Plane Universe

Chapter 870: The war

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The next morning, after the soldiers had breakfast, the 11th to 20th soldiers ’regiments immediately carried their belongings in two parts and marched in two directions. The 11th to 17th regiments were slowly moving towards Morrill City, three hundred miles away. Marching, there is no squadron, nor even the auxiliary troops, all are regular soldiers marching.

300 miles, based on the physical quality of the first-class fighters, one day is enough.

Maple Leaf County suddenly mobilized the army, and the entire ten legions marched towards Morrill City. Of course, the spies of the other principalities in Maple Leaf County immediately knew it, and they madly passed the news back.

A piece of information was passed back, and it immediately surprised several principalities.

A small study in the county of Rabit.

"Their military training is completed? How can it be so fast? How much combat power can this have?" A middle-aged man frowned, looking at the information from the Black Mist City on the table.

"Yes. It's only three months. It's a little harder to make a group of farmers a qualified soldier." Another old man with sparse hair nodded his hair and chuckled.

"I think it should be a normal transfer, don't you need to make such a fuss?" The last young man in his twenties continued.

"Don't you think this information is strange? They mobilized nearly seven legions to Morrill City and three legions to Tanao City. The deep meaning is worth thinking about!" Grand Duke Bill Rabit is very young , Who looked no more than thirty years old, sat behind the desk and looked at the three ministers in the room seriously.

"Duke, what do you think it is?" The first middle-aged man who opened his mouth looked up at Duke Bill, and the other two couldn't help but look over.

"Oh." Grand Duke Bill smiled first, and his mouth was full of sarcasm. "These ten legions are for the defense of the three principalities of Lanyan, Proud Wolf, and Antuen, which is why there are seven legions going to Mo. Lille City, where the pressure is the most. As everyone knows, in order to build the so-called warrior army, Maple Leaf has recruited many strong men to fill in the past, resulting in the weakness of local troops. Once a war occurs, the fighting power of those places can be imagined. Even if the city of Morrill has 400,000 troops, how much can it play, everyone knows clearly. "

"And there are ten other legions in the Black Mist City that haven't moved. What do these ten legions want to do, don't you think of it?" Grand Duke Bill chuckled a little.

"Are they going to attack us or the Principality of Dongming?" The old man with thin hair was taken aback and exclaimed, "Don't Maple Leaf County be afraid of attacking in groups?"


Can the two strong men, Jess and Leo, fight one person and surrender? Will they be afraid of these problems?

Fear of attacking?

This is a joke.

"I ca n’t stop it, a deeper consciousness. I think Maple Leaf County wants to swallow our Principality of Rabbit and Dongming in one fell swoop. Rock Fire City does not send troops to reinforce the defense. I understand that after all, it is a little bit far away from the Principality of Outlaw During the war, where did the attack have little effect, but the other party did not send troops to reinforce the defense, what did you think of? "Grand Duke Bill looked back at the small map hanging on the wall behind him, and the location of the Rock City was just the proud wolf. Between the territory of the Principality of Dongming.


The three people in the room took a breath of gas and whispered, "Maple Leaf County's intention was to attack our two principalities of Rabit and Dongming at the same time, so much appetite?"

Lantis didn't even think that he was just a move on his side, and some people even guessed his intentions. If it were not for him, he was very loyal, and he would probably suspect that some insiders leaked his military. Plan for the Principality of Rabit.

Grand Duke Bill can inherit this position with a strength of six levels, of course, it is a bit of a skill. He has a strong sense of smell and far-sighted insight in this regard. Therefore, among several heirs, he won in the end and served as the Grand Duke of the Principality of Rabbit. This position.

"So, Grand Duke, what do we need to do?" The old man asked.

"Of course, immediately notify the Principality of Dongming and prepare them. No matter whether Maple County attacks one of us at the same time, or if we attack at the same time, we will immediately launch a counterattack, delaying the pace of the other party, and not let them Occupying our city smoothly, as long as the war is dragged down, it will not be both of us, only Maple Leaf County, understand? "Grand Duke Bill looked at the map with a smile.

The three nodded quickly and left the seats to arrange their affairs.

The sudden mobilization of Maple Leaf ’s army made the Principality of Antuen very nervous. Originally in the position of Tan'ao City, Maple Leaf County had more than 50,000 troops. Now it has sent three more 30,000 troops, adding up to enough Eighty thousand people are enough to fight a medium-sized war. Of course, the Principality of Antuen does not want to have such a war. After all, they also have enemies in other Principalities. If Maple County attacks, the logistical pressure is too great.

So they immediately recruited troops, hoping to scare Maple Leaf County.

However, for a few days, Maple Leaf County had no attacks or sent people to ridicule. It was just a defense in the wild, which made the Antoine principality wonder.

