Several consecutive prompts sounded…

Lu Shu’s gaze looked at the Ten Thousand Armies God Tree.

This sacred tree produces monster fruits and architectural fruits.

By eating this fruit, you can unlock the ‘Monster Crafting’ and ‘Defense Building Upgrade’ routes.

Gently pluck the monster fruit.

Take a bite.

A prompt pops up immediately in front of you ——

【Ding! You’ve gained the power of ‘Monster Crafting’! 】

【Unlocked Monster Crafting Route!】 】


Open the repository.

Lu Shu looked at the soul inside…

“Primary Soul, I can synthesize five thousand Nether Demon Soldiers and three thousand Nether Sacrifices.”

“Medium-level souls, crafted into a thousand Nether Mages, used to do the long-range fire output of the back row!”

“High-level souls, which can be used to craft five Nether Sacrifices and five Nether Lords.”

“There are also some special materials, and it is not a problem to synthesize that S+ grade Nether Candle Dragon.”

With Lu Shu’s mind moving.

Immediately, a selection box appeared in front of me ——

【Do you choose compositing?】 】

【Yes!】 】

The soul materials in the warehouse were suddenly swept away.

A huge curtain of white light appeared on the sacred tree island of Lu Shu.

Nearly ten thousand netherworld monsters stepped out of the white light.

At a glance.

The mighty Nether Army, the breath was even much stronger than the army of 100,000 undead!

All monsters, the strength is above A+ level.

Almost all of the troops of the Wailing Abyss were moved to the Sacred Tree Island!

“These monsters, if they are used to guard the family, it is a pity, right?”

Lu Shu’s brow frowned slightly, thinking about how to take these monsters away.

The range of the teleportation array is not large enough…

With so many monsters, if wave after wave passes through the teleportation array, it will take a lot of time just to teleport.

Can you be like your own army of the undead, you can take it into the bone staff and the Imperial Soul Order, and take it with you…

Lu Shu thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up!

That’s right!

Isn’t there also a Monster Fusion Room that can be used?

If the Nether System and the Undead were to fuse and become undead Nether monsters, wouldn’t the strength of these large troops be able to enter the Bone Staff and the Imperial Soul Order and take them directly with them?

Think of it.

Lu Shu’s mind moved.

All the nether monsters, under the control of Lu Shu’s mind, immediately came to the [Monster Fusion Room].

“The Nether Sacrifice and the Nether Demon Lord, fused with the S-class undead.”

“Nether Magician fuses with A+ and A-level undead…”

“The number of Nether Demon Soldiers and Nether Descendants is too much, just find some A-level to B+ level fusion, basically it’s almost the same, right?”

Lu Shu selected the best troops from the army of the undead and fused with the monsters of the Nether System.

Since it is to build an elite legion, of course, it is necessary to choose the best for fusion!


With Lu Shu sifting through the good classes.

A curtain of fusion light descends!

All the nether monsters have acquired the attributes of the undead!

Lu Shu only needed to raise the Undead Bone Staff and the Imperial Soul Order to collect these monster armies and carry them with them.

As long as it is useful, you can summon it at any time!

Much easier than teleportation arrays!



Lu Shu ate the [City Defense Building Fruit] again!

Gained a new ‘City Defense Building Ability’…

It only takes some primary materials to upgrade some of the city defense buildings.

【Spirit Cannon (Class A→ A+): Consumes Celestial Spirit Mine x500! 】

【Mobile Building Fortress: Upgrade the fortress area and movement speed, consume primary ore x500! 】

[Lookout: Upgrades the field of view and consumes primary ore x100!] 】


Lu Shu glanced at the upgraded project…

At the moment, there are no particularly good options.

The number of Tianling Mines is now used to build a defensive line for the time being, and there is no extra ore.

If large-scale building upgrades are to be carried out, there is a high demand for ore.

Lu Shu only consumed the primary ore for the time being, and upgraded the [Mobile Building Fortress] a bit.

In addition to the larger range of the fortress, the movement speed has also become faster!

The next battle of the city…

Lu Shu can place magical plants in the mobile fortress and adjust the combat position of magical plants at any time.

In this way, the defense line of the magical plant is equivalent to coming alive!

It is a greater bonus effect than simply increasing the power of the Spirit Energy Cannon!

The rest of the project, if you find another treasure map location, harvest a wave of materials, and then make a bigger upgrade!

