

Conversely, if Warcraft dies, the host ’s soul will be hurt at most, which is unfair.

But this is the world rule.

"Aw!" Another man who was coming from the bouncer was trying to save himself. Then he knew that the man was dead. He was shocked by the shock, and then he was hit by a bear two to the epee. Blocked the Epee, and then there was no more, and he also followed the footsteps of Rolando.

Xiong Er broke out so fiercely.

Cheng Buyun looked at the middle-aged man suspected of being led by the other party with a sabre. There was no sadness on his face, and even Celsia sat quietly in the spot, staring at each other with cold eyes.

At a distance of ten meters, usually only one can finish running in that moment, but at this time, the middle-aged man feels very tormented, especially the double-sided look, too calm, so that the alert in his heart jumped, just thinking But there is no possibility to escape. The back road has been completely blocked by the other bear, unless it is over the other side and jumped off the cliff.

In this way, it is better to choose to kill the other party.

"It's coming ..."

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, the expression on his face was terrible, the blue muscles were exposed, and it was very scary.

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun moved his right hand and pulled out a two-meter-long epee from the space ring, and hacked the middle-aged man! Suddenly, the world roared, hum!

The middle-aged man instantly felt that the whole world was sealed. The huge pressure of the world directly suppressed himself on the spot. He felt that he could n’t even make a single shot. His heart shivered, and his eyes were completely widened, and his face was horrified , Thinking in disbelief in his heart: "This is the means of the powerful in the Holy Land, the power of heaven and earth, God!"


With a clear and loud sound, the heavy sword in Cheng Buyun's hands shot directly on the middle-aged man. The body of the middle-aged man rushed forward, stopped, and then quickly fell to the ground.

On the surface, there were no scars on his body, but the inside of the body has been turned into a powder by Cheng Buyun.

The power of dark energy is really overbearing.

This middle-aged man can be entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the Will family and takes people to capture Bu Yun. His strength is certainly not weak. Among the nine-level strong men, he is also a strong man with a very high status.

It's just that Cheng Buyun is too strong, so he can't see the strength of the other party. The strength of the ninth level is close to the peak, and he is killed without any resistance. Is this not enough pervert?

The blow just now can be said that Cheng Buyun was bullying. A ninth-level strongman who didn't even comprehend the power, he even used the power of the world to attack. Isn't this bullying?


If there is a strong man in the sanctuary passing by, he must say it, but the spread ... is not necessarily a bad thing, it is likely to push his prestige to a peak.

People who are not even the Holy Land, but have realized the use of the power of heaven and earth, how much talented talent can do it?

However, in Cheng Buyun's eyes, everything is nothing. After a year of fitting in with this prediction, he can already be regarded as half of the local life, so the power of heaven and earth was quickly realized by him. And can be used.

After all, he used to be a super ‘Body Master’ level, and he was comparable to the existence of the immortal gods who invincibly sealed the king.

The power of heaven and earth ...

I mean it!

Cheng Buyun didn't feel any joy in killing the opponent with one move. He looked indifferently at the mace that he passed the epee and Xiong Er in his hand, and confronted the two Warcrafts. Say: "Let's go, let's go down."

But the footsteps just stepped out, and the body suddenly had a pause, a glimmer of joy on his face.

"Go away ..." Celcia and Xiong Er felt that the master had stopped again, and looked around with a puzzled look.

"Unexpectedly, after killing an individual, the physical qualities were perfected. Is this the so-called killing upgrade?" Cheng Buyun looked dumb, with a sense of ridicule.

It just happened Ⅷ.

It should be that he just inspired the strength of the world and completed the final step of quenching.

I do n’t know if my body is perfect, will the blessing magic still work?

Thinking of it as a feature of Cheng Buyun, a blessing magic was immediately cast on his body, and then he frowned.

The physical quality is still the same, the perfection, but the magic power can still increase as before.

This should be the limitation of the universe. After all, the Panlong universe will be a bit different from other universes, but in terms of the power system, it is no different.

Blessing magic is also not a secret method of amplitude, it is impossible to enhance the body to an infinite level.

"So, what method should I use to break through now?" Cheng Buyun considered, whether to break through with his body, or to break through with grudge, which is a bit important.

Either way, it is actually absorbing the energy of the universe. This dragon universe has no power of other systems except for grudge and magical elements. I still go to the hometown and follow the customs, do n’t do anything about moths.

"Master, what's wrong?" Celsia squatted on the ground, staring at the master with a curly face on her head, didn't she say go down the mountain? She didn't understand how to stop again, as if remembering something.

How quickly the thoughts in Cheng Buyun ’s brain changed, and within these two seconds, he had all kinds of thoughts in his mind, and he was firm. Hearing Xiaobai ’s question, he turned to smile and looked at her, and reached She rubbed her tiger's face and smiled: "Just now my body is complete, I'm deciding which secret formula to choose to practice."

"Master, your body is complete!" Sercia's eyes lit up, and a tiger's face also showed a happy smile. The pair of tiger's whiskers were warped, and she was very happy.

"The host is so powerful." Xiong Erhan smiled.

The general physical quality Dao Dao 9 peak has already entered the threshold of the Sanctuary strong. One year ago, when Xiong Er encountered Cheng Buyun, his body was at this stage, but later became Cheng Buyun's contract Warcraft With a complete cultivation system, he gave up his inheritance and specifically cultivated the secret code that Cheng Buyun inherited to him. If his physical strength did not reach the limit, he would not be reconciled.

As a bear with great aspirations, he also has a strong dream.

"We stay here for a few days, and I need to practice." Cheng Buyun looked around, chose a hill under the peak, and sat down with his legs bent.

Xiong Er looked at the owner, and then looked at the two dead people on the ground. Farting walked past and took the two corpses in his hand, violently throwing the two corpses back and forth to the cliff.

In addition to gravity, he does not know any other magic, and he is too lazy to dig pits, throwing the simplest and fastest.

Sercia looked at Xiong Er with contempt, but she was really envious in her eyes. The big bear's two hands are more flexible than her four paws, and she can do many things for her master.

Cheng Buyun sitting under the wall of the mountain suddenly raised a burst of white light on his body. This is the effect of the secret code of qi.

The secret code of grudge he cultivated is attribute secret code, which is very different from the general secret code of grudge.

Moreover, the attribute secret can only be cultivated when it reaches the sanctuary. After all, the combination of elemental power and fighting spirit ca n’t be done by many people. The most difficult thing is to integrate into nature. Without integrating into nature, it is impossible to distract from absorption. Elemental strength between heaven and earth.

The last step is to combine the two with each other to make the grudge and elements rounded. Doesn't this kind of practice have a large group of people?

In other words, there are two prerequisites for wanting to practice the attribute doom secret code ...

Integrate into nature ... divide your mind.

This is not easy!

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