Plane Universe

Chapter 895: Guess and Prepare

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In fact, not only everyone feels honored, but even Lantis, who is a very powerful leader, is not spared. As Cheng Buyun said at random, he will hold a banquet in the main hall of the city ’s main palace. After the captain and above can participate The heart beat quickly and his face changed.

After sending Cheng Buyun to clean up his personal appearance, he immediately ran out of the main palace and returned to the temporary home of the Nifeng City. Like everyone else, he bathed and burned incense, took off the high-level armor, and put on that gorgeous body Earl's robe, solemnly go to the main palace to participate in this 'drink'!

Cheng Buyun didn't even think that it was just an ordinary banquet, but it made his members excited to such a point that it was because he had never opened a banquet or banquet. The person in power did not open it once every three days. Reception?

The opening of the reception will not only make your cohesion stronger, but also draw closer to each other's feelings, and better let everyone communicate together. After all, the reception often talks at random, and the two parties who have a big gap in status usually can say at the reception. It can be said that it is a channel for the bottom nobles to make good contact with the upper nobles.

After all, you should maintain your demeanor at the reception, even if you are a duke, a baron who does not know the current affairs comes to you to say hello, you have to answer him.

"Sir Landis, you are the only one!"

When Landis came to the main hall of the city's main palace in an earl robe, everyone smiled and greeted each other.

Lantis responded with a smile and greeted each one.

"Haha, Lord Landis, you even ran with an earl, you don't know that the Lord came back here, and then feasted?" Seventh-level strongman "Du Men Tan" teased, but his face was a bit weird Many people here have a knighthood, but they usually wear ordinary clothes. Only Lantis wears aristocratic robe that can indicate his identity.

"Where and where." Landis shook his hand and explained slightly: "Actually, I brought this noble robe, and I just wanted to start a banquet if necessary after the attack of the Principality of Dongming and the Rabbit. Communicate with officials in these two countries, then you know that things are changing too fast and there is no chance at all. "

"So it turns out, haha."

"It's really wicked and sly." Someone laughed loudly.

Lantis was not angry, just responded with a smile.

This is the case with the banquet. You can't take the joke that others say to yourself and feel angry, and then you will be angry about your noble etiquette. Others will question you and think you don't have enough grace to embarrass all nobles.

"Sir Landis, now you have a noble robe on you alone, and the adults will probably look at you more in a while." A captain also made a joke, and Rantis laughed and responded: " Just like you said, next time you fight, send your brigade to play the striker. "

"That's so good?" The man piled up into a mountain, suddenly looking happy, laughing: "Then it's done!"

Nearly two hundred people talked and laughed in the hall. Three or three of them talked about topics of interest. Some people took advantage of this opportunity and came to the top of Landis to say a few words to let them have their own Impressions.

At the captain level, there is not much to say, not too much to say, close to a hundred people.

There is still a big gap between impressions and no impressions. Just like the fact that the combat legion strikes forwards, it is enough for a group of legion chiefs to fight for their heads.

The front striker represents military merit, can you not?

When Cheng Buyun came, I heard everyone chatting happily, and said with a smile: "What more to talk about, so happy, eh ..."

He glanced around for a while, and soon realized that Landis was wearing different clothes. He immediately smiled and said: "Landis, this one is pretty good!"

The nobles of the Magnolia Continent run in basically the same style and have a very high degree of recognition. Even if they are people from other countries, who have studied the nobility's identity, you can tell at a glance that your noble robe is of that rank.

Lantis smiled and said the explanation just now to Cheng Buyun, who nodded and smiled, "I have an idea!"

"Adult, Lord Landis is estimated to want to stabilize the interior as soon as possible. After all, banquet communication is the easiest way."

"Yes, that's how I think." Lantis smiled again.

Cheng Buyun smiled and chatted with everyone, and then ordered the banquet to begin.

At this reception, the chubby girl was not brought by him, not even the maids. It can be said that it was a reception for the military. After all, more than a hundred people were all in the army.

At the beginning of the banquet, the waiters came up with a plate of dishes. This time, due to the limited resources of the Nifeng Town, the quality of the dishes was very low, but everyone did not care about the preciousness of the food. What everyone valued was that it could be Cheng Buyun. This adult is drinking and chatting together, which is a very rare and glorious thing in the whole force.


When Cheng Buyun and their people were drinking and chatting happily, in a county town in the north-central of Chaos, they were separated from Cheng Buyun by thousands of miles, and in a city main palace separated by an area of ​​influence. The old man in the red robe sat opposite.

