Plane Universe

Chapter 874: Guards dispatched

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In the back garden residence.

"Monroe, you busy person is free to come here? Rare!" Clayton laughed when he saw that the busy man Monroe was free to come here, "You are not in the political affairs center, is there anything wrong? ? "

"I don't have time to joke with you, I'm going to report to the Lord, I have important affairs." Monroe shook his head, but had no time to tease the idle guy Clayton, said anxiously, "Go."

Clayton, of course, knew that things were slow and nodded immediately, saying, "You go to the study, I will tell the lord."

After Monroe turned to the study, Clayton also walked towards the basement, opened the heavy gate, and Cheng Buyun, who was sitting in it, practiced, opened his eyes, looked at the gate, and asked, "Clay Fuck, what's the matter? "

"Adult, I'm disturbing you to practice. Just now Monroe came and said that you have important matters to report to you, so I have to come to disturb you." Clayton said respectfully.


Cheng Buyun bowed his head, stood up, and gave a slight shock to the body. The gray layer attached to the robe was immediately struck by his fighting strength, and even the appearance did not rush to repair and walked toward the study.

Maple Leaf County was at war during this time, and it didn't matter. Monroe would not come here to disturb his cultivation.

When he came to the study, Monroe ignored the etiquette and immediately handed over the military briefing in his hand, saying, "Adult, this is the military briefing that Morrill City just passed back. Morrill City is about to be in crisis. To the point, I did n’t expect this time ... The Principality of Blue Swallow and the Principality of Proud Wolf are so crazy. "

Cheng Buyun took over the briefing and looked at it in a chair. His face changed slightly when he looked at it. He said: "It ’s crazy, this briefing said that the two principalities launched this morning In a more offensive offensive than yesterday, less than half a day lost two warrior corps, and several seven-level strongmen sacrificed. That is to say, the seven warrior corps we sent to Morrill City have lost almost generally Right? "

"Yes, there are still four hours before dark at night, and the loss will be more than half. Our ordinary soldiers have also suffered very large losses, which has exceeded 250,000. It is conceivable that the battle of Morrill City is crazy. To what extent. "Monroe looked grim.

This is a military briefing and a letter of help.

"Lantis, where are they now?" Cheng Buyun asked nonchalantly.

Monroe responded immediately and replied: "Yesterday afternoon, he captured the small town of Baron in the Principality of Dongming. Lantis commanded that Morrill City was in a critical situation. This morning he had led his army to the counties of the Principality of Dongming. City, Minghu City, although Minghu City is a county city and also has a moat, but this Minghu City is not a male city, so the army of the Eastern Ming Principality is likely to fight us in the wild plains. "

Originally, according to the plan of Landis, it was necessary to slowly take down Dongming's cities one by one, and finally the other's county town, but now there is no way to do it. The two principalities of Lan Yan and Proud Wolf attack like crazy Morrill City, Morrill City is under too much pressure, he had to let him attack the other's county directly, and win the opponent in one fell swoop.

"Because our military forces are in the two directions of Dongming and Rabit, the two principalities of Lan Yan and Outback who have received information are attacking so wildly, naturally we want to withdraw our troops and save them, and solve our ambitions to invade other Principalities. "


Cheng Buyun is of course aware of the military plan, so he nodded: "So, what do you think now?"

"Sir, we now have a garrison team of more than 30,000 people in Black Mist City. The equipment of this garrison is exactly the same as that of the 1st to 20th legions. They can be sent to Morrill City. In addition, they can also Beat a special brigade from Morlite City to go to Morrill City for reinforcements. "

It can be seen that Monroe had already had an idea, otherwise at this time he would not be so clear-headed to say the conclusion.

