Plane Universe

Chapter 950: Sanctuary Ranking

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Politics has never been sacred!

In order to make it easier for his son to be higher, Arthur also became fierce.

No matter how his sons fight, then the final throne is still in this vein. Once in the hands of other brothers, after their abdication, their sons can only be an idle prince, which he did not want!

Also unwilling!

Without the emperor in hand, there are too few cultivation resources that can be mobilized.

"It depends on what the other party did, arrested my men, made me look good, and made me embarrassed!" Cheng Buyun showed a faint smile on his face and said to Arthur with a light smile: "Ignore a saint The face and majesty of the strong domain, what do you think should be appropriate? "

"Damn it!"

Arthur's eyes were overcast, his eyes were full of murderousness, and his voice suddenly became cold. "Provoking the saint with a mortal body, ignoring the dignity of the saint, it is not an exaggeration to copy the family!"

Cheng Buyun looked at this old man very unexpectedly, and secretly said, the old guy is really fierce, even wanting to use his hands to eradicate political enemies, and stabilize his family's status, can't see it!

But he didn't care much about it. In this matter, he and Arthur wanted the same result.

Arthur wanted those nobles to die, he wanted to punish hard, and the result was no different.

Before meeting, Emperor Arthur may also take care of the face of the Magnolia Empire, but when he talked to Cheng Buyun and exchanged words, the two exchanged friendly feelings, and after a little friendship, he didn't think so.

After all, he didn't think that Cheng Buyun, a powerful saint, had such a good personality, and of course he couldn't miss such an opportunity!

"It's a little overwhelming to copy the family genocide. I give them a chance. As long as they admit the punishment, I let them go." Cheng Buyun smiled and shook his head.

Although he doesn't kill people, sometimes people are alive, and it's more sad than dying!

These aristocrats were so laborious that they drove him from the chaotic leader, the road is far away, how can they be easily revealed when they play?

Just because there was no money in the territory, these silly nobles bumped into one end, and Cheng Buyun naturally accepted it!

"Sir!" Arthur's face was a little anxious, as if he was afraid that he promised to let those nobles out, and he persuaded in a hurry: "Provoking the saint is a great sin, ignoring the dignity of the saint, letting the saint face ... it is even more a crime How can a sir let go of those people so easily? In this way, Beyond will think that the sage has no ability, and the position of the saint is a bit worthy of the name! "

Arthur changed his title. The name "Your Lord" felt a little alienated. No gentleman came close, and Cheng Buyun was also by him.

"No, no." Cheng Buyun waved his hand and smiled, "These people caught my subordinates and abused them, and made me personally chased from the chaotic leader. How could it be easy for them to pass? Death penalty is exempt, but living crime is It ’s hard to escape. Sometimes death is not terrible, and it ’s easy to walk with both feet, but if you do n’t have that rich family business and no money, I am afraid that these nobles will be more sad to live than die. ”

As soon as Cheng Buyun's words were spoken, everyone immediately became a sign, and then a chill rose from him. For the nobles, if they had no money, it would be more sad than death, as he said It ’s not terrible to die, just passed with one foot kick, but without money, what do the nobles take to be smart? What should I do to sing songs every night? It is estimated that even the servants' wages will not be paid out.

Arthur thought of this, and suddenly shivered in his head, thinking about it empathically, imagining that he was in that position, I am afraid that he would not want to live for a day!

Moreover, the nobles who have no money have a noble title, and there is no threat to themselves. What kind of nobility do the nobles with no money raise? What to use to hire the strong?

Without these around, why talk about threats!

Thinking of this, Arthur nodded and said yes, saying that Mr. Gao Ming not only expressed his generosity, but also punished these people fiercely.

"Sir, then what are you going to do?" Emperor Arthur asked with a smile: "I will cooperate with you at that time!"

Cheng Buyun thought for a while, looking at Arthur's heart as if he had an idea, and smiled and asked, "So what do you think should be done?"

"Since the gentleman asked this question, then I will be ugly." Arthur immediately said his thoughtful plan. "After two days, it will be the Dachao meeting, when the gentleman is like this ..."

While listening, Cheng Buyun smiled and nodded from time to time, and also added a few words.

A room of people listened to the discussion of the two, and they kept breathing in their hearts, mourning for the nobles and provoking such a powerful enemy, it is estimated that the rest of their lives will not be good.

Ferros also sighed in his heart, paying tribute to some nobles who had made friends with the Lane family.

The two discussed the next plan, and Cheng Buyun stood up with a smile and said, "It's very late now. Come here. I'll go back to the Dawson family's mansion first. What can I do to send someone?" Where to notify me. "'

"Sir, I have a request, I don't know if I should mention it!" Arthur the Great stood up, his face a little indescribable, with a tangled face on his face, as if he had asked for it, afraid to lose the other's friendship Same, so the look on the face is very weird.

Ferros, who was so permeable, knew from Arthur the Great what he wanted to ask.

