The faces of everyone in the team changed.


“We actually triggered the Linyuan mission?”

“It’s over, we’re not going to die!”

The dense army of netherworlds is coming like a tide!

This scene.

Falling into this group of dark night alliance members whose strength is probably in the eyes of the average A-level, it is tantamount to the end of the world!

“Don’t panic!”

The black captain’s face also changed, facing such a huge army, suddenly appeared next to him, and was also startled.

But his psychological quality was obviously much better than the rest of the team, and he shouted in a deep voice: “Everyone came to my side and entered the night realm!” ”

Only then did the crowd react and hurriedly lean toward the captain.

Resistance is absolutely useless!

Right now.

All they have to do is get out of here as best they can, and then send the memory footage back to the Night Alliance.

In this way, it is also a completion of the task of the dark night.

Although you may not be able to get the reward of S-level fruits, the benefits are absolutely indispensable!

The Night Alliance is so real, taking life in exchange for benefits, there should be absolutely no less.

The people in the team began to hide in the realm where night fell.

At this moment…

They took a long breath and looked at the monster outside the realm, and the expression on their faces became a little more relaxed.

They have all hidden in the realm of ‘nightfall’…

These monsters can’t always touch their figures, right?


To everyone’s surprise, a scene happened…

I saw the monsters outside the realm coming to the night realm without hindrance!

An undead with a scythe hooked up toward one of the dark night alliance teenagers facing the color of evil!

The teenager had a sneering smile on his face.

I’m in the field…

It’s already one with the night!

Can your attack hit me?

The next second.

The scythe passed through the heart of the teenager.

The teenager’s pupils were filled with a look of disbelief, and then his body slowly fell to the ground.

“How can that be?”

Seeing the scene in front of you…

The rest of the squad was stunned.

Isn’t it true that the Nightfall Realm can protect others from monsters?

How is it as if this attack was not immune at all, but was also directly killed by the second?

“Captain… What’s going on? ”

The members of the team were momentarily overwhelmed!

Fear is once again spreading into everyone’s heart!

The captain’s face changed uncertainly, and then he seemed to understand something, and said with a frightened face:

“Stop hiding in my realm…”

“These monsters are not as simple as undead!”

“They’re a hybrid of nether monsters and undead!”

“Therefore, not only are they immune to physical attacks, but they can also ignore the shrouds of the NightFall Realm, and they are also immune to ordinary Holy Light Magic!”

This news, like thunder, shattered the dreams of all the Divine Tree Masters!

Physical immunity of the undead, plus immunity to magic of nether monsters?

What a combination!

Isn’t that the equivalent of invincibility?

The face of the black captain also became ugly at this moment.

The monsters of the Nether System are monsters that can assimilate with a specific realm, so they can also harm all members in the ‘Nightfall Realm’!

Immunity to ordinary physical attacks is also counted, this can also break the immunity of their own people, it is simply unreasonable!


It can also have a certain resistance to the attack of the Holy Light System…

This is also very anti-heavenly!

Even if it was the undead and the netherworld, they should not have any resistance to the attack of the Sacred Light System’s restraint system!

Could it be that they also incorporate the attributes of cockroaches?

As a matter of fact……

The part of the Nether Army that rushed to the front also merged with the ghost of the Divine Tree Master.

For example, the undead with the scythe…

As a matter of fact.

Fused with the soul of an A-level Divine Tree Master.

The army of the undead, forged by the soul of the Divine Tree Master, had a certain resistance to the attack of the Sacred Light System.

Their abilities are transformed into exclusive skills, plus their spiritual power is already relatively powerful, much more stable than the ordinary spiritual form!


Attacks on the Sacred Light System also have a certain resistance.

It can’t be said that there is no harm at all, but the restraint effect is not so great.

A more advanced level of Holy Light Magic was needed to deal with this army of the undead!


The organization of the Dark Night Alliance usually finds a Sacred Light Divine Tree Master and kills one when it is caught!

Their organization and the Holy Light System are sworn enemies!

How is it possible to summon the relevant capabilities?

In this case, there is no way to do anything!

In the face of the situation that the ‘night field’ can not be immune…

The Divine Tree Master present was full of despair!