Lu Shu has now obtained a treasure map, as long as he goes to the secret realm to explore and replenish the supplies…

Naturally, there is no problem in upgrading these buildings.


Eyes are on the Primary Baby Fruit Tree.

Lu Shu was surprised to find that these fruits looked like ginseng fruits!

Sit down.

Hold your breath.

Meditate and pranayama…

Subsequently, Lu Shu plucked a primary yuan baby fruit and slowly sent it into his mouth.

The first time you take this more advanced fruit, the aura contained in it will instantly fill the entire Golden Dan.

If the control is not good, it is at risk of regurgitation!


Obtained the Heavenly Order Yuan Infant Exercise…

Cultivating the Three Flowers Gathering Peak, Lu Shu originally needed to condense the three Dharma bodies.

If you condense the Yuan Infant Fa-body in advance before you promote the Yuan Baby, then the chance of successful promotion will be higher!

Swallow a primary baby fruit and swallow it down…


A mighty aura condensed in Lu Shu’s abdomen.

Jin Dan received an infusion of aura like a flash flood and tsunami, and it suddenly shook!

Lu Shu concentrated his mind and controlled it with the Divine Mind Awareness Sea, instantly condensing a Yuan Infant Fa-body!


His cultivation also came to the Ninth Order of Jindan by the way!

Perceiving the state of the body…

Lu Shu’s mind moved slightly, and he said:

“I only need to condense the remaining two Dharma bodies and complete them, and I will be able to enter the Yuan Infant Realm.”

Pluck the other ten Primary Fruits…

[Do you choose to fuse the primary yuan baby fruit x10 into the intermediate yuan baby fruit x1?] 】

【Yes!】 】

With a flash of white light.

The ten primary yuan baby fruits in front of Lu Shu were immediately merged into intermediate yuan baby fruits!

Take this intermediate yuan baby fruit, and swallow it…

Running “Three Flowers Gathering”.

Lu Shu began to condense the remaining two Yuan Infant Fa Phases.


A Dharma body has been derived from Daoji’s placenta, bathed in golden light and solemn!

As Lu Shu swallowed another intermediate Yuan Baby fruit into his belly…


A mighty aura continued to condense around this Dharma-body.

The golden light slowly gathered into human form.

The three Dharma bodies, in the form of three flowers gathering at the top, sit cross-legged in the Middle of the Dao Tire!

Lu Shu slowly used his spiritual power to control…

But how long…

The appearance of the three Dharma bodies was getting closer and closer to Lu Shu’s current appearance until it was exactly the same!

At this point…


The three Dharma bodies are completely condensed!

Followed by.

The momentum on Lu Shu’s body suddenly climbed a lot!

“Yuan Infant Realm!”

Take a deep breath.

Lu Shu stood up!

At this moment, he took out a sword with his hand…

Heaven and earth trembled!

Yuan Baby strong, turning hands into clouds, overturning hands for rain!

Open the panel.

Lu Shu found that his spiritual power had reached the SS level!

Summon the two doppelgangers to your side.

Lu Shu was surprised to find that his own body could even summon three Dharma bodies!

Three incarnations, three Dharma bodies, so that there can be nine Dharma bodies?

Nine Dharma bodies and two doppelgangers, using ‘Angel Blessing’ together, the effect attribute exploded!

It’s almost equivalent to using Split Demon King’s Soul!

After all.

The effect of the Dharma-body’s use of special powers will not be weakened by one-tenth!

Eyes moved.

The Bodhi Tree sensed the breakthrough of Lu Shu’s realm, and it also bloomed slightly!

【Spirit Tree】

Name: Bodhi Tree

Level: Advanced Spirit Tree

Attribute: Enlightenment +200

Enlightenment Points: 37500 (500 Enlightenment Points/day)

Until the next stage: Sacred Tree (100,000 enlightenment points)

Promotion to the Yuan Infant Realm…

Lu Shu instantly added 10,000 enlightenment points to the Bodhi Tree!

The higher the realm, the higher the enlightenment points will be obtained!

It is estimated that if you upgrade the entire Yuan Infant Realm, the Bodhi Tree can also evolve into a sacred tree!

Sacred trees and spiritual trees are a relatively large watershed.

When the time comes…

The Bodhi tree may add other attributes!

Xianhe looked at Lu Shu’s gaze with a little more envy.

During this time, the Crane had only cultivated to the realm of the Eighth Heavenly Order.

But Lu Shu had already reached the Yuan Infant Realm!

This is a huge realm ascension!


