Plane Universe

Chapter 846: Sanctuary's Fury

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The energy dissipating between the heavens and the earth penetrated into the body of Cheng Buyun as if the moth threw fire, as if there was something in this body that attracted them.

In addition to the energy of heaven and earth, the holy white light dots jumping beside Cheng Buyun also entered his body little by little, and the white light dots that circled him gradually decreased, and the light elements floating between the sky and earth kept flying from a distance Enter, join the ranks of the carnival.

With the increase in the fighting spirit in Xiadantian, the Holy Light fighting spirit is transforming the body a little bit, and the holiness of his body is getting stronger and stronger.

Originally Cheng Buyun was practicing the magical power of the light system. Now when he is practicing the horror of the Holy Light, there is no conflict at all. It should be said that the two forces complement each other, and it is obvious that they intersect each other.

At this time, he is like a holy god, bringing light to the world. If anyone else sees Cheng Buyun sitting on the ground here, he will definitely worship him as a `` **** ''.

"I didn't expect that the cultivation of Holy Light fighting energy can actually enhance the magical power in the body, which saves the time for me to absorb the bright elements during meditation." Cheng Buyun showed a smile on his face, and cultivated the Holy Light fighting energy to himself. There is a little surprise!

Half a day later, Cheng Buyun stopped practicing and stood up.

Unexpectedly, after the body reached the limit, practicing qi was so fast!

I thought, for the sake of strength, I couldn't wait to cultivate the 'Cosmic Force' before I could wait for my body to become perfect. I walked a lot of detours and felt the importance of knowledge transfer.

No wonder everyone in the universe has covered the mystery and secret skills. Many powerful people are for a good teacher. Even if they kneel for hundreds of years, they will not hesitate to send money to the family. It is too important to inherit!

Of course, the importance of inheritance does not need to be said. With inheritance, you can make people take a lot of detours. Without inheritance, you can only explore it step by step by yourself, just like the two big brothers of Hong and Thor. There is no inheritance, you can only rely on a little bit of knowledge you have learned to practice slowly, struggling to explore step by step, and the sourness of them is not humane!

In terms of perception, Luo Feng is not as good as Hong and Thor. It is just that Luo Feng, as a specific cosmic son of the universe, has more chances than the two, so it seems that Hong and Thor cannot compare with Luo Feng. That's it.

After all, even if Hong and Thor are placed in the entire universe, their understanding is first-class, and there are not many strong people who can match it. As long as they are given the opportunity, they will surely shine brilliantly.

Hong and Thor already have that threshold.

"Master, have you finished your training?" Xiong Ertudi took a small beast on the fire and gave it to Cheng Buyun like a treasure.

"Damn the big bear, he flattered his master again and flattered." Sercia sneered like a joke, and also got up and ran over, watching the master coquettishly saying: "Master you are so powerful, even the practice is longer than others."

Cheng Buyun smiled and looked at these two living treasures. In order to compete in front of himself, he always fought in secret. He felt a little funny in his heart, but he did not break it. "The physical strength is stronger, and the temper of absorption is naturally increased, so time is natural Will be longer. "

This does n’t need to be explained too clearly. Sercia and Xiong Er also understand that they have a strong body and a large meridian, and Dantian can hold more grudge, and it ’s not easy to feel full when practicing, just like eating. The pot-bellied king eats more, the average person eats less, it is very simple.

"Yeah, master, you have a weak temper in one practice." Sercia tilted her head and raised a tiger's face slightly, as if organizing language. "In terms of human rating, there are almost The fighting strength of the fifth-level fighters. "

"Almost." Cheng Buyun nodded, his body reached fullness, and his temper was quick to practice. When he absorbed the energy of the universe, it was as if someone was holding a bucket and pouring it, which was shocking. He felt more than before. The first time I practiced the force of the universe is coming soon.

But this is the first time that it has such a strong effect. After all, Dantian has never absorbed energy such as grudge, which is equivalent to pouring water into a dry well, which absorbs much more than a well with water.

In addition, the body's Dantian and meridians are tempered before passing, and they are melted and can store more water. It is no surprise that this effect is achieved.

