As Lu Shu ate the Yuan Baby Fruit…

The breath on the body rises again!

After half a day of cultivation…

This square heaven and earth suddenly triggered a vision!

The golden cloud condensed in the sky, turned into a golden wave, and poured down.

The aura around it was actually blessed by the mythological site, transformed into the purest golden aura, and infused into the place where Lu Shu’s Yuan Baby was.

His cultivation immediately climbed rapidly in a very short period of time!

Break through to the second order of the Yuan Baby…

Lu Shu opened his eyes, and the momentum on his body increased by a few points again.


Focus on [Building Upgrade].

After this period of exploration…

Lu Shu obtained a lot of high-grade ore in the Wanshi Holy Land!

The island’s defense line has been almost perfected.

The extra ore can be used to upgrade other city defense buildings.

As Lu Shu’s mind moved…

The Tianling Mine in the warehouse was suddenly consumed in large quantities!

At the same time

A series of prompts appeared in front of Lu Shu——

[You have consumed the Celestial Spirit Mine x10,000, and all the Spirit Energy Cannons have been upgraded from A level to A+! 】

[You have consumed the Celestial Spirit Mine x5000, all the mobile defense fortresses, the defense attributes are increased, the movement speed is increased by 50%, and you can resist the attack of the spirit monsters…】

[You consume the Celestial Spirit Mine x3000, upgrade the lookout to an A-level lookout, and you can see everything three thousand meters under the sea!] 】


“The power of the Spirit Energy Cannon has been greatly enhanced, and it can already kill monsters with a danger coefficient of about A level in a wide range of seconds!”

“The defensiveness of the mobile building fortress has been improved a little, the movement speed has been nearly half of the original, and it is easier to move and pull with the attacking monsters.”

“The lookout… Can you observe the scene of the bottom of the sea, and the distance is up to three kilometers? ”

This discovery actually made Lu Shu gain some surprises.

Although the depth of three kilometers of the seabed is not very deep, the scope of this sea is much wider than the abyss sea below three kilometers.

Coupled with the fact that Lushu has merged several islands, there are still many places that have not been explored.

It is just that after Lu Shu dived into the sea below three kilometers, the income and output were higher, and there was no need to explore the ordinary sea area of more than three kilometers.

But the observation deck can observe the scene of three thousand meters under the sea, so that there are any treasure chests, can’t you see them all?

The city defense buildings underwent a wave of large-scale upgrades…


Lu Shu came to the upgraded lookout.

There is a special lookout here.

There is a slight resemblance to the mirror that Castlevania saw.

Through this special mirror, Lu Shu was able to bring all the scenes of the three thousand meters under the sea into his eyes.

With his spiritual strength reaching an extremely high level, he could completely handle this huge picture in his mind, and write down the location of all the treasure chests.

“There are thousands of treasure chests?”

Lu Shu was somewhat surprised.

Three kilometers of sea, the range is simply not too big!

With such a wide range, the number of chests is also quite large!

Although it is only a silver and gold treasure chest…

But Lu Shu has crafting skills on his hands!

The resulting water runes can be completely crafted to get more advanced water runes!

Got the precise location of the treasure chest…

Lu Shu immediately sent a Jenny turtle to explore.

The level of the Jenny Turtle has been evolved, and several abilities have been learned, which can be completely scattered to explore, and there are no monsters that can pose a threat in the three-kilometer sea!


Hundreds of treasure chests, explored in precise locations, were all found!

Select All to open!


Chests full of silver and gold were filled with water runes from beginner to intermediate levels.

There are also a small number of platinum chests that can open high-grade water runes!

Although the grade is not very high, it is better than the number!

Lu Shu immediately opened the synthesis panel——

【Do you choose compositing?】 】

【Yes!】 】

The next second.

All the primary water runes became intermediate water runes.

All the intermediate water runes turned into high-level water runes!

A hundred Jenny Turtles, equipped with high-grade water runes!

There were even dozens of extra water runes, and Lu Shu combined them into top water runes!

The increased water attribute range also suddenly reached 50%!

From the overall point of view, Lu Shu’s deep-sea troops, the overall water attribute ability increased by thirty to thirty-five percent…

Later, more islands were obtained, and all the water runes were upgraded to the top water runes…


The strength of the entire Jenny Turtle Army can also be increased by 50%!

【Ding! Your deep-sea fishing rod and caught a diamond-level treasure chest! 】

After a few days of grey world exploration…

The CD of the treasure chest is expiring!

