Plane Universe

Chapter 896: Super Magic Crystal Mine

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If Cheng Buyun knew what was happening in the south-central city, he would laugh to death.

Have you been warned?

Will attack the territory of the Bright Holy See?

I am not a fool. I attacked the territory of the Bright Holy See. Is it because I think I have grown my life?

The Bright Holy See is like a mad dog, and it is not at this time to try to make them. Once I attack their territory, I am afraid that there will be several sacred domains rushing over to clean up themselves.

Even the priests they sent to missions in the north-central part did not drive them out to attack their territory. I really thought too much.

It ’s a fool ’s act to pretend to be big without strength.

In the main palace of the city of Nifeng, a satisfying and unforgettable banquet ended, a group of people who were drunk and walked and wobbled, three or three people with a slightly drunk look, after saluting Cheng Buyun, all smile Was sent back by her guards.

"Adult, I'm so happy today. This banquet will allow me to boast all my life. Thank you." Lantis, with the help of his own soldiers, smiled drunkenly. "Master Monroe and Leo know afterwards It is estimated that I will be jealous of my life, haha, I will say goodbye to you, and I will not stop you from resting. "

Cheng Buyun heard Lantis's proud expression, and smiled slightly. His face was now estimated to have been five or six points drunk. He had refused all night, and drank enough. Ten pounds of wine, drunken eyes are fighting, he had nodded gently, and then said to him a few of the soldiers who helped him: "Help your adult back to rest!"

"Yes, Lord Lord." Several of Lantis's soldiers leaned back slightly, framed his limbs, and one of them lifted him out, and his proud arrogant laughter came from outside and let him Shook his head.

Of course, he knew what was happening. For the first time, he opened the banquet. Many people did not come to the scene. Naturally, Lantis had the bragging capital and was also the source of others' envy.

Returning to the residence of the back garden, in the chaotic territory, the basic layout of the main palace is almost the same. It can be said that almost every main palace has a military barracks. The office of the official is also set in the halls on the left and right sides of the main palace. The garden is behind the hall, and The city owner who was afraid of death also lived in his back garden.

This kind of construction method is naturally afraid of someone attacking the city's main palace, and even many of the lords who cherish their lives. They also let the powerful men under the city also live in the city's main palace, so that they can better protect themselves.

The design of the main palace of the chaotic leader is very different from that of the peaceful areas such as the Holy Alliance.

"Uncle, you're back." Cheng Buyun just walked through the garden and returned to the residence hall. The little fat girl was already waiting, and immediately threw herself from the chair, holding his thighs and milking. "Uncle, is that good wine? What's the taste? I asked sister Yi Yi just now, he said that the child can't drink, and he told me it was hard to drink. It's very spicy, choking, and bitter. I don't believe it. . "

The little guy turned around quickly and hurriedly, and asked like a cannonball. The tone was really that day, so Cheng Buyun had to squat down, picked her up, and sat in the chair she was sitting in, and then Putting the little guy on his lap, he smiled and said: "Of course, the wine is not good, and children should not drink."

"I do n’t believe it, it ’s not good to drink, so why do you all go to drink it, I just went to watch it secretly, those uncles were drinking happily, and kept saying: Come, come and do this, good wine What, pleased and pleased. "The little guy winked, and his uncle couldn't be deceived, making him laugh.

"Adult, please use tea." Yan Yi poured a cup of flower tea on the coffee table beside the seat. The little guy saw it and asked again, "Uncle, is the wine better than flower tea? Can I try it?" "

"Of course it's more difficult to drink than Huacha. It's bitter and spicy. Your sister didn't lie to you." Cheng Buyun scratched her little nose. "

"Uncle lied, I didn't just say that. I've seen it before. Those uncles are old and happy, blushing, shouting loudly, even when I finally come back here, I can hear them drinking. , Good wine! Good wine! I heard my drooling, but the sister Yi Yan looked at me tightly, and did not give me the opportunity to sneak away, I am not good with her. "

He also glanced at the close-up eyes next to him, and the small cheeks rose up, expressing a very angry look.


Celsia, who was crawling on the ground, also raised the huge tiger's head, and the soul said: "That is, a large group of people are drinking, and they are constantly shouting good wine and cheating children!"


Xiong Er lay on the ground with a pillow on his head and shouted, "Master, I want to drink too. I am not a child. I am almost a hundred years old."

The guy kept sticking out his tongue and licking his mouth, looking like he was not working.

