Plane Universe

Chapter 949: Arthur the Great

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The two sides were seated in the small palace, and Arthur the Emperor looked at Cheng Buyun with a pair of eyes, and there was an envy that could not be turned in his heart.

This Cheng Buyun youth looks like he is in his twenties, and his face will never exceed twenty-five. Such a strong young sanctuary is simply beyond imagination.

In the history of Magnolia Mainland, the youngest strongman in the Sanctuary is 23 years old, younger than Cheng Buyun, but the young talents in the history who have outstanding talents have the strength at this age. Pai Ma can't catch up with Cheng Buyun.

How does it compare?

Before dinner, his own minister, Ferros, told him that the other party had won a dozen and two before, and they were the two famous in the sanctuary, Nord and Fairsche. You said ... those young sanctuaries in history How to compare?

How is it better?

When Ferros told him the news, he almost fell to the ground in shock!

I was almost scared to death!

And he thought more about it in his heart, no wonder adults would have to pay off regardless of their identity and fame, which is too terrifying!

In the recorded history of the Magnolia Continent, no peerless genius can compare with it, one in the sky and one in the earth!

While Emperor Arthur was looking at Cheng Buyun, he was also looking at everything in the small palace. This little palace was very elegantly decorated, surrounded by precious ornamental flowers and plants, and the walls were covered with works of masters and celebrities. The large bookshelves are placed in a conspicuous position, and the atmosphere of the books in the small palace is very rich!

There is a screen behind the seat of Arthur the Great. There are a few breaths behind the screen, no need to ask, where is hidden, it must be Arthur's close guard. Before he entered this room, his mental strength had been The entire small palace glanced at him. He knew how many people there were, what his strength and his profession were.

After the maid served tea, Cheng Buyun picked it up with the little guy and took two sips before putting it down. The movement was very consistent, which made Arthur pay special attention to the little guy. A smile appeared on his face, and his body leaned forward slightly. Said: "First of all, I welcome Excellency Cheng Buyun again ... and our little leaf little princess came to the palace as a guest. I am very honored and made my face a little more glorious."

The maidens and male servants standing next to them looked at Cheng Buyun, their faces full of surprise.

Arthur the Great has stood at the pinnacle of power, but today he spoke in such a humble tone, refreshing their three views.

I also had some guesses about Cheng Buyun's identity!

The people who can let Arthur the emperor treat them like this are definitely the strongest in the sanctuary. In general, the saints can only treat Arthur the equal.

In fact, when it comes to the sacred domain strong, the other party holds its own identity and will never come to visit Arthur the Great. In his life, he has seen the sacred domain strongman is extremely limited. It can even be said that the opportunity to see the sacred domain strongman ... very Limited, the face of the strong man in the sanctuary that I saw should be the third deacon of the temple of life.

But even Qianlu's face, the only time in his life that he had seen it two years ago.

The mortals are always mortals, even if the secular imperial power is in hand, compared with the powerful in the Holy Land, they can not be compared in terms of status.

The powerful in the sanctuary has an infinite lifespan, how can one care about a secular emperor?

The lifespan of a mortal is too short, especially for an emperor like Arthur who is not strong, there will be no sanctuary to meet him for the benefit, almost all the family heads come out!

So learning that Cheng Buyun, the newly entered powerful sanctuary, came to visit and meet with himself made him very happy!

"Thank you Arthur, I am also very happy to see you tonight." The little boy stood up from a short chair, with a smile on his face, carrying his dress and walking slightly A solemn princess ceremony.

"Haha, our little princess doesn't have to be polite, please sit down!" Arthur the Great laughed, his face was radiant, and even the waxy face had a little spirit, and the twilight on his body was reduced a little. Come out, he is very happy now!

"Seeing you today, Arthur, I am also very happy, I hope my arrival ... without disturbing the order in your empire!" Cheng Buyun nodded with a smile.

"No, no, this is certainly not the case. You have time. You should come in the future. I welcome you to our magnolia empire as guests," Emperor Arthur laughed.

Such a strong man in the sanctuary is definitely a good thing if he can meet a few more times. It would be better if he could make some friendship with the other party.

Although he is the emperor of the Yulan Empire, the next emperor may not be his son to be the emperor.

There are many disciples in the Yulan Empire, and there is only one emperor. Whoever sits depends on his ability and means.

The children of my own brothers are not simple characters!

If there is a strong sacred domain strong support, then ... The royal family also has to consider carefully!

Ferros, who was sitting next to him, kept smiling and didn't interrupt, but just listened carefully, smiling from time to time.