"What exactly does Cheng Buyun want to do?" The old man with short blond hair wearing a red robe with a gold border pattern looked at the letter in doubt, looking at the content in it, and said slightly wrinkled: "He went to that mud-sealed town What do you want to do? With the city of Black Mist waiting, rushing to the entrance of the dark forest, would n’t you just want to attack our territory through a springboard? "

"He dare to give him the courage to dare, he did not dare to attack the Principality we control." The old man with long blond hair in the same red robe sitting opposite said with disdain: "Not even the sanctuary The level of the sanctuary does not mean that it is the sanctuary. His current territory is large enough. No matter how big it is, it depends on whether he can swallow it. "

"Then what did you say he did in the mud seal city?" The former red robe old man frowned and asked: "It's not good to know this place in Andari County! Everyone knows that once the dark forest starts the beast tide This is the hardest hit area, and even the number of people who are greedy for us who want to develop believers is only sending priests in the past without actual control. "

In this central region, it is not that the Bright Holy See has no power to get it, but that they do not want to ask for it. After all, if they occupy Andari County, they have to fulfill their obligations, and they cannot occupy the site. Retreat once the beast tide occurs?

Even if the puppet method is used, it is clearly controlled by other people who are not part of the Light Holy See, but the civilians do not know, nor do they mean that others will not know, the Dark Holy See will definitely use this as an excuse to fight the Light Holy See.

Once there is a crack in the believer's heart, I am afraid the consequences of an avalanche.

So for thousands of years, even if the chaos leader had a huge population in the middle, the light church would not need to solve the problem of the beast tide of the dark forest. It would be useless to bring Zhang Lin down from Andari County, but it would be cumbersome.

The method of sending priests to preach is simple and does not require too much resources. Why not?

"What did I know that this kid wanted to do? It was too early to say that he wanted to attack our territory. Didn't he not expel our priests? Our priests still preached in the north-central part, and they didn't control places like churches, etc. , Without disturbing our priest, he should definitely know that our bright Holy See is not irritating. "The latter old man in red robe smiled and said:" Gilmer, you can go back to work and rest assured, I will stare at him. "


If Cheng Buyun is here and hears the name again, and he is also the Archbishop of Red Robe, he will surely know that this guy is the Archbishop of Red Robe who invited Lin Lei to join the Bright Holy See a few years later.

"Do n’t take it lightly, Bourg, you know, before they completely maimed the Principality of Lanyan and the Proud Wolf, but why did n’t they occupy these counties? I ’m afraid they were warned, so they could n’t Expansion of the site, can only run to the middle. "Gilmer said, looking at the old man in the red robe opposite.

"Of course, this guy's territory is already very large. The territories of the three counties, together with another nine-level strongman, and a nine-level Warcraft, even themselves are extreme-level nine-level strongmen, Aub. The Lane Empire warned him that he was also being cleaned up. After all, whether it was the Principality of Antuen, or the two Principalities of Lan Yan and Proud Wolf, they had lost their deterrent power to them, and it should be warned that there should be no way! It is reasonable to come to expand the territory in the middle. ”Speaking of this, Bourg frowned again:“ But we ca n’t send someone to warn him? Does n’t it seem that we are afraid of him? ”

"Of course not, it's too early to warn him. It's too early. Let's take a look at what he wants to do before making a decision. It's up to you at that time." Gilmer shook his head. .

"I will understand." Bourg said with a smile. The chaotic leader is not only a red-robed archbishop here, but there are many archbishops, even the ninth-level strong men, who infringe on the territory of the bright Holy See. .

"Right ..." He paused and said again: "Isn't there a bright physique out of Maple Leaf County last time? Who is it, did you find out?"

Gilmer shook his head, but said: "Who is the specific person, I can not find out, but there are rumors that Cheng Buyun, this guy is a bit ambitious, not willing to let others down, want to win him to join our bright church, the difficulty is not ordinary Big."

"In this case, wouldn't it be possible to promise him a kingdom?" Burg smiled. "Don't he want a site? We can give it, one is not enough, two, the sites of the three kings are always OK!"

A person who has a 100% chance to step into the sanctuary, there are not many territories in several kingdoms. Anyway, it is the people on his own side. The light of the Holy See does not need territories, but believers, as long as it does not limit the spread of the Lord ’s Glory, and everything is the light of the Holy See, and an empire is not a problem.

"I'm afraid it doesn't stop there." Gilmer shook his head. "Okay, I won't talk about him anymore. It's time to talk about other things. After all, after handover, I need to go back to the" Guangming Island "and do the job for Pope.

What an eventful autumn!

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