Plane Universe

Chapter 871: Meishan Pass

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At the Meishan Pass, the soldiers on the Dongming Duchy held various weapons and looked down nervously ... The soldiers in Maple County held a silver shield to protect the archer behind them, and their faces approached coldly.

The soldiers of the Principality of Dongming looked at the equipment on their own, and then looked at the equipment on the other side. Their faces showed a panic look. Most of them had only one leather armor on their side, and they were half-length armor, holding an elephant paper. Generally thin shields, not even a helmet, but the enemy?

The whole body is bright white armor, there is a helmet, and the shield is half as tall as a person, nearly half a meter wide, and only one piece of equipment ... so that they feel like a dog, it is a comparison between Gao Fushuai and Dick.

"Defense crossbow ready ..."

At the pass, the officers shouted and commanded the soldiers to mount the crossbow arrows. A huge siege crossbow was moved to the battlement and then aimed at the pass.

"Asshole, there must be thousands of them." More than two thousand meters away from the pass, a 7th-level strongman beside Lantis looked at the giant crossbow with thick arms on the siege crossbow on the pass and ate it. shock.

"The other party got so many advanced siege crossbows from there?" Lantis frowned at some of the siege crossbows shining with magic lines on the pass. There was some doubts in his heart. This kind of high-end goods is completely different from ordinary goods. , A low-level siege crossbow, a first-class soldier with a shield hundreds of meters away can defend the crossbow arrow, but a high-level siege crossbow does not work. This kind of siege crossbow was carved by a magic forge master. The attack power is very different. The crossbow arrows fired will carry various magical powers. The long range and great power are the nightmares of the siege.

"The order, let the bow and arrow team suppress the opponent's city immediately, don't wait any longer." Lantis changed his face, and immediately issued an order.

Several adjutants around him ordered again and again, and the soldiers holding the flags immediately waved, and in flags, told the heads of the regiments that the command had been issued to suppress them.

"Commander, if you continue like this, the casualties may be relatively large. Will we help you rush once?" More than twenty seven-level strongmen standing next to Lantis heard the captain's words, and his face showed a moving look.

If assisting the army to rush into the city, it is definitely a great achievement. There must be thousands of military merit points. This is a key battle, unlike other siege battles.

"No, the opponents are not less powerful than me, and there are a few of the eighth-ranked strongmen. It is temporarily unknown. It is too dangerous for you to directly pass the pass. If we can win here, we do n’t need the help of Master Xiong Er. We need it, so we must fight steadily, not greedy. "Landis shook his head. In the first battle, he needed to use Master Xiong Er, the big killer. Doesn't it seem that he and others are too useless?

If the opponent's eighth-ranked strongman appears, in order to reduce casualties and allow Master Xiong Er to play, it makes sense.

"The bow and arrow team ... let go!"

"The bow and arrow team ... let go!"

A captain of the team received a repression order and immediately shouted.

The archers hiding behind them temporarily moved their feet, and their feet were separated like a figure of eight. The bows and arrows that had been prepared in their hands were immediately pulled away, and the well-forged half-height big bow was immediately turned into a Full circle, a thick arrow with a finger length of one meter flashed a faint grudge, and whistled toward the pass.

"Defense, be careful of bows and arrows!"

Seeing the enemies involved in opening the bow five hundred meters away, an officer at the pass was taken aback, looked at the arrow which was as fast as a locust, and shouted loudly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A large part of the thousands of arrows shot on the battlement, hitting a burst of stone dust, so that the smoke on the city head filled.

Of course, there were also dozens of soldiers who were unlucky. They were shot by arrows, and the bow and arrow took their bodies with them, and like a gourd, they fell on the ground and rolled up.

These bad luck soldiers are not without defense, but their shields are pierced by bows and arrows, and the paper-thin iron shields only play a little role under the attack of these arrows with grudge.

The effect of this wave of attack is not too big, and it is too far away from the quasi-head, and even some of the arrows are directly emptied, letting the officers directly scold, "You bastards, see what you shoot? This is to let Are you here for fun? Do you know how much it will cost to build a steel arrow? A whole silver coin, aim for me. "

The resource of iron and steel is not cheap in Yulan mainland, almost equal to the value of copper.

"fight back."

At the pass, the siege crossbow ’s warcraft tendons are loose, and the huge crossbow arrows shoot down with a violent wind. These thick crossbow arrows are attached to red, blue, or aqua blue light, and roared. .