"It is rumored that your Excellency came to our Magnolia empire a few years ago, but she was not able to meet you, which is really not right, and it also deeply disappointed me!" Arthur looked at Cheng Buyun and sighed softly to express that Frustrated not seeing him, he smiled again, "Fortunately, today I finally got the chance to see your face, and I felt a little comfort in my heart!"

In front of Cheng Buyun, Arthur has now placed his position very low.

He knew exactly where he was. The Emperor of the Magnolia Empire looked infinitely beautiful in the eyes of outsiders. In a word, he would die, and he might even give mortals a wealth of wealth, but in the eyes of the powerful in the Holy Land, it was nothing!

"When I entered the World of Warcraft from the Holy Alliance to experience the Magnolia Empire, because of the rush of time, I couldn't wait much, and I couldn't meet you on Arthur. It's a pity." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

But he was already a 9th-level extreme strongman, and it was not difficult to see Arthur, but with the McLay-Will thing, let me know that he was not strong in the Magnolia mainland, so he immediately rushed to the chaotic leader, Use it to practice in the miniature plane.

Make yourself stronger, and make yourself more powerful in Magnolia.

Now there is finally some results. Although it has not reached the point of dominating the Magnolia continent, no one can bully!

"Yeah, I didn't expect to count in a hurry. Your strength has already reached such a step. Congratulations!" Arthur really regrets that if Cheng Buyun came to visit Yulan City in the past, the other party's ninth-level extreme strong Identity, how could he find a way to allow the other party to join the Magnolia Empire, and even the noble position of a duke can be allowed.

The strength of the ninth-level extreme strongman is not a joke, it is the invincible strongman in the sanctuary.

It is a pity that if there was a chance to meet each other, I am afraid that the friendship between the two parties will be deeper!

Arthur the Great was a bit wishful thinking. Even if the two really met, he could not agree with Cheng Buyun.

The conversation between the two men, in the study room of the small palace, the servants and servants of the palace were frightened.

It turned out that this young man turned out to be a powerful sanctuary!

Fortunately to see the strong side of the Sanctuary, the excitement in their hearts naturally need not say much.

In the future, there will be a bragging capital in front of others!

The two of them did not say anything. The conversation between the world and the earth was long. Cheng Buyun did not mention it, and Arthur the Emperor would not mention it. First mentioned?

What was Cheng Buyun coming for today? As an emperor of the Yulan Empire, how could an old fox not know?

Suddenly, the chubby girl next to him yawned. At the first sight, Arthur stopped, and looked at the little man with a gentle smile and said, "Tired, little princess, would you like to stay in the palace for one night?" Many of my residence palaces here are very beautiful, and the little princess will love it. "

The little guy was a little moved, beautiful palace, he was curious about what it was like, he looked at his uncle with a slightly tired face, he shook his head after thinking for a while, this is not his place, I always do n’t feel too much it is good.

"Oh, then you have to wait a little longer. I will talk to your uncle and I will be able to go home in a moment." Arthur said with a smile, his eyes seemingly inadvertently glanced at Cheng Buyun, A servant behind the little guy, the servant immediately raised his hand to make a gesture, two index fingers formed a cross, and then compared a word with his right hand. He knew the current time, twelve o'clock at night.

Unconsciously, it turned out that it was so late.

"Well, I'm not tired yet." The little guy was shocked and glared, indicating that he could stay for a while, but the tiredness of her face had betrayed her.

Cheng Buyun smiled, touched her head, and said with a smile: "Tired and squinted, you can go back soon."

The little guy smiled sweetly, sitting on the chair with a tired and quiet look, holding his eyelids about to fight, making Cheng Buyun smile.

"Hah, as soon as I saw you, I talked about this moment unconsciously, and I am very sorry." Emperor Arthur smiled and apologized, then said directly: "Your Excellency came to Yulan City this time, I also know what happened How is your Excellency prepared? As long as it is not the Genocide Genocide, I will try my best to support it. "

He patted his chest and said he would stand on the side of Cheng Buyun!

If you don't choose Buyun, a strong man in the sanctuary, would you choose to be with those nobles?

He was not stupid enough.

It ’s just a nobility. If you die, there will be another one on the top. To be honest, he does n’t like some nobles of the Magnolia Empire. Embarrassing myself, many times not even come off stage!

This is a good opportunity. If Cheng Buyun can kill the last batch, it is better to be undoubtedly.

Although it would make the Magnolia Empire look a bit ugly at that time, he did not care. A powerful sanctuary shot and killed, who can resist it?

Even those ancestors of the royal family will not appear!

It would be even better to kill those nobles who supported their brothers, and then the son ’s higher rank would be simpler!

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