Plane Universe

Chapter 951: Magnolia Empire Conference

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Many strong sacred domains are not ranked, and those old monster sacred domains do not care about their rankings at all, and rarely appear in the eyes of the world, so they are not ranked.

Take Qianluo, the strong man in the fourth step of the Sanctuary, because he hasn't shot for more than two thousand years, and the outside world simply doesn't know how strong he is, so he doesn't rank at all!

He doesn't care about the ranking of the world.

Therefore, the rankings of the holy domains in the major empires are all holy domains below the third level, and even the holy domains at the third level are few and pitifully small.

When they reached that point, they all practiced in a quiet place to increase their strength. I hope that one day, the strength will be stronger and you can meet more opportunities in a certain place!

Graveyard of the gods!

Only this place can attract them in the Magnolia Continent. Apart from these, they do not care about anything.

But if you want to go to the cemetery of the gods, the strength is not up to standard, and you do n’t even have the qualification to go! Even if the qualification is given, what good is it if the strength is not strong?

Are you going to die?

Therefore, almost all of the Sanctuary Powerhouses are hard at work, hoping that once the millennium arrives, they will have better luck in the feast and get something to increase their strength.

If you are lucky and get a **** personality, then in the Magnolia Continent, you will not be two **** levels, but three **** levels, three points in the world!

"I guess that Mr. Cheng Buyun is at least a third-level sacred domain strongman. Combining the previous information and contacting the conversation just now, he didn't care about his attitude when making plans, so he must be at the third level." The oldest magician among the four said in a positive tone: "In addition to the few in our empire, the other holy areas ... are probably not Mr. Cheng Buyun's opponents."

"Really as strong as you said?" Arthur was shocked. He had guessed a little before, but now he is more certain.

The four looked at each other and nodded heavily together. Even the old magician who had not spoken nodded.

Arthur knows!

Applaud your wiseness and determination!

Before these four people hadn't given him a voice, he was reminded that he still had a little blame in his heart. Now the blame in his heart has dissipated a lot, and even the induction can't be induced. Where can he tentatively, and where should he transmit the result?


Cheng Buyun stayed in the palace until late in the night before he was personally escorted away by Ferros, which made many nobles feel weird and worried.

The next day, the nobles sent a lot of staff, hoping to find out what Cheng Buyun met with Arthur the emperor last night, but the people in the small palace were all loyal and reliable maids and guards, and could not be bought at all.

The content of the conversation between the two is even more unlikely.

As for the four ninth-level strongmen hiding behind the screen, they who know Cheng Buyun's strength, will not consider any more money.

Once they take advantage of each other's benefits to reveal the content, they will not think they can withstand Cheng Buyun's anger.

Once the anger of a third-step sanctuary strongman is burning, I am afraid that he will not be able to escape to chase after reaching the end of the world. If he has money, he has to have money to enjoy it!

Unable to get the content of the conversation between the two, many aristocrats were at a loss like blind flies.

There is always anxiety spreading in my heart, which is very uncomfortable.

In the end, several nobles of noble status came forward to stabilize the situation and to keep changing, telling everyone not to worry, no matter what Cheng Buyun did, it was impossible to fight so many of them.

Arthur the Great could not help. After all, with the union of so many nobles, Arthur the Great had to avoid the edge.

Don't let Cheng Buyun's tricks mess up.

On September 30th, the day before the dynasty meeting, a decree was issued from the royal palace. The content was: all nobles above the earl's rank must attend the dynasty meeting tomorrow.

This dynasty order immediately made many people guess that all the nobles of the Earl's rank would attend the dynasty meeting only at the annual Magnolia Festival, but it was held in October.

Would n’t it be Arthur the Great teamed up with Cheng Buyun to take the opportunity to eradicate political enemies?

How can Cheng Buyun do what? What ability does Arthur the Great do to this step?

Many people can't figure out why!

Of course, there are some smart people who guess Cheng Buyun is already a sacred domain powerhouse, but even a sacred domain powerhouse cannot allow Arthur the Great to do so!

This is unthinkable!

Just a step into the cloud, can it still fight against all nobles?

Unless the Temple of Life intervenes, how is this possible!