After all, it is difficult to temper the body to the limit level ... No one wants to spend decades to experiment.

"Okay, let's go down the mountain." Cheng Buyun walked, tearing the unknown game on the branch, and ate it. Although he didn't feel hungry, it was given by Xiong Er to himself, but he couldn't fail Xiong Er's good intentions.

Did n’t you say you want to rest here for a few days?

The two Warcraft heard the master about to go down the mountain, a little puzzled, but did not ask much, and cheerfully followed the downhill together, walking towards the city dozens of miles away.

Fran city.

This is a city controlled by members of the Will family, and Cheng Buyun has no worries about entering the city.

It is the same even if there are or more than ten magic crystal cannons on the tower.

These magic crystal cannons may have effects on the 7th-level powerhouses, but they have little effect on the 9th-level powerhouses, except for the limited-level 'Sanctuary' magic crystal cannons in Magnolia City, which are equipped with the Holy Domain magic crystals. Nuclear, even if there is a huge threat to the sanctuary.

However, that kind of magic crystal cannon, even the Magnolia royal family does not have many doors, how can it be placed in other provinces!

A holy domain-level magic crystal cannon, the precious materials used can't be eaten even by the god-level strongman. The five-meter-long adult barrel has to consume almost a dozen tons of precious ore, a long time ago Create a treasure to protect the magnolia city.

Only when the Magnolia Empire unified the Magnolia Continent would it be possible to collect such resources.

The magic crystal cannon made by ordinary ore can't withstand the heavy and heavy pressure in the gun barrel and also bursts, especially the magic crystal cannon with the holy domain magic crystal core installed, it will be a disaster if it explodes.

The magic crystal nucleus of the Sanctuary level exploded, which made people think that their feet had to be softened.

Cheng Buyun entered the city, and the owner of the city of Fulan quickly received the news. This combination was too easy to recognize. After hearing the news from the members of the family who were waiting for the news, his head immediately roared. Too.

He remembers that this morning, the three family uncles sent by the family took a break here, and then went to Monroe Mountain to catch this brave man who offended the majesty of the family.

"Did it not happen?"

"Impossible ... The uncles of the three tribes have been tracing all the way. The man appeared here is still the information provided by himself. Several adults came to ask themselves some information in the morning, and they went to Monroe Mountain. It is impossible to see it, and this People appeared at this time and came to the city they managed, it is impossible not to encounter. "The master of the city of Fulan City walked back and forth in the city's palace, and said to himself.

"City Lord, what is happening now, we don't know, so it is most important to find the three clan uncles first." The young people frowned, full of contempt in their hearts, sullied, if you are not a good background, Can you still be the owner of a city?

"Yes, yes." The lord of the city immediately stopped his body and said with a smile on his face: "Or you won my heart, hurry, send someone to Monroe Mountain to see, look for three uncles around."

The young people respectfully saluted and then retreated.

Soon, Fran City rushed out of a group of knights and ran to Monroe Mountain, which was the place where Cheng Buyun and Will's three nine-level fighters fought this morning.

There was no trace of fighting on Monroe, and then they searched again nearby, and soon found the bodies of the three powerful men under the cliff, looking at the bodies of the three powerful men who died. Members are sad and angry.

In the city's main palace, an ugly young man came back to report this sad message, and scared the city master's face out of sight. His entire face was blue, and he wailed: "Quickly ... inform the family."

A day later, a ninth-level strongman rushed into Omega and returned to the Will family's castle with an important rest.

When the patriarch of the Will family learned that the clan sent out to capture Bu Yun had died, his whole head roared and his face was white.

Under the leadership of a ninth-level Dacheng Realm strongman, the two ninth-level mid-level strongmen were killed by the other party without even seeing any injuries on the target. How could this be possible?

Perhaps the other party was cured by treatment!

In any case, it is already a fact that the other party's anti-killing of the three 9th-level fighters cannot be tolerated.

"How could it be so strong?"

"Is there a secret protection of the Holy Land?"

Otherwise, he would n’t believe that the other party could kill three nine-level strongmen with a nine-level World of Warcraft. The nine-level warrior is not a rice bucket. Knowing that the bear is nine-level, he will also fight hard, just drag If you live, you will be able to forcibly arrest the person immediately.

