Plane Universe

Chapter 873: Morrill City for help

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July 9, 9992, the second afternoon of Maple Leaf County's defeat of the Meishan Pass, Morlite City.

After the expansion over the years, this city has been urged to develop into a medium-sized city, with a total population of 180,000, five ordinary legions of defensive soldiers, and four legionnaires that arrived yesterday, and a total of 110,000 auxiliary soldiers. about.

However, at this time, the battle of Morlite has spread. More than two hundred thousand troops of the Principality of Rabbit have attacked under the city wall, but Morlite city has been attacked for a long time, and the defense is still as stable as Taishan. The chief of the Principality of Delabite was scratching his hair all the time, yelling: "Why are there so many strong men in Maple County? Where did these strong men come from?"

No one in the whole command answered him.

In Morlite City, there are not only four soldier corps, but also two special brigades. These two special brigades are all composed of six-level strongmen, and four seven-level strongmen serve as the deputy captain. Such a two-thousand-strong team composed of six-level strongmen, the combat power is so fierce that even the eighth-level strongmen have to flee when they see it.

These two special brigades do not participate in the ordinary defense of the city. Their main task is to defend the strong side of the Principality of Rabbit in order to prevent them from jumping into the city and killing them. As long as the strong sides of the other party dare to jump into the city, their two brigades There will be a surge, and in this way, whatever you are a 7th-level and 8th-level strongman, if you don't dare to stay, you will be rushed away immediately.

"Sir, do we also gather the strong and fight with them?" An officer in the command suggested.

Rabine shook his head and rejected the proposal, saying: "No, there are too many strong locals in the city of Morlite. Our soldiers will not go to the tower at all. The strong will go under siege. To die. "

He frowned and said weirdly: "I doubt that all the six strongmen in Maple Leaf County are here. I just don't know how did so many strongmen come, and why did they give Maple Leaf County effectiveness? Are n’t adventurers all advocating for freedom and unruly? Why? ”

The officials at the headquarters were silent. Of course they knew what was going on. Maple Leaf County had a military hall with many treasures in the shuttle. The strong man had no ambition? The secret code of grudge is not owned by anyone. The only low-level grudge code that can be purchased in the market is such a low-level grudge code. Generally, people can only cultivate to level six and want to become a level seven powerhouse. One The secret code of vindictiveness in the middle class is an essential item.

I would like to ask those strong men in Maple Leaf County who know such a good place, how could they not be ambitious and not join in?

In addition, the controllers of Maple Leaf County are kind and gentle, and the policy is people-oriented, especially for the low-spirited people. This is also the main reason.

The so-called buying people's hearts is nothing more than that!

"Damn ..." Rabbi shouted, screaming in distress: "There are these two special brigades, how can we capture this city?"

Yeah, there are these two special brigades. How did they capture this city?

"Sir, let's do this, we will bypass this Morlite city and march to the Black Mist City ..." An official of the Strategy Department proposed, but he hadn't finished his words, Labion Shouted: "You're crazy, what a **** idea? Ah?"

"Bypassing this Morlite city and attacking the Black Mist City, it ’s no different from the self-seeking death path, not to mention where there is a strong Ninth-level strongman in the Black Mist City, our intention alone will definitely provoke The entire Maple Leaf County went crazy and was rescued. By that time we must be wrapped up and then all died. "Rabbi stared, almost angry, and didn't cut this guy.

"Sir, our main purpose is not really to bypass this city to attack Maple Leaf County. After all, our soldiers can't step on the city wall because of the great strength gap. Now our attack is the same as the fueling tactics. , Even a little pressure will not give Morlite City. ”The official of the Strategy Department explained quickly:“ So we suspended the attack and showed that we want to bypass Morlite City and give them the illusion that we are going Attacking the Black Mist City, attracting the guards of Morlite City to come out and fight with us, this is the main purpose. "

"As you can think of, the other party is not stupid. You have to know that according to our information, there is a 50,000-person guard and more than 30,000 garrison teams in Black Mist City. Have you ever? "Rabbi looked at the officer with a fool look. His mind was full of doubts. How did this guy used to be his own staff, did his own sunshine fail to such a degree?