Lu Shu immediately opened the Diamond Chest and obtained the Advanced Life Essence again…

【Your Divine Tree absorbs the Advanced Life Essence, growth point +1000, production cycle -1!】 】

【Ding! You get the Fruit of Life x1! 】

【Ding! You get The Grand Growth Fruit x1! 】

“Finally ripe!”

Lu Shu hurriedly buried these two fruits in the soil.

Soon, two subspecies spirit trees grew out.

The production cycle is only once…

New fruits can be produced from the sacred tree-

Product: Blood Inheritance Boundary Fruit x1

Production cycle: 6 days (3900/650)

“Another Blood Inheritance Boundary Fruit?”

Lu Shu’s eyes lit up suddenly!

The last time I wrote the wheel eye, but Pikachu got a high boost!

I don’t know what the Blood Inheritance Limit Fruit will get this time.

The rest just has to wait.


That’s when it happened.

Lu Shu’s brow frowned slightly: “Outside the Holy Land, who is coming?” ”

Before entering the Wanshi Sacred Land to explore, Lu Shu knew that this time the exploration, the location was exposed.


Before coming in, he laid a wick of street lamp flowers nearby.

Through the extra vision…

Lu Shu sensed a squad of dozens of people coming nearby.

It seems that the comprehensive strength is still quite strong!

“The people of the Night Alliance?”

Through the panels of these sacred tree masters, a glance swept past…

Lu Shu immediately found that the skills of these Divine Tree Masters were very similar to the organization of the Dark Night Alliance.

By now…

The Divine Tree Master Guild recruits Divine Tree Masters, and generally selects people based on talent.

The Salted Fish Guild is specifically responsible for collecting the Divine Tree Master of the Lying Flat Lineage Talent…

Raiders copy guild, specially select different positioning of the Divine Tree Division, form a team, carry out cooperation training, generally what position of the Divine Tree Division to come to such a one or two;

The guilds of the Night Alliance are mainly engaged in sneak attacks and assassinations behind their backs, and many of the Divine Tree Masters recruited are Divine Tree Masters whose talents are biased towards the strange and assassin type.

Sweep away at a glance…

Most of the large troops of this Divine Tree Division were similar talents.

Moreover, the scale is not small.

It was not difficult to judge that the team of Divine Tree Divisions in front of him might be related to the Dark Night Alliance.

With a conversation, it came into Lu Shu’s ear.

He was increasingly certain that these Divine Tree Masters were members of the Night Alliance.


“Is this the place those people are talking about?”

“Yes, I’ve been here, and although the undead in the video obscure some of the vision, I’m sure it’s the coordinate location!”

“When you first scout the movements in the vicinity and find that there is an army of the undead, you will immediately open the night formation and retreat.”

In the team, a man dressed in black, with sharp eyes, had the right to make decisions in the team, and commanded:

“Although our strength, it is certainly impossible to beat these monsters.”

“But this time, we are going to find out whether this is the location of the Linyuan mission.”

“If we can get some information, in the future, the alliance lord will reward us with S-level fruits, then our strength can be upgraded by another notch.”

The other members responded and nodded.

“Everybody put on a defensive formation and be on alert!”

“Explore ahead.”

Although the black captain holds the hole card in his hand, his actions are still very cautious.

After all.

The number of monsters that appear in that video is too many!

Moreover, the level of these monsters is not low at all, and if they are slightly relaxed, there is a risk of annihilation!

Led by the black-clad captain, this group of people suddenly probed nearby.

Recently, many Divine Tree Masters have joined the Dark Night Alliance, also because the Dark Night has opened a heavy reward – S-level fruit!

As long as you can complete the advanced bounty task personally released by the Night, you can get the Night Fruit produced by the Night God Tree…

For most of the Divine Tree Masters, the strength that S-level fruits can improve is too strong!

Lu Shu last destroyed the deterrent power of the Dark Night Alliance and destroyed several influences…

In order to re-inject new fresh blood into the guild, Dark Night had to pay the price of blood, using S-level fruits as a condition to pull some more powerful Divine Tree Masters into the guild!

Many Divine Tree Masters saw the conditions and were immediately moved…


In recent times…

The Night Alliance has a fairly noticeable expansion.

These Divine Tree Masters are all pawns who fight for the night!

The Divine Tree Master with S-level talent can have such appeal when he can produce S-level fruits.

