Plane Universe

Chapter 875: Sweep the enemy

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At five o'clock in the afternoon on the tenth.

During the time when Jess was in power, Morrill County had a resident population of more than 1 million and a garrison army of more than 400,000. There were all kinds of weapon shops and shops in the city, and there were as many as five military factories.

At this time, the atmosphere of Morrill County was very depressed, especially some people, with expressions of fear, fright, etc. on their faces, and the expressions of fear and panic on the face were not enough. People are thrilling, as if afraid of an enemy force rushing in at any time and looting, killing and setting fire.

The county town of Morial ... has been surrounded by the armies of the two principalities of Lanyan and Proud Wolf. The tall walls of the Quartet are full of fierce fighting. Life is so cheap in this county town, every moment. All three soldiers are dying.

In the city's main palace, Leo's current state is not good, his face is a little pale, and his hair is messed up, and he can't take care of the finishing. The whole person looks a little withered. of.

At the same time, the leather he was wearing was also cracked in many places. This leather, but the leather armor cut by the eighth-level Warcraft, was also cracked. From this, it should be seen how fierce the battle is. .

The strong man who can cause such scars on the eighth-level leather is of course the same as the nine-level strongman of Leo. The attack of the eighth-level strongman has no such skill, and can crack this level of leather.

"Ledo, how many soldiers do we still have at this time, and how many soldiers can we use? How many strong commander ranks are there?" Leo gasped for a few breaths. After the war, he was even injured.

"Master Leo, now we can still count the head of the legion. There are only five soldiers left. Seven soldiers each lost more than half. We have reduced more than three and a half soldiers. The strong, no longer able to count, the battle is too fierce, and we are losing every moment. And the ordinary soldiers corps, only about 20 left, but the entire system is incomplete, and the system hits the ordinary corps that completely disappeared, those five The commanders of the ranks have all been killed. "Several middle-aged men wearing armor next to them answered with a bow.

These middle-aged men were basically wounded and disturbed, and it was obvious that they were not in the same state as Leo.

"Damn, Lan Yan and the Wolf are so crazy this time!" Leo slapped the seat under him, as if pulling the injury, and let him hum.

"Master Leo, please take a good rest, Morrill City still has to count on the Lord to guard." Ledo said in a serious voice, before he had finished speaking, he hummed himself.

"Come on, don't talk anymore, you have a good rest first, we might get out to fight a while later." Leo waved his hand and said with a strong smile.

Several middle-aged men bowed slightly and found a bed in the main hall of the city's main palace to begin to rest.

"Master Leo." A few miles away, dozens of Maple Leaf officials in various robes were discussing around a table. At this time, an old man came to Leo, just shouted, with a face on his face. Hesitating, as if talking about nuclear weapons without war.

"Osimo, just say something, don't talk about it." Leo glanced at the other party and said, "You know my temper."

The old man Osaimo bowed respectfully and lowered his voice: "Sir Leo, now some of the soldiers of Lanyan and Outback have entered the city, fighting on the streets, and Morrill's four walls are already in a semi-collapsed state, and we All the available reserve legions have been dispatched. We may not be able to insist on tomorrow morning. If no reinforcements arrive before tomorrow morning, we will probably lose our city of Morrill. "

In fact, Morrill City is now out of control, and all of them have been attacked into the city by the other side, but Osimo just dare not mention it.

"At noon, we have escorted people to send out military briefings. As for when adults will send reinforcements, that is not what I can expect. Our main thing now is to defend Morrill City and try to slow down the other party's capture of Morrill. "The speed of the city." Leo shook his head. At noon, he took a whole legion of the horse and rushed out of the encircling circle, and sent several strong commander-level strongmen with military briefings to Black Mist City. Morrill City simply lost a full half of the legion, a seven-level strongman, several captains, and hundreds of squadron captains.

Of course, the Principality of Lan Yan also saw Leo ’s intentions. At the beginning, they did not try their best to block them. It made it easy for them to break through the encirclement and let several captains with military briefings rush out.