"Sir, we will certainly not implement this plan at this time. We need to wait for the opportunity. Our spies in Morrill City just returned a piece of information, which said that Morrill City was under great pressure. Lan Yan and the proud wolf The two principalities simultaneously launched a fierce attack on Morrill City. Even Leo and the nine-level strongmen of the two principalities of Lan Yan and Proud Wolf had fought several games respectively. Leo had already suffered a little injury. "The officer continued He smiled and said, "Moreover, in less than half a day, the newly built Warrior Corps reduced the majority of the Warrior Corps. This is the opportunity. In two days, Morrill City will be under pressure. Will ask for help from the Black Mist City, when the time comes ... "

Rabion frowned, thinking for a moment and raised his head and said: "What you said makes sense, but this plan depends on how long the Principality of Dongming can last. We all know clearly that the other side's 9th level Warcraft is there. , I do not believe that the Principality of Dongming can support a few days. "

"Actually, we don't have a very good plan, after all, our purpose is to hold down the power of Maple Leaf here, not to give them the opportunity to ask for help from other cities." The staff officer said with a smile: "As everyone knows, under the leadership of Jess, Although the power of the regime is very strong, it has not swelled to this level. Compared with the power of Maple County, we are too far away to fight alone, and even besieged by the four principalities. They also attacked the army of the Dongming principality. Without aid, this is the gap, so ... the main force besieging Maple Leaf County still came from the two principalities of Lan Yan and the proud wolf. We and the principality of Antuen belong to the little pawns who waved the flag. "

"You ..." Rabbi was annoyed, but knew that the other party was telling the truth, so he could not speak with a cold face.

On the wall of Morlite City, Hua Zijiao shouted, shot a shield in his hand, and took a picture of an enemy fifth-level strongman. The squadron leader "Black Bear" with his axe shouted immediately. , An axe slammed into the armor on the opponent's body, the enemy's fifth-level strongman immediately vomited blood, the armor on the body also split, and finally the Huazi's war knife was placed between the necks, directly Caught alive.

"Haha, two hundred military achievements." Black Bear held his axe and smiled with a big mouth open. He was an auxiliary attack, and he could be divided into one quarter military achievements. The 50-point common army must kill two and a half of the fourth-level strong. Only the person can get it, this kind of work is too easy, except that there are 50 military merits in the side, which is a bargain.

"Look at your stupidity, how much military power is there?" Hua Zi glanced at him, and only after the soldiers under his army tied the enemy, did the war knife leave the enemy's neck.

"Plus these 50 points, there are 76 points. The group of wolf cubs seeing their enemies is like seeing their prey. They stared at me with red eyes, and made me fight for a long time. There was not much military merit at all." Depressed, but remembering the 50 military merits he just got, he opened his mouth again.

A mid-level secret code of vindictiveness only has 100 military merits, not much worse.

Thinking that after this battle, he probably could get a precious middle-class grudge secret code, he could not help laughing out loud.

Hua Zi also smiled. In fact, he and his talents should be not bad. In the next ten years, he can become a fifth-level warrior with only one breathing method. What he and others need is only an opportunity, and this opportunity ... Yes, if I can become a strong man in the future, I have to look at myself.

Hua Zi couldn't help but think of the gentle smile of the lord of the city.

The fifth-level strongman of the Principality of Rabit who was suppressed by live capture, he heard that he became the military power of the other party, and his face was full of taste. The welfare of Maple County was a bit better. The rabit who worked for him Principality, why is there no such benefit?

When he thinks of himself, he also moves a little. Should he change to another force?

The other party will catch himself alive, can't he kill himself?

There should be an opportunity to join.

"Sister, you see that the guy's face is not green, it's all green." The black bear looked at the thoughtful guy who was crushed and couldn't help laughing.

Hua Zi woke up, deterred reddish, and could not help but secretly scolded the nympho.

"Woo ~~~ Woo ~~~"

Hua Zi looked away and found that the enemy began to retreat, and his face became a little weird.

"How did it go back?" The black bear froze.


July 10.

Black Mist City, the city's main government building, and government center.

A man with anxious expression reminded softly, "Master, do you want to report to the Lord of the City?"

Monroe was holding a piece of intelligence from Morrill City, his complexion changing, and the fingers that pinched the piece of intelligence became a little white because he was too hard.

This is not only a military briefing, but also a letter of assistance. The situation in Morrill City has been endangered to a certain extent. It can even be said that the defense army is already nervous, even if there is only a small mistake, it will be complete. You have to run away.

It is still able to support these casualties. Of course, it is Leo, the ninth-level strong man, who is defending desperately, so that the army has not changed and even ran away.

The ninth-level strongman is the Dinghai God Needle in the army, a small nuclear weapon!

"You all deal with other matters. I will report to the adults." With the intelligence in his hands, Monroe stood up and left the administrative center, heading towards the back garden of the city's main palace.

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