This is also the reason why some sacred tree masters gave up personal exploration and turned to the establishment of guilds.

After all……

Other Divine Tree Masters took the lead in charging into the battlefield and opening up the wilderness for themselves, and the danger was greatly reduced.

Sitting in the back, the guild leader who steadily reaped the benefits seemed to have paid a lot of blood, but in fact, if he did a good job, the benefits and rewards obtained were also quite considerable.


Ten Thousand Stones Sacred Place.

Lu Shu’s brow frowned slightly.

Through the wick of the street lamp flower, he could see that the team of this Divine Tree Master had a strong ability to retreat.


The leader of the squad has the ability to transform into the night!

Unlike the Nether…

The Dark Night Realm allows everyone in the vicinity to blend into the Night and is immune to physical and magical attacks.

No wonder this group of Divine Tree Masters dared to rush to challenge the Linyuan mission!

They calculated the worst plan – even if they could not successfully challenge the Linyuan mission, with the help of the Dark Night Realm, this group of people had the capital and means to retreat!

“Unfortunately, they met me.”

Lu Shu smiled softly.

His Nether Army could completely ignore the Dark Night Realm and launch an attack on this group of Divine Tree Masters!

The monsters of the Nether Lineage, with abyss amplification, can ignore the Captain’s Dark Night Realm and inflict attacks.

Although the damage is not so intuitive, it is too numerous, and Lu Shu can also support the weakening of illusions and curses from a distance…

“In that case, I’ll give you a gift!”

Take out the Undead Bone Staff and the Imperial Soul Order…

Lu Shu summoned tens of thousands of Nether armies!

A huge teleportation array appeared on the ground!

After eating the Fast Transmission Fruit, it only needs to consume more spiritual power, and Lu Shu can even make the range of the teleportation array become incomparably huge!

A curtain of teleportation light descends…


All the nether armies teleported to the outside of the edge of the Grey Realm in an instant.

Lu Shu did not intend to let this group of Divine Tree Masters get close to the edge of the Grey Realm.

Although the strength of most Divine Tree Masters was very average, there were too many types of magical abilities!

With so many Divine Tree Masters, there will always be some people with extraordinary skills who can break out in the encirclement circle and become fish that slip through the net.

If they were allowed to enter the Holy Land and expose the existence of the treasure map, wouldn’t there be many more competitors in the future?

Lu Shu directly threw an entire nether army and used the fast transmission power to airdrop over…

Although there was no guarantee that this group of Divine Tree Masters would be wiped out one hundred percent, Lu Shu was still 99 percent sure.


“Why haven’t you met a monster yet?”

Someone in the line made a voice of doubt.

If you say…

The location in the video, is the place…

So, isn’t there supposed to be an army of undead monsters?

How come I walked for so long and didn’t even see a monster?

“Don’t let your guard down, it’s probably a Linyuan mission that needs to trigger something to lure these monsters out!”

The black captain frowned slightly, and immediately turned to the slightly relaxed members of the team and reprimanded:

“The last time you watched the Divine Tree Master in that video, they didn’t know when they were attacked by so many monsters!”

“If you let your guard down and encounter the attack of that kind of monster, and you don’t react, you will wait to die!”

“These monsters are not within our experience range, and they are even immune to the abilities of the Holy Light System.”

This rebuke made many Divine Tree Masters in the team begin to be vigilant, not daring to relax in any way.

The words of the black captain reminded them that the monsters that appeared in the video, even the Holy Light System could be immune, and they were not normal undead monsters at all!

But with the Dark Night Realm, the members of this group of squads did not panic.

Even if these undead monsters were immune to the attack of the Holy Light System, could they still inflict damage on them in the night realm?

Can’t kill these monsters, you can always run, right?

That’s when it happened.

A member of the team suddenly pointed to the front and said, “You see, there seems to be a legendary crack there!” ”

The crowd looked up in an instant as they pointed out.

A crack appeared in the field of vision.

It looks like the edge of the gray world.

It was as if through that crack you could reach somewhere outside the Grey Realm!

“Do you want to go inside and have a look?”

Among them, a divine tree master asked.

When the crowd is hesitating…


A huge teleportation array appeared beneath their feet!

Before the crowd could react…

The next second.

The endless nether army was suddenly surrounded by all the people present!

The black captain’s face changed drastically, and he roared angrily:

“This damn crack must be the mechanism that triggered the Linyuan mission!”

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