How could the Temple of Life take care of such secular things, as long as the Magnolia Empire did not reach the brink of destruction ... or the sanctuary of other empire came to disrupt it, the Temple of Life would never come forward!

"Humph, let me see what you are doing!" The Duke of Cologne sneered again and again.

Many nobles, like the Duke of Cologne, looked at Chao Ling with a sneer.

Of course, on this day, the nobles also met with each other, preparing for the Dacha meeting tomorrow.

Inside the Dawson Family Mansion.

Dawson came back from the outside with a happy face, and the look on his face was as happy as talking about a big business. When he saw Cheng Buyun, he couldn't wait to say: "Your Excellency, you don't know, many aristocrats look outside in panic It ’s gray, and there is a worry on his face, I ’m afraid the fool can see it. ”

Lan Ya glanced at him, and said without waiting for Cheng Buyun to say: "The ones you said are all aristocrats. The aristocrats who can baptize tomorrow's Da Zhaohui are not afraid at all, even if Arthur the Great wants to move them in the future, There is no reason to start. "


Adam seemed to be strangled by the neck. Indeed, the noble empire of the empire was a noble with a very high status. Even if he had no real power, it would be impossible for the great Arthur to win it without harming the interests of the empire!

Unlike the Viscount Baron and the like, it is possible to cut off the position of the nobility as long as the accusation is approved by the Yulan Pavilion.

Of course, hereditary titles are more troublesome and require evidence.

But the evidence is often unreliable. If there is no evidence, can it be faked? Anyway, the Viscount Baron is not so important in the Magnolia Empire.

Every emperor did not know how many of these nobles won.

When the political standing is wrong, and the upper class nobles cannot protect them, they all sacrifice the little ones.

Abandoning the car is the reason!

"I'll see you tomorrow, and it's too early to say anything." Cheng Buyun smiled inexplicably, which made Adam and Lanya pouting.

Are you kidding, will there be a second result?

"Uncle, let me go with you tomorrow, okay?" The little guy begged on one side and promised: ‘I wo n’t be sleeping this time. ’

Cheng Buyun laughed dumbly. It seemed that the little guy remembered the matter last night. He thought he was afraid that she would go to bed before taking her away. She had to laugh: "Tomorrow there will be too many people and stand It will be tiring. "

"I'm not afraid of tiredness. I'm in good health," the little guy said proudly, with his **** lined up.

"I'll take you next time, good!" Cheng Buyun touched her little head and rubbed it with a smile.

"Uncle is not good, don't take me to play." The little guy was not happy, he had to bit his head hard and said: "That uncle must not spare those hateful people, and told them to catch us."

In the mind of the little guy, these nobles are wicked. You know that there is a shortage of food in the uncle's territory. They sent people here to secretly buy food. They also went to grab it and make the people in the territory hungry.

"Well, uncle promised you." Cheng Buyun nodded.

"Relax, little princess, those bad guys can't run, your uncle will punish them severely." Adam said with a smile.

"Hmm!" The little guy nodded seriously, took out a blue fruit from his arms, handed it to Adam, and said with a smile: "Uncle Adam, you are the best, I invite you to eat Qinglan fruit ! "

Adam ’s move was so ridiculous. He still remembered that these fruits were precious fruits brought back from the Chamber of Commerce when he returned at noon. They were originally for auction, but when he thought of the little guy, he detained it privately. , Dedicated to the little guy to eat.

Unexpectedly, the little guy used to reward himself!

The Lanya next to him was thinking that the punishment was all light, and he angered a strong man in the sanctuary. Losing his life was the only result.

Tomorrow no one knows how many nobles are rolling.

On October 1st, at five in the morning, Cheng Buyun was bright in the sky. Like other nobles, he got up early in the morning. After washing, he ate a little and refused Adam ’s escort. Fly into the palace.

In the backyard of the palace, I met Arthur the Great, who was still eating.

When Arthur saw that Cheng Buyun was coming silently, he was shocked, and then praised the strength of the other party. At this speed, if it came to kill, no one would be able to intercept it. But his body stood up and invited: "Sir, come, have you eaten, come together!"

"No, I had eaten it when I came." Cheng Buyun looked at the food on Arthur's table. It was very rich. The food on the table was easy to absorb. It was most suitable for his age.

