【Grey World】

Location: The Ruined City

Coordinates: (64,66)

Hazard factor: E

Lu Shu led the Gray Realm large army to the location of the Linyuan mission.

“It’s a very ordinary safe area…”

Swept around the neighborhood.

Lu Shu didn’t find much of value.

The location of the Linyuan mission…

Where did it go?

“Unfold the exploration formation.”

Lu Shu launched a ‘resonance’ to connect all the pets’ vision together.

Pikachu, Little White Fox, and Yumi, each spreading out to explore the surrounding area.

The speed of these little guys is already very fast, but in a few moments, they have explored the area.

Just then…

A prompt popped up in front of Lu Shu’s eyes——

[Hint: Five hundred meters ahead, the entrance to the Linyuan mission appears.] 】


Walk in the direction of the prompt.

Lu Shu found that what appeared in front of him was actually the boundary of the Gray Realm!

“Could it be the same place as the treasure map?”

The border entrance that appeared in front of him was somewhat close to the entrance that Lu Shu saw when he entered the treasure map secret realm.

A teleportation array is engraved in situ.

“You wait here first.”

“I’ll go and see what’s going on.”

Lu Shu said to the little guys behind him.

The first mission to the Abyss…

It is still the principle of stability.

Anyway, I don’t lose money when I go in.

First, let’s find out what the situation of the Linyuan mission is.

Stepping into the border…

The next second.

Lu Shu opened his eyes and found that an island had appeared in front of him.

“Divine Tree Master Island?”

Stunned for a moment, Lu Shu recognized the scene in front of him, which was no different from the Sacred Tree Island at the beginning.

It’s just that now the area of their own island is definitely bigger!

Could it be that the Mission of Linyuan is to launch the Battle of the Divine Tree Division?

That’s when it happened.

Lu Shu opened the Purple Qi Pupil Force.

Eyes come to the center of the island…

A monster with a fierce appearance, covered in ink-colored armor and spitting out black flames, looked much stronger than the average gray monster!

【Black Flame Warcraft】

Genre: Warcraft, Abyss

Risk factor: S+

Perceptual range: Islands

Force: 1200

Speed: 1150

Defense: 920

Skills: Power of the Abyss, Extinction Black Flame, Death Soundwave, Demon Clan Roar, Blood Boiling

Description: The monsters in the Grey Realm have successfully conquered the island of the Divine Tree Master, and when they eat the Sacred Tree, they will turn into an abyss!



The next second.

The Black Flame Demon Beast let out a deafening roar!

It raised its head, sensed that there was an enemy coming, and those vicious eyes looked at Lu Shu’s figure.

“Devour the Sacred Tree?”

“Do you say…”

“The monsters of the Grey Realm, attacking the Island of the Divine Tree Master, is it just to eat the Divine Tree and transform into the Abyss?”

Lu Shu’s brow frowned slightly.

He had a lot of conjectures about the abyss.

After all.

Many of the monsters encountered before have mentioned coming from the abyss.

However, the abyss of the Linyuan mission was actually the monster of the Grey Realm who ate the Divine Tree Master’s Divine Tree, thus transforming into the Abyss!


Where did the abyss of the past come from?

Too late to think about it.

The ‘Black Flame Demon Beast’ in front of him instantly jumped into the air and spewed out a mouthful of black flames towards Lu Shu!

The black flame seemed to have different attributes attached to it, and it was extremely penetrating, and could even cause damage to the nether body.

“Look for death.”

Lu Shu’s gaze was slightly cold, unmoved, and he directly sacrificed the Holy Sword and cast the ‘Magic Sword Thousand Blades’.

The black flame, the moment it collided with the magic blade, instantly dissipated!

“Is the Divine Tree Master’s power?”

Lu Shu sensed the flames of the Black Flame Demon Beast, which was unusual.

It’s not like the attack attributes of grey monsters.

It’s more like a Divine Tree Master’s magical attack…

If it wasn’t for Lu Shu’s attributes being high enough, and condensing the purple qi of the Golden Dan Realm, then relying on the attributes of the Holy Sword alone, it really wouldn’t be able to penetrate the attack of the Extinction Black Flame!


The Black Flame Demon Beast found that its Black Flame did not work against Lu Shu, and launched the ‘Death Sound Wave’.

