Plane Universe

Chapter 848: Sanctuary

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"Very well, you succeeded in stimulating my anger." Maien Les-Will's face was yelled, and the invisible pressure was crazy against Cheng Buyun, but he was very puzzled and used the power of the world from the beginning. To oppress the other party, but it seems to have no effect on him, why?

"So what, how can you take me?" Cheng Buyun cornered his mouth, sneering.

He was too lazy to talk to the other party too much, and the best result was played early.

"Damn **** ..." Mai Enlai-Will was angry with Cheng Buyun as soon as the Buddha ascended to heaven, and the second Buddha was born.

Sensing that Maienless-Will was so powerful that it exploded, another saint strongman hiding his figure in the vicinity immediately flew into the sky, flew towards here, and came a few seconds later. People here, and shouted: "My Engles, I detect the location of more than a hundred miles nearby, and found no other Sanctuary strong, your guess is probably wrong."

It was found that there was another figure on the top of the head, and Cheng Buyun suddenly lost his heart. This sanctuary seemed to come with Mai Enlai, and the purpose should be to investigate the possible sanctuary strongman behind him. He carefully recognized the other person's face. He was younger than Maienless-Weir and should be the rest of the magnificent sacred domain in the Magnolia Empire, but who is this sacred domain and what is his identity ,he does not know.

"No? It's weird." Maien Les-Wale frowned, glancing into Cheng Buyun with a suspicious look, and then turned to the strong man in the sanctuary not far away, "More than a hundred miles There is no range, how is this possible, because he can deal with three nine-level fighters? "

Cheng Buyun is too young. He does n’t believe it in his heart, and he does n’t want to believe it. Unless the other party comprehends the skill of this level, it also needs an unexpected sneak attack to succeed. , Seeing the wrong way, not escaping, it is really stupid, and deserves it even if it is dead.

"Don't you believe it?" The strong man in the sanctuary, who was in his fifties, had a flash of anger on his face, and his tone obviously had a bad meaning.

"No, why am I going to be an adult, I just have a strange feeling in my heart." Maien Les-Will said with a panic, waving anxiously.

Cheng Buyun listened to the dialogue between the two, and immediately concluded that the Sanctuary strongman who arrived later was not the helper Maienles-Will had found. The judgment must be the man of the 'Temple of Life', and is also a disciple of the high priest.

Why did Maienless-Will delay to find his account today? It should be that he first went to the Temple of Life to find someone to investigate the protector of the sanctuary that might be hidden behind him.

This man is very afraid of death, and his mind is careful!

"Well, since there is no strong man in the sanctuary behind this young man, I will no longer intervene in your affairs." Qian Luo first smiled at Cheng Buyun friendly, and turned to look at Mai Enlai-Wei Yes, he had a strange look on his face and seemed to be admonished: "Since there is no sanctuary, his shot is very in line with the rules we have formulated. You are a strong man in the sanctuary and already a character of different levels. Suspected of bullying. "

Cheng Buyun looked dumbfounded, staring at this powerful man in the sanctuary called Qianlu, his mind running, thinking, what does the other party mean?

In fact, Thousand-Functional Force is much stronger than Maienless-Will. He saw more things. When he came to this neighborhood, he had been observing in secret. Since the appearance of Maienless-Will, this young man has not been a little flustered. He has only calmness, a steady look, and even provocation! This is a performance that has only enough confidence in his own strength. Afterwards, Maien Les-Will is not afraid to exert the power of the world to oppress, and the other party is no different.

This shocked him.

This is a super genius, not even the Sanctuary ... I have a sense of the power of heaven and earth, which is so rare! So he didn't want Maienless-Will to take a shot and sell his feelings, no matter whether the other party finally joined the Temple of Life or became his friend, it was only good for him and no harm.

"This ..." Mai Enlai was embarrassed, the other party killed some people of the Will family, and there was no fart at the end. It was definitely a huge blow to the reputation of the Will family, so his face was embarrassed and heavy. Voice said: "Senior Master Qianlu, this person's way is mysterious, and he is not a member of our Magnolia Empire, and he has killed several children of our Will family, including four more talented 9th-level soldiers. How can he Let him go. "

"Well, if your Will family doesn't provoke each other, how could he kill your people, in the end it's your Will family's fault." Qian Luo said with a blank expression.

Maienless-Will was angry in his heart. He knew his personality was not pleasing, but how can you say that you are also a man of the Magnolia Empire, preventing me from taking revenge, is that for that?