Then with three nine-level fighters besieging the bear, no matter how powerful ... a Warcraft will not be the opponent of three nine-level strongmen.

He can't figure it out!

Unless it is just what he thought of just now, the other party is protected by the Sanctuary strong.

Three nine strong players!

The patriarch's eyes were full of hatred, his face was filled with frost, and the surrounding air also froze.

"Very well, let me see. Do you dare to show up in the Holy Land of the Bright Holy See?" The old patriarch shouted coldly with his teeth clenched.

At this time, it is too big, and it is necessary to report the ancestors to know.

After a while, all the clan elders who got the news came and everyone was angry.

The old patriarch hurried to the highest level of the castle.

When there is nothing normally, the Will family does not allow the clan to come to the top level, because Maien Les-Well is here to retreat and practice, there are no major things, no people!

"Tuk Tuk!"

The old patriarch sorted out his appearance, then lightly knocked on the giant steel gate.

"Come in!"

There was a very overbearing voice inside the iron gate, which made the expression on the old patriarch's face more respectful.

Pressing an organ beside the door, the iron door made a soft sound, then slowly withdrew to the side.

The old patriarch lowered his head and walked in with respect, and even without seeing it, he bowed down and said: "Ancestor!"

"Well." The man sitting in the hall in his forties, with a gorgeous robe on his face, opened his eyes. The man opened his eyes. Like a lightning bolt, Jinmang flashed and said, "What thing?"

"Ancestor, this is the case ..." The patriarch said the matter originally, "I sent out to capture the other three ninth-level strongmen of the other party, and their eyes were dead. I suspect that the other party secretly guards the sanctuary strongmen, so For the glorious face of my Will family, the descendants of the unscrupulous had to come and invite the ancestors to take charge. "

"A good one has to come. If such a strong man, if it is not for the junior family to force the purchase of the other's Warcraft, will it get to such a point? Or is it too arrogant!" Although the man did not scold, these words are not inferior to Thor. The huge drink completely scared the old patriarch into a cold sweat, and he could not tell the words, only to bow his head obediently, but then the man let him down again with a word, "but I have the children of the Will family. Wrong, but the crime will not die, and the murder will be over. "

"That ’s right, ancestor. But we are also considering the face of the family, so we will act like this. After all, many people have seen it and know that our Will family has lost their face. We have to ask the ancestor for it. Make the call for me. "The old patriarch said respectfully with his head down.

"I know this, I will go to be fair to you, go on!" The man said softly.

"Yes, old ancestor." The old patriarch paid a respectful bow and immediately turned to leave.

The ancestor is still legendary and protects the short. Although the tone of the talk with me just now is very soft, it is estimated that I want to maintain coercion in front of our juniors before I get angry.

Sure enough, before he left this floor, he suddenly heard a rumbling from the ancestor, "Damn, dare to kill my younger Will family? No matter who stands behind me, I will let you Pay the price. "

"Ji Jie, the strongest in the Holy Land? I hope you will have the courage to come out and fight me, but as long as you dare to come out, you will have to bear the anger of the 'high priest'. I don't know if you will save or not at that time. "Maine Rice-Well smiled," I'm looking forward to it! "

McNairsville would n’t think that Cheng Buyun would be able to counter three nine-level strongmen with a nine-level World of Warcraft, even with the addition of a nine-level dual magician.

If Cheng Buyun really bursts out with the strength of a nine-level magician, no one will be stupid enough to escape.

A bright and earth-based dual-level ninth-level magician, a somewhat sensible ninth-level strongman would not think that the three ninth-level fighters alone could win it. He would not think that the Will family were stupid.

Therefore, like the old patriarch, he believed that Cheng Buyun secretly protected his sacred domain strong shot and brutally killed his descendants.

The power of the Holy Domain dare to kill in the Yulan Empire, hehe!

He could have imagined that he would go out on his own this time, regardless of whether the holy land appeared or not, and the result was doomed ... death!

If a holy land kills in the Magnolia Empire, the high priest will definitely be angry. No one can bear the anger of the high priest. Even the Wushen Mountain must give the high priest a little thin face.

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