"Crossbow arrows strike, every squadron leader or above, immediately replace the shield warrior defense ..." Each captain shouted, and he also held a huge shield, his grudge flashed, and rushed forward, greeted Those siege crossbows.


One figure after another rushed up, these figures are much more than the crossbow arrows fired.

"Bang, bang, bang."

A series of crossbow arrows hit the shields, and those shields were all slammed inwards. The entire shield, like being hit by a giant's fist, had a deep mark and could hardly be used again.

The captain level is still pretty good. The crossbow arrows shot over. They only took a few steps backwards to defend against this wave of attack. Those squadron level soldiers stopped on the ground after being driven by the crossbow arrows for more than ten meters.

And those third-level fighters, fighters of the level of captains, bombarded by crossbows, they could n’t resist and flew up, hit the team behind tens of meters, and brought down a large group of people. Luckily, these crossbows Finally the defense is down.

"Damn, these siege crossbows are too powerful, and many of our third-tier fighters have been injured. They can't defend anymore next time." Lantis looked at the battle ahead, his complexion changed, and several orders were issued one after another.

All the bow and arrow brigades of the six legions immediately stood sparsely under the mountain road and attacked the pass by means of projectiles. These brigades did not use grudge attachment, they were purely physical power shots.


A group of several fighters resisted the siege ladder, and rushed toward the pass under the defense of the shield fighters.

"Hurry up on the crossbow arrows, and archers shoot me."

The officers on the pass also ordered again and again, watching the bright white tide rush over, and his complexion was changing.

The archers on the Dongming Principality are all ordinary soldiers. As long as the arrows are shot, the soldiers do not need to defend as long as they are not running to the door. The armor shot by these arrows leaves only a white Outside the seal, there is no effect.

The armor made of hundreds of gold coins is not good-looking. The swords of ordinary soldiers have no effect at all.

"Damn, they've rushed over, why aren't the siege crossbows ready yet?"

Under the pass, at a distance of hundreds of meters, the soldiers who resisted the siege ladder were flying fast, surpassed the ordinary soldiers several times faster, rushed to the pass, and repeatedly erected the siege ladder,

The siege ladders made of dozens of meters of steel were built up one after another. The squadron leaders took the lead and climbed the siege ladder with their shields, and climbed upwards quickly.

"Assault me, throw stones quickly to stop them from kicking up." An officer at the pass screamed with tears. The enemies of Maple County were too strong, and the two sides were not equal. Chengtou, what the consequences will be, there is no need to think about it at all.

"Come on, you are ready. Once the soldiers are about to step on the city head, you will rush to kill and help the soldiers to attack more easily." Lantis looked at the battle ahead and closed the blocks. Dozens of pounds, or hundreds of pounds of stones fell one after another, and the logs were thicker than people, rolling down, many squadron leaders were accidentally bombarded, directly from the sky of tens of meters After falling down, the soldiers on the siege ladder were driven, and they rolled down.

The pass has been surrounded by the soldiers of Maple Leaf County. A large number of soldiers are waiting under a siege ladder. From time to time, they hold up shields to block the stones and logs that fall from the sky.

"Let's go too." More than thirty seven-level strongmen who sneaked into the pass, and under the soft command of the leader Ferros, all screamed, and their violent grudge erupted, and then stomped on the ground suddenly, figure Soaring into the sky, a roll over fell on the pass and the weapon in his hand was wielding. A large group of soldiers from the Principality of Dongming, as well as soldiers with ranks, were all killed in two pieces and the blood was on the spot.

"Huh, you know you will come here to raid, look at the knife."

There were a few seventh-level strongmen with bad luck, and the position where the enemy's seventh-level strongmen jumped was defending, and the attack was intercepted. He smiled and said, "So what, kill!"

"Damn, the opponent's strongman rushed up and quickly intercepted." The strongmen on the Dongming Principality immediately moved, radiating their breath and rushing through the passage in the pass.

In the pass, the grudge attack is shallow, and the low-level fighters simply cannot participate in this level of combat, so they have to spread out and wait.

The 7th-level strongman in Maple Leaf County entangled with each other for a few moves, and immediately moved towards the front.

"Damn, it's really cunning." The strong men of the Principality of Dongming had to catch up, and at this opportunity, the squadron and squadron leaders of these siege ladders also knew how to grasp it, and they turned over and started defending the city .

"They come up, kill!"

In dozens of city heads, the battle was directly heated up, countless soldiers of Maple County rushed to the pass successively, and several city heads in Dongming Principality fell behind.

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