Plane Universe

Chapter 847: Obvious intention

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After a day of rest in the city of Lenny, supplemented with the necessary daily necessities and food, Cheng Buyun set off again, marching towards the Magnolia Imperial City "Magnolia City".

"Master, when did you say that the old man named Mai Enlai will come?" Celcia asked curiously.

"It will come. We are about to leave the southern province. I guess that Mai Enlai will be here today." Cheng Buyun sat on the tiger's back, looking at the distant mountains leisurely, with a calm tone Replied.

If it weren't for waiting for Maienless-Will to try his own strength, with the strength of Selcia and Xiong's two-nine-level Warcraft, he had already reached the Magnolia City thousands of miles away.

"The host said that Maienless-Will was very short-sighted. We shot several people in their family and it wasn't his character that he didn't come to trouble us." Sercia replied with a grin, although she knew The Sanctuary Powerhouse is terrible. She has no resistance against the Sanctuary Powerhouse, but she believes that her master will definitely be able to win over the old Yaozi Sanctuary Powerhouse.

Very blind!

After a year of getting along, she admired her master very much.

In particular, the secret code of cultivation that the master specially studied for herself made her very fond of it, and she was a little omnipotent. Even the secret code of the group of Warcraft cultivation photos could be studied, which somewhat subverted her concept.

She has been living with the Bright Tiger family, but she has never heard of the secret code of Warcraft that can be cultivated in this world. Cultivation can only absorb elements and world energy with her own magic crystal core. This is the cultivation method of all Warcraft. .

World of Warcraft with high blood veins, such as the Bright Tiger family, absorbs more world energy and elemental power every day, and less blood veins.

But after practicing the secret code taught by the master, she absorbs ten times the elemental power and the energy of heaven and earth every day as much as before, and when absorbing this energy, the power radiated by the magic crystal core can better transform the body, than There was a difference between heaven and earth.

Cheng Buyun took out the secret code that she taught to her, which was the secret method of devouring the starry sky beasts. After training to the World of Warcraft suitable for this dragon universe, she took it out and taught her to practice.

After all, she has a magic crystal nucleus in her body, which is very different from the beasts that devour the starry sky, so the final method of storing energy needs to be modified. Modifying Dantian into a magic crystal nucleus is not too difficult. The experiment has been completed for several months.

"That old man must not be the master's opponent." Xiong Erhan smiled, his nose twitching to express his disdain for Maien Les-Will.

"Of course, wouldn't the old man be a holy land? What was he worth? If he didn't come, he would live for a few more years. If he came, the master would shoot him with a sword." Sercia's voice was loud. Admired.

Cheng Buyun shook his head and smiled. How much do these two guys admire themselves before they think that they will definitely defeat a Sanctuary strongman in the second step?

The opponent can kill any ninth-level strongman simply by the total amount of grudge. If he is not able to exert his feet, the opponent will not have powerful weapons, armor and other auxiliary means, and will never stay and wait to die and provoke others. .

Devouring the starry universe, a cultivator's physical strength occupies at most 20% of the total combat power, of which 50% is mystic and 30% is magic.

Take the "Chaotic City Lord" for example. When he removes one of his treasures, his combat power is at most equivalent to that of a second-order universe master. The gap between them is unimaginable.

In other words, the chaos city master with all the treasures in his body, a second-order universe master can withstand his one move at most, and the second move will definitely die!

Very powerful!

"Okay, don't blow the air. I haven't dared to guarantee the victory or defeat." Cheng Buyun stopped the conversation between the two World of Warcrafts, and he didn't have a true record. The walls of the city walls also blushed a little.

"How can it be!"

"I do not believe."

Celsia and Xiong Er shouted and didn't believe the result at all. How could a strong man with such a strong master could not win a bad old man?

In their two concepts, the Holy Domain strongman can not create a secret code that allows Warcraft to practice, but the master can, this is already a gap.

"I can only guarantee that I won't lose. It depends on the other party's high-level skills to win. It depends on how I play." Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, but after saying this, he saw a streamer in the distance. The sky approached at a very fast speed, and he judged that it was definitely a speed that only the strongest in the sanctuary could reach.

The flying speed of the wind magician is not as high.

"Come!" Cheng Buyun immediately photographed Sercia, let her stop, and then jumped off the tiger's back, said: "You are away from here, don't let the aftermath of the battle affect itself."

"Yes, Master." Sercia and Xiong Er answered immediately, and rushed towards the side of the mountain. The battle where they stayed here would distract the master. The Sanctuary level battle is not. They can participate.