But when they were going back, they were surrounded and the losses were very large.

The two principalities of Lan Yan and Proud Wolf did not really want to capture Morrill City. Their original intention was to let Maple County withdraw its expansion ambitions and sit down and negotiate.


Outside the city's main palace, several soldiers rushed back to the city's main palace with blood. They couldn't take care of the etiquette when they arrived in the hall, and immediately said aloud: "Master Leo, everybody, no good, the west gate was opened by the other party, the other party The soldiers rushed in like a tide. In order to drive out the other party, a part of the soldiers came down from the city wall, causing the dispersal of military power, and the entire west gate was about to fall behind. "

"What, damn, come with me." Leo shouted, immediately got up, hurriedly left Osimo, and rushed out of the main palace with the median strongman who had not rested for a long time, toward the west gate.

Where a group of people came to the West Gate, the battle has changed dramatically. There are not many self-fighters on the tower, hundreds of soldiers are fighting at the gate, and the ground is covered with broken bodies and weapons. The shields were scattered, and a pool of scarlet blood was flowing on the stone slabs on the ground, flowing towards both sides of the street.

"I went out to block the city gate and intercept the other party's army. You will close the city gate and kill the enemy, and then retake the tower." Leo hurriedly commanded, waiting for the dozen powerful men around him to answer, the figure soaring into the sky From then on, about to the city wall, straight to the outside of the city.

The soldiers and strongmen of the other party quickly retreated as soon as Leo appeared, and scattered.

The grudge of the ninth-level strongman is not a joke. A grudge-spraying cover attack can definitely kill hundreds of people, and even the third-level strongman can't resist it.

"Leo, are you injured?" With a loud shout, a figure rushed over like a battery and stood tens of meters away, looking at him with a mocking smile on his face.

"Huh, Oledo Ang, you just took advantage of me. You are alone, you are not my opponent at all." Leo coldly looked at the figure in front.

Standing a few tens of meters in front of Leo, it was a nine-level junior strongman sent by the Principality of Lanyan ... Oledoang, his strength is similar to Leo, but Leo takes the advantage of his equipment. , Although the eighth-level ground dragon leather is not nineth-level, but it is also eighth-level leather, plus the magic texture carved by the magician, the physical defense is still very strong. It is not bombarded continuously, and has resisted several attacks completely. no problem.

At the beginning, Oledo Ang suffered from this loss.

"Sometimes it ’s impossible to take advantage of it. It ’s impossible to let anyone of your Maple County ambitions want to annex several Principalities. Such ambitions are impossible. If your city lord ’s nine-level Warcraft is here, we will immediately The troops will be withdrawn. "Oledoon's face was full of ridicule and he looked at Leo and said," Okay, gossip Hugh, I know what you mean by coming out, but I just want to block the city gate and not let it Our soldiers go in, but I will not give you this opportunity, kill! "

When the words fell, Oledo Ang rushed towards Leo with a sword in his hand.

"Asshole." Leo couldn't, proudly wielding his sword and fighting with the opponent.

Leo did n’t say what would happen if his own lord came. If it really happened then, regardless of Lan Yan and Proud Wolf, the two principalities would send all the strong men to attack Morrill City. Expand the war.

The two 9th-level strongmen were fighting at the city gate. Under the strong fighting spirit, no one dared to stay within a 100-meter radius. They were holding weapons at a distance of 100 meters, watching the battle between the two.

In the passage of the city gate, those soldiers who had no time to retreat were torn apart by violent fighting spirit, and the whole body was torn into several pieces scattered on the ground, and then continued to be torn apart by the later fighting spirit and turned into meat emulsion.

The walls at the gate of the West Gate were also torn apart by the grudge, as if swept across by the claws of the horrible beast, a trace was cracked.

Even where the two fought, the soil splashed and formed a big pit on the ground.