The realm of the Crane was also thrown away by Lu Shu!

Lu Shu could also take a long breath.

This time, you will not be able to catch up with the progress of cultivation by your own pet!

If that’s the case, it’s a shame!


At last.

Advanced Growth Fruit!

The large army of the Grey Realm returned to the Sacred Tree Island.

The scent of the premium growing fruit instantly attracts Pikachu, Little White Fox and Yumi!

These three guys, smelling the high-grade growth fruit, immediately knew that something good was coming!

“Let’s eat, ”

Lu Shu laughed.

It had been a long time since the strength of the Grey Realm Troops had been enhanced!

Hearing Lu Shu’s instructions…

The little ones immediately ran excitedly to the fruit tree, divided one each, and nibbled it in their arms.

Divide three by five.

All the fruit was eaten.

The bodies of these pets shine with crystal evolution.

Lu Shu’s eyes moved slightly.

The attributes of all pets have been improved.

Pop up the [Pet] panel in front of you——


Type: Pokémon

Powers: 100,000 Volts, Shock Fruit, Writing Wheel Eye, Thousand Birds

Constitution: A+

Speed: S+

Spirit: S

Combined potential: SS+



Type: Magic Cat

Abilities: Continuous punching belt block, touching fish missiles, Yumi possession, exuberant energy, magic canon final chapter, sparkling fruit

Constitution: A

Speed: A+

Spirit: S+

Combined potential: SS


【Empty Fox】

Type: Sprite

Abilities: Void Teleportation, Hostile Perception, Void Crack, Dark Fruit

Constitution: A

Speed: S

Spirit: S

Combined potential: SS+


Seeing the small partners around me, they all got the fruits of advanced growth…

The Jenny Turtle couldn’t sit still.

Dragging the somewhat thick body, he crawled over.

“Wait for you.”

Lu Shu couldn’t help but look happy.

Jenny Turtle could only watch other friends eat, he didn’t have to eat, some grievances.

After a little half a day of waiting…

The next three hundred advanced growth fruits also reached the production cycle.

The Jenny Turtle has finally eaten the advanced growth fruit and has evolved!

【Jenny Turtle】

Type: Pokémon

Abilities: Rocket Head Hammer, Water Cannon, Impact, Foam Ray, Water Fruit, Frozen Ray (New)

Constitution: S

Speed: A+

Spirit: A+

Combined potential: S


The physique of the Jenny Turtle has taken the lead in coming to the S level!

Gained a new power- Frozen Light!

It can be said that the underwater combat ability of the Jenny turtle has been improved!

The S-level physique allows the Jenny Turtle to collide with most of the Abyss Devil Fish in terms of volume.

Attack power and other aspects have also been greatly improved.

In addition, two hundred high-grade growth fruits, Lu Shu chose to feed to the sycamore phoenix.

[The sycamore phoenix swallowed two hundred advanced growth fruits, and the evolution point was +20,000!] 】

Wutong Feng’s level reached the fourth order, and it evolved to the fifth order, which just needed 20,000 evolution points!

Lu Shu simply fed two hundred high-level growth fruits to this mythical creature!

【Sycamore Phoenix】

Level: Fifth order

Skills: Divine Fire (S Level), Divine Fire Burning Plains (S Level)

Evolution Point: 200

Evolution points required to upgrade to the sixth order: 100,000


This moment.

The flames on Wutong Feng’s body became more divine!

That little firebird has moved closer and closer to the real mythical creature, the phoenix!

Gently spit out a source of fire.

A pop-up prompt appeared in front of Lu Shu————

[You got S-class Divine Fire x1!] 】

【Fire Source Divinity +10!】 】

[Your fire source has evolved into a medium-level divine fire!] 】


Come to the shore.

As the area of the island expands, the surrounding areas that can be explored have also become much wider.

“Jenny Turtle, come and assemble!”

Lu Shu looked at the vast coast, sensed the explorable space of the sea, became more extensive, and immediately let The Jenny Turtle go to the sea to explore.

If you find a diamond-level treasure chest, you can increase the growth rate of the Sacred Tree!

The mighty Jenny Turtle Army immediately dived into the bottom of the sea.

Passing through the previous abyss under the sea…

Seven kilometers below the sea, explore!

When it comes to the deepest distance…

A prompt suddenly popped up in front of Lu Shu————

【You triggered the Luck Critical Strike!】 】

【Legendary chests appear in front of you!】 】

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