Because Cheng Buyun asked them to accompany the chubby girl here, with this order, Xiong Er confessed, and did not go out to the hall where to drink, and he did not dare to let the waitress wait for the wine to come over, afraid The little guy will also have a drink and will be beaten by the owner.

This is not a problem!

"Big bear, do you want to try it too?" The little fat girl saw Xiong Er licking her mouth and asked immediately, "Is that wine good?"

"Ao! Ao! Ao!" Xiong Er's head snapped.

Cheng Buyun was speechless, and here came two troublemakers, Xiong Er, who had drunk before.

"Okay, there is nothing delicious about wine, so don't allow it to drink." Cheng Buyun clicked two of Warcraft, and then scraped the little guy's nose, commanding: "Take clothes, but don't allow them to drink wine. ,do you know."

Wine is not a fun thing, especially if there is no restraint, it is often easy to have big problems.

For wine, Cheng Buyun is not too addicted to drink.

When he came to the Panlong universe, he seldom drank. When he was in Wushan Town, he drank every day. When he went to the World of Warcraft to practice and came to the chaotic leader, he rarely drank!

"No, no." The little guy's eyes grunted, not knowing the bad idea of ​​the mountains. Cheng Buyun knew what she wanted to do at the first sight, and she would definitely try it if she had a chance.

Later, when she tried, she would know that wine is really bad!


After a few days of leisure, this morning, after Cheng Buyun worked out, accompanied by dozens of knights such as Clayton, and some maids such as chubby girls and robes, they went out of the main palace and came to the suburbs. Office.

More than 300 miles away from the east of the Black Earth City, Cheng Buyun recalled the less obscure memory, and compared with the map, he said: "So, should it be this location for more than 300 miles to the east?"

"Uncle, where are we going to play now?" The chubby girl happily ran around everyone, stooping down from time to time, picking a small flower, and carrying it on her head.

It can be seen that she is still very happy to come out to play.

Came to the outskirts, that is, 50 miles north of the suburb of the mud seal town, just inside the territory of the mud seal town, more than 300 miles away from the east of the black soil city, almost close to the location of the entrance of the dark forest.

When he arrived here, Clayton and their dozen guards looked serious. But here is close to the dark forest. From time to time, there are places where Warcraft haunts. Although the strength of adults is very strong, but as a guard, they naturally cannot let Warcraft The appearance disturbed the adults, and the young lady and the maids were not very strong. Under the sudden attack of Warcraft, there will still be accidents, so they are carefully guarding.

He doesn't know what the adult is here for, but he only needs to do his duty.

After playing with the little fat girl for a while, and letting her play with Xiong Er and your little white, he began to release his mental energy to sense the things under the mud.

In fact, on the day Cheng Buyun came to Nifeng Town, he had already released his spiritual power and had sensed it. He had long known that the energy concentration at this location was a bit abnormal.

Of course, this small abnormality does not actually make the Sanctuary Powers react differently below the ground. On the Magnolia Continent, the energy concentration is very high. Without knowing in advance that there are magic crystal mines underneath, it will even take steps. When Yun came to the sub-region, he would only feel a little surprised, and would not think of a super-large magic crystal mine below the ground.

Besides, that little difference is really slight, so slight that people will ignore it, even if it is the limit of the sanctuary!

Spiritual force invaded the earth, and Cheng Buyun's soul induction suddenly discovered the difference. There is a huge energy source below the ground, and now it is radiating light!

"It's a big magic crystal mine." With the deepening of his spiritual power, Cheng Buyun clearly found that this magic crystal mine has been extending to the location of the dark forest, and most of it is at the entrance of the dark forest.

This magic crystal mine is an elliptical sphere, and there are many disordered veins around it. The total length is more than 68 miles, and the widest diameter is more than 20 miles. To be precise, it is 26 miles. Very A huge vein of magic crystal ore.

Even close to the ground surface is only about four meters, just dig deep down to be able to excavate a magic crystal mine in seconds.

But for tens of thousands of years, this magic crystal ore vein has not been discovered, it has to be said that this is a miracle.

Such a huge magic crystal mine, once the news leaked out, it will definitely make people crazy, even the O'Brien Empire will attack crazy, let alone the bright Holy See.

Therefore, Cheng Buyun needs to consider the development of Momojing ore veins. He has no such strength to open this treasure.

The value of this magic crystal mine is so unimaginable that it is not hundreds of billions or even trillions. The magic crystal mineral, it will recover slowly over time, as long as it is not once Completely developed, and dig out all the advanced magic crystals, it will slowly supplement with time.

PS: Make up one more change, there is another one to make up later!

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