In order not to expose the identity of Sercia ’s Bright Tiger family, Cheng Buyun did n’t even let her perform her prayers, the other party came too fast.

The unexpected streamer of Guili made an arc in the sky, hovering over a hundred meters above the sky of Cheng Buyun, a pair of fine flashing eyes stared at him flatly and fiercely. .

This is a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a gorgeous gown of the duke, and Zhengsao Bao shows the fact that he is a big noble of the Magnolia Empire.

"Mean Les-Will?" Cheng Buyun looked up slightly at the silhouetted figure in the sky, and said calmly, that no one else encountered the tension of the powerful in the sanctuary.

"It's me, you are the ignorant person who killed five members of our Will family?" Maienless-Will had to admire the willpower of the people on the ground and saw himself as a strong man in the sanctuary to come in trouble. It didn't show that even a little bit of tension and fear, this is definitely the first condition for becoming a strong man.

"If you are killing Harry Will and others, it is me." Cheng Buyun answered calmly.

"It's daring!" Maienless-Will suddenly angered, the body's momentum soared, all his hair rose, a robe without wind automatically, the force of heaven and earth went straight to the ground. Unable to keep it, Shen shouted: "Call out the people behind you to come out, I'm not embarrassed by a little guy with you."

"What's behind him?" Cheng Buyun wondered, but when he turned his head, he understood it, and suddenly shook his head secretly. The self-confidence of the Will family and the poor intelligence gave him a new one. Understanding.

This is almost a month away, and even my own information has not been investigated. At the same time, I don't have a complete understanding of my own strength. Such a holy domain family has really failed.

It is estimated that all the prestige in the past was brought by Maienless-Will.

"Why? I don't want the protector behind you to come out? Then you have to think about it. I won't give you the light of the Holy See. Once you are caught by me, waiting for you will only be the end of death." Maien With a greasy smile on Rice's face, Cheng Buyun was threatened.


Cheng Buyun even doubted himself. Was he really one of the brightest churches? Why did you get involved with this broken church again?

However, with his intelligence, he thought of the cause and effect in his mind. It was nothing more than the bright power and blessing magic in his body that made him make a wrong judgment. Plus a few days ago, he killed the three of the Will family alone. Nine-level strong, let them misunderstand that there is a sanctuary protector around them.

After all, his appearance is very young, about twenty years old, such a genius double-level seventh-level magician, is definitely a treasure in every force, came out and experienced no protector, said no one believes, so ...

"Huh, the drunkard doesn't mean wine!" Cheng Buyun sighed, Mai Enlai threatened himself, presumably wanting to let out the unexpected sanctuary behind him, and then the old guy went to the "Temple of Life" to complain and threaten Friend of the Bright Holy See.

With the strength of the Temple of Life, the prestige of the high priest, and the Bright Holy See, when things are impossible, they will definitely choose to hand in, because the strength of the Temple of Life is too strong, a god-level strongman, which is pressed on the head Mountain.

As long as the high priest speaks, there is no need for the Temple of Life to shoot. Some people deal with the Holy See. At that time, on the Magnolia Continent, the Holy See is absolutely impossible to move, not to mention the huge territory of the Holy Alliance, even Guangming Island Danger.

As for the unexpected sanctuary behind him, it was easy to handle, just grab yourself and ask the intelligence.

It is not forcing the protector behind him to come quickly.

The other party's intentions were thought with Cheng Buyun's insight and strength, and he guessed exactly what he did.


These people are worried about IQ!

Can't you think it's all done by yourself?

In fact, these were all done by myself ... Cheng Buyun looked at Meynless-Will hovering in the sky speechlessly at the moment, his eyes looked like a fool.

"Why, you are using your own life to guarantee the safety of the strong man behind the sanctuary?" Mai Enlai frowned and had a little doubt about his previous guess. If there is a strong man in the sanctuary behind him, At this time when the Yulan Empire is under way, it will definitely run as far as it will go. It is not too difficult for a sanctuary to run away with people.

"Okay!" Cheng Buyun was helpless.

This kind of expression looked in the eyes of Mai Enlai, thinking that he could not bear his pressure and wanted to confess, his face suddenly showed a smile, but Cheng Buyun's next sentence made his face gloomy again.

Cheng Buyun sneered and said, "How stupid are you, is it difficult to kill the three nine-level strongmen? Or are your nine-level strongmen of the Will family particularly powerful? Think you can't kill them? The ninth-level strongmen are just one sword, one is easier than killing a chicken. "

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