Cheng Buyun was helpless, he didn't expect that this was a mess, and the other party's sunshine was too good, even with a little judgment, it seemed that the talent for handling was very high, and wanted to get acquainted with himself, What else can he do?

I can only appreciate it in my heart.

Qianluo sees that Maien Les-Well is unwilling. For the safety of this young man, he deserves to continue to put pressure on him: "I have to remind you that if you want to force a shot, it will cause people behind him to come. Looking for your revenge, it is likely that our temple of life will not be able to intervene at that time, you have to think carefully. "

This also surprised Maienles-Will, and looked at Cheng Buyun unwillingly, thinking secretly.

There are still some powerful sacred domain powerhouses in the Guangming Holy See. The young man from the other side has no place to take offense in the Magnolia Empire. If he shoots himself, the Guangming Holy Seen will make people come to avenge, and the Temple of Life will not be able to say much.

You have a holy domain to deal with a ninth-level strongman, the other party wants revenge, what can the Temple of Life say? You do n’t have the rules yourself, can you let others keep the rules?

Isn't this a joke! ! !

"Huh, are you afraid?" Cheng Buyun sneered: "This is the strongest in the Holy Land, Huh !!"

In order to fight, he also fight.

The sky is floating in a thousand drops, looking at Cheng Buyun very speechlessly, he has moved Mai Enlai-Weir anyway, you are good, and you use words to stimulate him. If you say this, can he not go crazy?

Sure enough, Maien Les-Well's entire face was distorted, and he roared: "Come on, I won't kill you today. What do the people of the Magnolia Continent think of me Maien Les-Will? What other face do I have to stand on? ? "

"Admiral Qianlu, it's not that I don't give you a face. It's really such an annoyance. No matter what happens in the future, I will bear the responsibility of Meinless-Will. I will kill him." Meinless -Will is in a hurry, his whole body leaks, and his entire face is twisted.

Qianluo looked at the twisted expression of Maien Les-Well, it was worth nodding and said: "You can do it yourself, I won't intervene."

He was also sullen, feeling that this young man's talent is good, but too talented, too arrogant, even if the talent is high, the achievement will not be so high, he has given up his thoughts of being associated with Cheng Buyun.

"Don't just stand on it and say that there is a planting to see if I don't hit your shit." Cheng Buyun raised his hand and pointed it at the Mailens-Will spouting in the sky.

If Lin Lei is here at this time, it is estimated that he will not know such Cheng Buyun, which is too far away from the Cheng Buyun he has always known, and the whole person seems to be a mixed wanderer.

In order to fight, Cheng Buyun even lost his demeanor, which made people feel too surprised.


Maienless-Weir was mad, and only felt a burst of flames rising from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and the water that overturned the entire Magnolia River could not be extinguished. Stepped on it, he just wanted to trample this abominable guy into minced meat, expressing the bad breath in his heart.


In the second step of Sanctuary, the strength of the grudge is really not to be underestimated. Cheng Buyun only feels a strong wind pressure above his head, and even the grudge of his body does not work smoothly. Fortunately, his grudge is not the main means of fighting the enemy, the main thing is the physical strength, so there is no hindrance to the display of the inch.

Maien Les-Wale ’s foot is not fast, and it is difficult for the naked eye to catch its speed. Cheng Buyun ’s soul is strong. He has been paying attention to the opponent ’s every move. The opponent ’s attack came to the top of his head, and he immediately flashed slightly. , Avoiding the distance of two meters, and at the same time pulled out a heavy sword in the space ring in his hand, and cut off a sword against the place where he originally stood.


With a whisper, Maien Les-Well felt that he didn't step on the person, and also felt that his attack was evaded, and also saw the other party's attack against him, and he was shocked in his heart and immediately withdrew and stood firm Behind the body, a pair of eyes looked at Cheng Buyun in amazement, his anger disappeared instantly, and calmly looked at Cheng Buyun and said: "No wonder so proud, it turned out to be strong physical strength! Huh, but you think you can mock the Sanctuary strong , You think too much. "

He slowly withdrew his weapon from the space ring, a blue ink sword, and some patterns were carved on the sword, and a strong momentum erupted on his body. At the same time, the fighting within the body also erupted, light blue fighting In the weather, an oval egg covered the body, and this was not finished. The light blue fighting spirit also followed the right hand and covered the epee, so that the epee became a blue heavy. The sword exudes blue light outward.

Thousand drops floating in the sky, looking at the ground with attention, seeing Cheng Buyun evading the foot of Maienless-Well easily, he was very surprised, "This young man is very strong, he is a newcomer The strongest in the Sanctuary is probably not comparable. "

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