It is nothing more than trying to plead for some nobles who support themselves. In this incident, many nobles participated, and no more or less did a little effort, so investigate, nobles in Yulan City, more than 70%, could not escape this disaster!

Cheng Buyun smiled faintly: "There is nothing that should or should not be mentioned, just say something. If we can agree, with our present friendship, I will never let you down."

Arthur lowered his status to make friends with him. He was not such an inhuman person. It was not difficult to ask a little.

"Well." Emperor Arthur nodded, cleared his throat, and said slightly: "I want to plead for some nobles, I hope Mr. Don't punish too much hate, so that they don't break the lineage, and I hope Mr. promised me." "

After he finished speaking, he looked at Cheng Buyun with a look of anticipation, a little nervous in his heart.

To be honest, since he became the emperor of the Magnolia Empire, he has rarely had the opportunity to let his mind go up and down like this, and he needs to observe the behavior of others.

"These are trivial things. You can just do it. When the Dachao meeting is over, let them apologize to our subordinates and fine a little money. This thing is over." Cheng Buyun immediately agreed.

"Thank you Mr.!" Great Emperor Arthur thanked again and again, and then said: "Sir, it's getting late now, or stay in the palace overnight."

Going back to the Dawson family ’s mansion from here, the road is not far away, but it ’s not too hard. There are many dwellings in the phantom bow. There are many luxurious palaces, not to mention one residence palace, that is, there are eight and ten places. .

"It's not necessary, it's not far away." Cheng Buyun smiled, looking at the little guy who had slept on the above. "This little girl's baby eagle is still in the Dawson family for a while." Wake up and find that in the palace, the noise is not very good. "

"Since that is the case, then I will not be forced, I will send him." Although Arthur's heart was a little dead, he did not force it anymore, just nodded and smiled.

"No, it's too late now, and you are getting older. Staying up late is a sad thing for you. Go to bed early." Cheng Buyun waved his hand and bent down to hold the little guy in his arms.


When I found myself being hugged, the little guy opened his eyes suddenly, struggling a little, and there was also a vigilance in the eyes of a pair of confused eyes. He quickly woke up and saw that the uncle was hugging him, and he suddenly laughed, his hands clasped. Holding Cheng Buyun's neck, he smiled and said, "Uncle, are we going back?"

"Yes, my uncle's eyes are over, let's go back." Cheng Buyun nodded gently, holding the little guy out.

"Thank you, Mr." Arthur smiled at the back, thanking Cheng Buyun for his concern, and then said to Ferros who had stood up on the side: "Ferros, send me to Mr. Sir."

"Emperor, rest assured, I will." Ferros nodded and bowed respectfully. "Emperor, then I will go back first now, and I will come to the palace tomorrow."

Emperor Arthur nodded and signaled him to go. When Cheng Buyun's figure was far away and disappeared into the magic light, he said solemnly: "Today's conversation, you can't say anything before the Dacha meeting. Go out, is that clear? "

"Yes, the emperor!"

All the court ladies and male servants knelt down on the ground quickly and answered respectfully.

These people are all Arthur's close people, as well as those he trusted, so they were not allowed to leave at the beginning.

These maids and male servants not only took care of his life, but also his escort, and have always been loyal.

At this time, several old men came out of the screen and owed their bodies to Arthur.

"How?" Arthur asked lightly, completely different from Cheng Buyun's expression. In front of these people, he was very majestic.

"Returning to the Emperor, Mr. Cheng Buyun is very, very strong, not ordinary. The four of us can't even sense the position of our husband. We didn't even dare to pass the voice before, and we were afraid of being discovered by him, blaming us for not being respectful. "The middle-aged man among the four wearing warrior costumes said first.

Speaking of Cheng Buyun's strength, his face is shocked!

He was behind the screen, no matter how he sensed it, as if Cheng Buyun didn't exist, he didn't feel grudge on Cheng Buyun. If he didn't hear the conversation, he thought he was a ghost.

Even people can't sense it, how can they sense each other's strength?

"Yes, Great Emperor, like Yasuo, Mr. Cheng Buyun is really too strong, and the spiritual power is as vast as the sky. Compared with my spiritual power, it is simply worthless, never thought about , Mr. Cheng Buyun turned out to be a powerful magician in the sanctuary. "The old man wearing a loose magician's robe didn't look as good as Biasso.

Cheng Buyun was so powerful that he could sense Cheng Buyun ’s mental strength. Before Cheng Buyun glanced with his mental strength before entering the small palace, he could detect that after entering the small palace, he Like Yasuo, he couldn't sense where Cheng Buyun was.

As if there was no one on that chair at all, no matter how mentally it was felt, there was only nothing.

This kind of situation shocked his heart. He had encountered the Sanctuary Magi before, but never had such a situation.

Cheng Buyun can't guess how strong he is, but in his perception, the other party can definitely rank in the top three in the Yulan Empire.

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