Lu Shu stood calmly in place, letting this sound wave resound throughout the heavens and the earth, which had no impact on himself.

Having survived the nightmare-level “Wailing Abyss”, this S+ level monster, although the attack methods, there were a few more mysterious changes, but in Lu Shu’s eyes, it was not enough to see.


The next second.

Lu Shu raised the Guardian Scepter.

Two BUFF superimposed.

Cast the ‘Judgment of the Holy Light’.

A holy light descended…

[Your ‘Judgment of The Holy Light’ attack spilled out, piercing through the abyss power of the ‘Black Flame Demon Beast’, causing critical hit damage!] 】

The Black Flame Demon Beast suddenly let out a cry of pain.

The next second.

The blood on its body suddenly boiled!

The body instantly swelled several times more than the original!

[The ‘Black Flame Demon Beast’ unleashed the power of the bloodline, doubling its body size and doubling its full attributes…]

Lu Shu continued to control the magic swords around him, and slashed at the body of the Black Flame Demon Beast!

The damage attached to the Holy Light kept falling on the body of the ‘Black Flame Demon Beast’…

The monster quickly couldn’t stand the continuous attacks and angrily launched a frenzied attack on Lu Shu!

All skills out…


The suppression of attributes allowed Lu Shu to easily dodge all the skills of the Black Flame Demon Beast!

The Shadow Assassin’s enhanced dodge, combined with the cultivation of the Jin Dan Realm, made the ‘Black Flame Demon Beast’ now even touch lu Shu’s clothes corner!

It didn’t take long…

The effect of the bloodline power has disappeared.

The ‘Black Flame Demon Beast’ entered a weakened state, and its full attributes declined.

As the last ray of holy light exploded, it exploded on the body of the Black Flame Demon Beast…

The entire body of the Black Flame Demon Beast suddenly turned into a ball of black flames and disappeared!

[You kill the boss of the Linyuan quest, clear out the abyss monsters around you, and you can complete the mission!] 】

Except for the ‘Black Flame Warcraft’…

This Sacred Tree Island, as well as some other Gray Realm monsters, also possessed the attributes of Black Yan after obtaining the power of the Abyss.

Most of the risk factors are between Class A and Class S.

“It is so…”

“The Linyuan mission requires the elimination of the Grey Monsters that are about to become the Abyss…”

“After they have successfully captured the island of the Divine Tree Master and swallowed the Divine Tree, their strength will rise wildly in the short term!”

“The higher the level of the Divine Tree Master’ Divine Tree, the higher the increase in attributes obtained by the monster when it eats it!”

“Even if the level of the Divine Trees is not high, as long as they incarnate into the Abyss, their power will continue to expand!”

“The day these monsters completely become the Abyss, the Grey Realm will have another nightmare-level copy!”

Lu Shu’s gaze moved slightly.

Although it is only an A-level Mission…


The hazard factor for these bosses, at least S+ level!

And it’s much more dangerous than the normal S+ class!

If the Divine Tree Master who did not know this information rushed into the Linyuan mission, I was afraid that he would face the end of death!

“Pikachu, Yumi, Little White Fox…”

“You all come in!”

“Mission to clean up the battlefield!”

Lu Shu passed on the divine thoughts to the past.



Received a message from Lu Shu…

The Pet Army immediately enters the island of the Linyuan Mission!

Killing the ‘Black Flame Demon Beast’, the monster of this place, there is not much danger anymore!

With the first experience, Lu Shu knew what kind of monsters the Linyuan mission would face…


You can challenge the more difficult S-level missions and bring all the pet troops directly into it!

Suddenly there was a sound of electricity on the field!

Pikachu opened the writing wheel eye, and a Thousand Birds Rachel appeared on his hand, instantly killing the monsters around him.

Yumi attaches herself to the little white fox, providing more spiritual power.

The little white fox cast the ‘Void Teleportation’, constantly releasing the power of the Dark Fruit, harvesting all the monsters on the battlefield…

Less than half a day.

The monsters on the battlefield have all been swept away!


When the last monster is solved…

In front of Lu Shu, a prompt popped up——

【You have successfully completed this A-level Abyss Mission and obtained the A-level Abyss Chest x1!】 】

【Do you want to choose To Open?】 】

【Yes!】 】

The next second.