"Mobilize the book team of Morlite City?" Cheng Buyun shook his head and knocked on the table. "There can't be a move there. Morlite City can only be so easy with these two teams. If you mobilize one Reinforcement in Morrill City definitely gave the Principality of Rabit. "

"Adult, but in this way, it's just that the Black Mist City's garrison army went to Morrill City for reinforcements. The effect should not be too great. The other party was mainly too strong. The walls of Morrill City were repeatedly attacked by the two principalities It turned into a dogfight, and when he arrived here, Lord Leo had to take the legion down the city wall to attack the vanguard of the other party, triggering a 9th-level strongman battle. "Monroe didn't think this was a good idea. The main reason is that the number of strong men in the army is too small, and many city walls cannot be defended.

Cheng Buyun knocked on the table and said, "Isn't there a 50,000-person guard in Black Mist City, Clayton, get ready and immediately take the guard to Morrill City for reinforcements."

As soon as his decision came out, whether it was Monroe or Clayton, his face changed, and he immediately shook his head and said, "Adult, this is not okay. Mainly, the city of Black Mist is too empty, and the Principality of Rabit will definitely bypass it. Morlite City, attacking our Black Mist City, when the time comes, the whole situation will be chaotic. I am afraid that Landis will command a plan and return directly to the army for help. At the same time, Morrill City defended by Lord Leo will also have chaos. Even Tanao City and Morlite City will be chaotic. We have sacrificed so much to devour the Principality of Dongming and Rabit. We have already lost the abandoned city. "

"For the same reason, if a special squad is transferred from Morlite to Morrill City, the pressure on Morlite City will become greater, and it will not be as easy as it is now, without a shocking one. For a special brigade, Morlite City will become a melee and become the same as Morrill City. "Cheng Buyun reminded.

"Alas, knowing this earlier, we shouldn't give up those adventurers at the beginning. If there are hundreds of thousands of adventurers, we will not be afraid of any enemies." Monroe looked sad.

"Then ... I'm afraid the financial problem has already become a deficit." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "At the same time, you have to know that the adventurers can't be obedient by recruits, otherwise why would I put those more than 1,500 Six strong players set up two special teams? Just because the adventurers are not easy to manage, this is no compromise. "

Monroe nodded. The situation that the adults said was a fact. The adventurer was unruly and used to the only life. Even the military palace built by the yearning for the adults was greedy and made a blame. It was not a sincere commitment to the arms of the adults.

Only army soldiers trained from the weak will always be loyal!

"Okay, things are decided in this way. Moreover, the people of the Principality of Rabit will not be fools. They dare not really attack the Black Mist City. They will only pretend to bypass Morlite City and lead our troops out of the field. The situation in these military briefings, especially the military briefing from Morlite City, has been reported. After a half-day of attack on the Principality of Rabit on July 9th, it immediately turned into harassment and did not work. It looks as if we have made an appointment with us. "Cheng Buyun turned over the military briefing in Morlite and put it on the table.

"But ... but ..." Monroe hesitated: "What if they really came to attack the Black Mist City? We will only be defended by the less than 50,000 soldiers in the training camp. The other party may be a charge, this Groups of soldiers will have to run away. "

"Although the tens of thousands of auxiliary soldiers left by the training camp are not formal soldiers, they are not as bad as you said. Although they have done chores before, they have followed the same training and are not much different from the ordinary army." Cheng Buyun Smile waved: "Okay, so decided, Clayton, immediately set off with the Guards to go to the reinforcement of Morrill City."

Clayton couldn't wait for the respect, and turned and left the study to prepare.

"This ..." Monroe anxiously left the study and returned to the administrative center, immediately wrote a letter and sent someone to the "Otto" in Morlite City.


The training ground of the main palace.

The expanded training ground, countless soldiers are training with a depressed face.

"Black charcoal, you say that others are making great efforts, but we are here to grow hair leisurely, and you say this is making trouble." A young man was sitting on the ground in sweat and resting, his face was depressed, Godlessly looked at the sunlight shining from the sky.

"Stone, I want to go to the battlefield too, but we are the guards of the Lord of the City, I am afraid there is very little chance to fight." The dark-skinned youth, with the same sad face, but soon remembered the same, laughed: "Oh, go to my house as a guest tonight. When I came home last night, my sister told me that I wanted to see you."