"Damn!" Leo in the battle, afterglow in the corner of his eyes, saw several figures jumped into the city wall, entered the city, and fight without asking, those guys must be the strong ones to intercept their own.


Leo was slightly distracted, and was immediately seized by the other party. He stabbed him with a knife, and he spit out blood when the figure rolled.

"Fighting with me, I still have time to be distracted, why, worry about the battle in the city?" Oleondo looked at the direction of the city with a smile on his face, and then looked at Leo, who was struggling from the ground. With a bit of contempt, "Come on, let's continue!"

Leo Shen drank and waved the sword in his hand to fight with the opponent. The moment just did not hurt him much.


The ground shook. To the west of Morrill County, a well-equipped army of large numbers rushed in the direction of Black Mist City.

There was a strong vibration on the ground. This kind of sound was only heard when the horses were running, which stopped the battle between Leo and Oledoeng. The two sides couldn't help but separated and turned their heads to look into the distance.

"The reinforcements are here." Leo's heart moved. In this direction, only the army sent by the Black Mist City, and at this time, only the Black Mist City will have a huge army sent.

As we approached, the horseshoe sounded more and more. Under the banner, hundreds of faces were carved with a dimly-shaped tiger like Warcraft, and the military flag was written with three big characters that occupy half of the entire military flag-the guard!

"The Guards?" Leo moved in his heart. "Is the Lord sending the Guards around him?"

"No, it's the local reinforcements, defense ..." Oledo Ang shouted and drank. In fact, he didn't need to shout. The army of the Principality of Lanyan has seen the flag, plus this moment, it is definitely the reinforcements of Morrill .

Under the leadership of Clayton, the Guards finally rushed to Morrill City at 5:20, seeing the war on the far side of the city, especially the many local troops living below the city Rest.

"Expand formation!"

Clayton rushed to the front to stop the dragon horse under the crotch, and the roar of grudges mixed with the grudge immediately spread throughout the army, and all the guards slammed the crotch horses and moved and arranged.

"No, it's a heavy cavalry!" The officer on the side of the Principality of Lanyan saw the armor on the horse, and suddenly the three souls disappeared from the seven souls.

This army came too fast, and there was no time for the surrounding sentries to convey information.

"The horse hurdle, where is the horse hurdle, hateful, nothing, how to intercept this heavy cavalry."

Panic, all the soldiers on the Principality of Lanyan panicked.


In just two minutes, the guards led by Clayton immediately lined up. The vast plains are the world of cavalry, especially the county town of Morrill, which has no moat. It is surrounded by plains and is very suitable for cavalry. Unfold.

"Push me!"

Clayton roared loudly, and then urged the crotch dragon horse, with the special guards around 500, rushed into the army of the Principality of Lanyan, hundreds of meters away, invincible.

The ground vibrated, and the guards rode the fine horses of Maple County, and rushed forward without any forge, as if ignoring any enemies in the front.

This kind of invincible momentum, when the soldiers of the Principality of Lanyan in front, flashes of panic and even panic on their faces, surprise and so on.

When the soldiers in front, they immediately broke down after contact with the huge guards. They were stabbed by the knights with thick arms and a length of five meters. Many soldiers of the Principality of Lanyan were taken by these knights. Fly forward.

With such a powerful attack, the Lanyan principality ’s defensively arranged defenses were torn as thin as paper by the guards. The guards penetrated the encircling circle of the principality of Lanyan with just one charge and came to Morrill West At the door.

In this case, Oredon frowned, and when the guards rushed in, he immediately retreated.

The guards led by Clayton rushed to the gate, and then turned their horse heads and pushed them sideways. The soldiers of the Principality of Lanyan were panicked and could not form much defense.

"Damn, this army has too much combat power. You see, they used the five-meter-long giant gun to shove people out. Their strength is so high that they must be at least level 3, which is not a half. It ’s all such cavalry. Damn, why did Maple Leaf County have such an elite army? "Lan Yan sees that his side has been killed by the support army of the other party, and everyone's head is wrinkled. .

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