When the Abyss Chest is opened…

In front of Lu Shu, information about various treasures popped up one after another——

【Ding! You get the Heart of the Abyss x1! 】

【Ding! You get The Primary Abyss Soul x1000, the Intermediate Abyss Soul x300, and the Advanced Abyss Soul x10! 】

【Ding! You get the Abyss Key x1! 】

【Ding! You’ve earned the Advanced Abyss Skill Atlas – Abyss Decay! 】

【Ding! You got island x1, did you opt for fusion? 】


“It turns out that the Linyuan mission can produce high-level Abyss Soul, Abyss Heart and other materials!”

Lu Shu’s gaze moved slightly.

[Do you choose to combine the primary Abyss Soul x1000 into the Intermediate Abyss Soul x100?] 】

【Yes!】 】

[Do you choose to merge the Middle Abyss Soul x400 into the Intermediate Abyss Soul x40?] 】

【Yes!】 】

A curtain of synthetic light shrouded…

Lu Shu now had fifty advanced Abyss Souls!

Half of the Abyss Soul and a Curse Breath are still half way away from being able to craft the Nether Lord of SS!



Lu Shu set his sights on the Advanced Abyss Skill Atlas.

【Do you unlock the Advanced Abyss Skill Atlas – Abyss Decay?】 】

【Yes!】 】

The next second.

In front of Lu Shu, a [skill] panel appeared——

【Abyss Decay】

【Level: Advanced (Abyss)】

[Effect: With the help of the power of the Abyss, weaken the opponent’s attributes by 35%, and reduce the opponent’s resistance to full attribute attacks. 】

“The magnitude of the attribute of weakness has increased by fifteen percent!”

“The abyss skill bonus is quite good!”

“Moreover, the success rate of the Abyss Decay is much greater than that of the High Curse!”

“Even if it is used to fight against the Divine Tree Master, it can play a great role!”

Lu Shu nodded slightly.

The curse system’s skills can easily be resisted by the spiritual power of the Divine Tree Master.

Includes many quest bosses, also with strong resistance to debilitated skills.

However, the skills of the Abyss System obviously do not have this limitation.

It’s basically as powerful as a power!

Not only is the success rate high, but the degree of weakening of attributes is also frightening!

For individual enemies, it is often possible to have a great impact.


【Do you choose Fusion Island?】 】

【Yes!】 】

With Lu Shu’s mind moving.

The cleared Ringen Mission Island was immediately fused with the Honmei Divine Tree Island.


With a violent tremor.

This Square Heaven and Earth actually seemed to have undergone a huge transfer, and instantly merged with Lu Shu’s island!

The island’s plates are miraculously expanded!

The surrounding sea has also become much bigger!

“The depth of sea exploration has increased!”

Lu Shu used his divine consciousness to probe and go…

While the Sacred Tree Island is expanding, the area of sea area that can be explored is also increasing.

Fusion of this island…

Right now.

Lu Shu can dive up to 7,000 meters and explore!

Not only can the Deep Sea Fishing Rod be able to explore deeper seas again and get more treasure chests…

Seven thousand meters below, perhaps also a watershed, to encounter other types of Abyss Demon Fish, as well as to obtain more advanced treasure chests!


“Jenny Turtle, assemble and go!”

“Ready to dive into the deep sea again!”

“Explore seven thousand meters!”

Lu Shu immediately gathered a large army of Jenny Turtles and went to the deep sea.

Open the Sacred Tree panel –

Products: Life Fruit, Special Growth Fruit x1

Production cycle: 6 days (3900/650)

The baby fruit is produced…


There are new fruits of life ready to hatch!

“I don’t know what kind of pet I will get next time I will get the fruit of life…”

Lu Shu’s heart faintly flashed with some expectation.

That’s when it happened.

Several consecutive tones came from his ears—

【Ding! You get monster crafting fruit x1! 】

【Ding! You get the City Defense Building Fruit x1! 】

【Ding! Your Primary Baby Fruit Tree has reached the production cycle, Primary Baby Fruit +100! 】

【Ding! Your Advanced Growth Fruit Tree x3 has reached the production cycle, Advanced Growth Fruit +300! 】

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