"Sister Lamy told you to see me?" Stone said with a happy face, remembering Lamy's touching posture, a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Yes, I tell you, don't let down my sister's affection, otherwise the brothers will not have to do it." Black Carbon said seriously.

"Anna, you also know that I am an orphan. I long for a family. When I get married with Sister Rami, we will take care of your father, mother, and little Angel girl." Stone smiled.

"Well, this ..." The black charcoal hadn't finished speaking. Stone patted his shoulder and gestured towards the entrance of the training camp. "Look, Commander Clayton is coming, and there are two deputy commanders beside him. . "

Black Char looked at him and smiled, "What's so strange, that Captain Clayton didn't come to the training camp one or two times that day?"

"No, you see, Commander Clayton called all the deputy commanders to his side." Shitou shook his head and said: "I'm afraid something happened. Let's get up and we will definitely gather later."

This young man's mind called Stone is more flexible than the black charcoal-like youth around him. He only knows that something big is happening due to a little different act of Clayton, but his intelligence is not low.

Soon, the five deputy army commanders gathered all of them, and Clayton came to the high platform, watching the soldiers below shouting out loudly: "Do you think the soldiers are desperate, but they can only stay The grass in the city's main palace is filled with deep disappointment. "

"You are eager to prove yourself, and want to say to the soldiers in other legions ... I am not an honor guard. I know this very well, because I am the same as you, but I heard that the expansion of Maple County, without our guards. At the beginning, I had an idea that I wanted to remove this position and become a general legionary. "Clayton had not finished, the soldiers below burst out of laughter, he shouted:" Do n’t laugh, This idea was my truest idea at first! "

He sighed again, and said with a smile: "I was reluctant to offload the position of the commander of the guards before, and there was a dilemma. After the master of the city knew my thoughts, he smiled and let me go The military palace led a high-level grudge secret, many people know this, so I am grateful to the master of the city ... He is kind-hearted and appreciates all of us. And I also rely on this high-level grudge The secret code broke through the sixth level in one fell swoop and became a strong seventh level. "

"Don't envy everyone, think about the breathing method we practiced. This kind of precious breathing method is only available to our guards. It can be seen how high expectations the master of the city has for us." Clayton shouted loudly : "At this moment, it is time for us to contribute our strength. Today I came to the training ground at this time to gather all of you because ..."

"We are going out!" Clayton yelled, "To fight for the honor we deserve, you all have only half an hour, because Morrill City is already very dangerous at this time, all of you leave a message The suicide note, pack up your belongings, and gather here for half an hour. "

"Yes, Lord Legion."

The soldiers immediately cheered and ran back to their dormitory insanely, then wrote a suicide note, put on their armor, took their weapons, and quickly ran to the training ground to gather.

Clayton looked at the big ben on the tower, the time was only a few minutes later, and the actual time was less than three minutes. All the guard soldiers had been assembled, and a smile appeared on his face, loudly. Say: "Very good, I am proud of you."

"All of them, immediately go to the stables to lead their horses and gather outside the east city." Clayton shouted, then waved his hand, and took hundreds of personal guards wearing special equipment to another horse. The room went.

These five hundred people are different from other ordinary guards, because they wear special armor that is unique to the ace army of the Magnolia Empire, and they also ride dragon horses.

On the street of Black Mist City leading to the main road of Dongcheng, the people watched a group of warriors wearing dark armor running out of the city's main palace on a high-headed horse, and burst into cheers.

This is the personal guard of the Lord of the City.

The people followed behind these groups of guards and came outside the East City, watching them gather together.

Soon, Clayton arrived with the half of the special guards. He rode a dragon horse covered in heavy armor. The eyes of the dragon horse were also covered with a glass-like metal, no matter what the person was equipped with. It is still the only materials that the Yulan Empire possesses, and it is also a gift from Chengluo to Cheng Buyun.

"set off!"

Clayton's knightly gun pointed in the direction of Morrill City, and immediately urged him to sit down and race forward.

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