However, the two powerful blue swallows and proud wolf, the principality with the most cities, did not have much worries. They occupied a small mine, and their finances and population were not comparable to other principalities. They were not afraid of the seven additional maples. Legion.

Originally, there were 400,000 soldiers in Morrill City, but what about 70,000 more soldiers? Can Maple County still fail to fight?

But for a few days, Maple Leaf County did not move, but the senior executives of the two principalities of Dongming and Labbit were sneering, especially Grand Duke Bill. He knew that this kind of action of Maple Leaf County was to paralyze himself and others, but to relax. Suddenly attacked in a moment, but will they give them such a chance?

It has been five days since Cheng Buyun went to the military camp to make condolences and make plans. Cheng Buyun basically asked Lantis what he was doing, fighting these things, and even decentralized, he was not prepared to ask, quiet cultivation and waiting for the news. can.

At midnight on the sixth day ...

In the huge barracks twenty miles away from the Black Mist City, the remaining ten legions gathered quietly on the barracks training ground, then quietly took advantage of the night and went north ...

Three hours later, the 1st to 6th Corps of Maple Leaf County arrived at the military barracks twenty miles north of Beiyan City, and began to recuperate.

In the early morning, the sky reveals white fish belly, and the air carries a unique smell of earth in the wind. The soldiers and soldiers in the barracks have been awake. One hundred thousand soldiers and soldiers have washed their faces and eat a little dry food. The first to The Sixth Legion departed first, and drove towards the Principality of Dongming on a horse of war.

And these six legions also have many soldiers running against the siege ladder made of steel.

On the earth, a full 60,000 soldiers rushed toward the small town called ‘Balong’ under the Principality of the Eastern Ming Dynasty, rushing for 80 miles, and it took only one hour to reach.

All are soldiers' army, so excited.

First-level fighters, the body has completely exceeded the limit of the human body. If it is in a sprint state, it can be completed in up to twenty minutes in 80 miles.

At 7 o'clock in the Meishan Pass, the soldier on duty at the pass yawned and stretched out sleepily. Suddenly, a soldier on duty shouted, "There is a situation ..."

The sleepy soldier on duty was sober and looked up into the distance, where the smoke was billowing, like a tornado, and yellow mud was floating on the sky. These situations were so shocking that dozens of people were faceless.

Soon, there was a trembling sound from the ground, which sounded like a thunder in the heart. The soldiers knew that it was a huge number of horseshoes.

"Enemies ..."

"Woo ~~~~"

A horn sounded, and the whole pass was chaotic.

"Herring soldiers, quickly, send a message to Barong City, Maple Leaf County came over." The general of the pass guard roared, quickly approving the armor, and hurriedly ran up the pass wall, looking at the enemy in the distance, that is the number There are at least tens of thousands of enemies.

"Quick, step on the wall and get the stones ready."

"Come on, hurry up, stop the door with a stone."

"Quick, quick, quick, haven't you eaten?"

In the pass, officers from the Dongming Duchy shouted and commanded the soldiers.

Maple Leaf County has reached hundreds of places under the pass. Lantis looked at this pass like a small fortress and sneered on his face. The Principality of Dongming used to fear Maple Leaf County (Ice Blue Principality), so he built such a majestic place. The pass is used to defend against war.

Normal guards, three divisions, 30,000 people, plus other supporting personnel, the total number reaches 50,000.

"Landis commander, the other party is obviously prepared, as if knowing that we are coming!" Otto rode a warhorse, and the whip pointed to the Meishan Pass, hundreds of meters away, frowning and said: "Look, the other party is a little confused. , But chaotic and unhurried, many soldiers have armor in their bodies, and have surplus time to prepare other defensive items, which is obviously not normal. "

"Be prepared, we can only attack now. After all, the Principality of Dongming is mainly defending our Maple Leaf County. There are more than 200,000 troops in this direction, accounting for most of the military power of the Principality of Dongming. We can only fight a time difference and cannot wait. They responded and reinforced. "Lantis also frowned, and the Principality of Dongming actually saw through his plan. How could this be possible, unless ... someone notified them.

But now he couldn't let him think more and waved: "Prepare to attack!"

Under the passing of military orders, the soldiers quickly launched a battle formation. Although this pass was huge, it could not allow tens of thousands of troops to be deployed at the same time. A legion was tightly deployed, and there was little space left.

There are steep walls on both sides of the pass, which ordinary soldiers cannot climb.

"The Archer Brigade is ready ..."

The heads of various legions roared.

Thousands of archers and fighters immediately lined up, followed behind the fighters holding the shield, and moved towards the Meishan Pass.

Archer warriors, each legion has the number of two brigades, is a repressive force.

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