After eating breakfast several times faster than usual, I got a little news. In the internal affairs official ’s rumors, Arthur the Great stood up and said, “Sir, please!”

"Please!" Cheng Buyun also stood up, sorted out his clothes, and walked side by side with Emperor Arthur to the palace hall.

From a doorway in the inner courtyard to a brightly lit hall, Cheng Buyun glanced at his eyes, and at a glance he saw the tall throne standing high above him! In addition to a large gold-colored seat on the throne steps, there is also a luxurious seat on the side of the side steps. Like the throne, facing the entire hall, sitting on it, you can see the whole hall.

This hall is very wide and can stand at least thousands of people. It has dozens of huge jade-colored load-bearing columns with some beautiful patterns carved on the load-bearing columns.

"Please, sir." The two went up the steps, and Arthur immediately pointed to the luxurious chair, apologizing: "Mr. Grievance."

"Anyway!" Cheng Buyun said indifferently.

Sitting under Arthur with Cheng Buyun's current status and strength, of course, was wronged.

No wonder Arthur will apologize, but there is no way he can always give up his position to Cheng Buyun. At that time, he will be embarrassed to the grandma ’s house, and the face of the Yulan Empire may not look good.

The interior officer was surprised when he heard the words of Arthur the Great. It turned out that all the seats of the prince were withdrawn today. The original purpose was to arrange seats for this young man. Isn't the prince of the Empire equal to him?


Arthur the Great didn't have time to deal with these internal officers. When the four tier-nine strong guards around him stood behind themselves, they nodded immediately!

The responding digital interior officers immediately started to drink together and said, "Open the door!"


The huge hall door was slowly opened with dozens of guards pulling hard.

"Dear ministers and nobles, please enter the hall!"

Outside the hall, with a cry, more than two thousand nobles and ministers of the Magnolia Empire waiting outside arranged their clothes and entered the hall.

When entering the hall, looking up at the far steps, some people's faces changed.

The princes of the Magnolia Empire even looked cold, what is this? Give yourself off Mawei?

You have to know that when the dynasty started, these princes had seats every time, but this time they didn't even have them. Could they stand like everyone else?

These princes, their eyes flashed with anger, staring at the great Arthur sitting on it, their skin cramping constantly!

This situation was also seen by those who came in later, and he was shocked in his heart, his face changed greatly!

Everyone is wise, and the arrangement of Arthur the Great naturally assumes that the prince of the Empire cannot compare with the young man sitting there.

This is a bit scary.

More and more nobles came in from behind, and they were shocked when they saw the above situation. All the faces changed color, worry and so on. Various emotions appeared on the face!

But I was worried again, but I couldn't lose my etiquette during the Dachao Conference. I could only stand in the position where I should stand with the color of worry.

The six imperial princes, under the soft signal of the internal affairs officer, were divided into two rows like those of the dukes in peacetime, with an eight-character slanted body, and a face slightly looked down at the side, standing!

Below these six princes, of course, is the prince of the empire.

Stan, the old prince of the Empire, nodded and smiled at Cheng Buyun slightly as he walked up the stairs. He owed his body and said in a humble tone: "Your Excellency, Gui'an!"

"This is the old Duke of Stan from the Lane family." A house official standing behind Cheng Buyun's seat said softly and quickly.

"Duke Stan, hello!" Cheng Buyun smiled.

The old duke nodded again and stood quietly in his place.

It seems that the Ryan family has a very high status and power in the Yulan Empire. It turned out to be the first one standing under the guard. Like the other Chinese history families, they are under the prince.

But seriously, the Ryan family is a little stronger and is in the left-hand position. After all, the magistrate of the Magnolia Empire is now a member of the Ryan family, and is slightly higher in political status.

Anyway, these two families are actually the same. No matter who is the minister of government, they can overwhelm the other family!

The other nobles looked at the old prince with strange eyes, and his heart was beating. Did the old guy know something?

damn it!

"The dynasty will open!" An internal officer standing a few meters in front of the throne standing on the steps shouted loudly to the nobles and ministers who had stood below.

"Meet the emperor!"

In addition to the people of the duke, more than two thousand people under the stairs, including Ferros, the imperial minister, all knelt down and shouted to the throne.

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