The only hope was also extinguished by this group of terrible monsters!

Accompanied by a series of wailing sounds…

The Nether Army killed cleanly, and the scene spread out like a nightmare in front of everyone.

That moment.

Everyone realized that these monsters were simply not something they could handle now!

“What are you waiting for, let’s go!”

The black captain’s face was hideous, and he roared with rage.

The crowd reacted to this, and staying in the night realm had no effect.

With so many people gathered together, it is easier to be surrounded by an army of the undead and surrounded and killed!

If it is scattered, there is still a glimmer of hope for escape!

The black captain’s eyes flashed a sharp color.

“Give me death!”

The next second.

A blade of darkness appeared in his hand.

With a dark sword light, it swept in all directions.

The surrounding nether army was actually repelled by half a step…


Inside the Holy Land.

Lu Shu observed the battle ahead through ‘resonance’.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the black captain.

“This Divine Tree Master has some strength.”

However, Lu Shu found that the other party’s power did not come from his own divine tree, but from the gift of the dark night.

His own Divine Tree, that is, a relatively ordinary ability, probably achieved outstanding achievements in a certain mission, so he obtained the S-level ability given by the Dark Night.


In this team, there is a good fighting force.

Just by accepting the gift of a fruit, you can have a certain resistance ability in front of this nether army…

The Divine Tree Master at the top of the leaderboard has not bad talent!

Of course.

If it is a simple nether army, then it can resist for a while.

But if you add Lu Shu’s shot, the ending is still the same as the second kill!

Unleash ‘spiritual resonance’.

In the nether army.

The eyes of a monster suddenly glowed with a layer of purple pupil power.

Cast the Pupil Magic!

The next second.

The black captain’s face instantly froze, staying where he was, completely unmoving!

The nearby monster immediately pounced on it…

But a few seconds…

The other’s body was penetrated by the weapons of the Nether Army and fell to the ground.


“How can this be?”

When the other team members saw the black captain die, their entire faces were twisted!

In their vision…

The black captain stood in the same place in a strange way, just waiting to die!

No one knows what kind of attack they have suffered!

Without even figuring out what was happening, the most powerful combat force in the team had lost the ability to resist and was left to be slaughtered by the monsters around it!

This scene.

Leave everyone’s brain blank!

Endless fear spread, engulfing the sanity of these people.

They couldn’t imagine when this terrible attack would fall on them…

When the time comes, will we face the same, or even more terrible fate!

The main heart of the team is dead…

The rest of the team members, completely reduced to a ragtag crowd, fled around without discipline!

The entire combat system collapsed in an instant…

There is no cooperation between the powers…

Lu Shu’s nether army, the process of slaughtering this group of Divine Tree Masters, became easier.

However, in a few minutes, only the last Divine Tree Master remained in place.

“Even if I die, someone will definitely come to collect you in the future!”

The Divine Tree Master’s face was completely distorted.

The only thing he did was to surprise Lu Shu…

I actually uploaded the memory video I encountered today to the [World Public Screen]!

The last sentence before his death was that this group of monsters had killed him, and sooner or later in the future, one day, the other Divine Tree Masters would come and solve this Linyuan mission!

Lu Shu couldn’t help but feel a little amused.

If someone else clears the copy, what does it have to do with himself?

It’s as if someone else is here to avenge this man…


In Lu Shu’s eyes, the other Divine Tree Masters, seeing this picture, dared not come to say another thing, even if they came, it would only be to add a few more troops of the undead army to Lu Shu’s team!

There were dozens of more souls on the field before they died…

Lu Shu explored the Holy Land for a while, and with no other harvest, he came outside with a huge army.

The souls of these Divine Tree Masters, Lu Shu did not waste, but used the power of undead magic to refine them all into souls.

In the ranks, there were dozens of more advanced souls!

Most of the strength is around A-level.

The strength of that captain is at the S level.

There are several other S-level that are relatively not so strong, refining into a member of the army of the undead, fusing monsters, and also a good combat unit!

Got the “addition” of these Divine Tree Masters…

Lu Shu’s Nether Army, the strength has risen another notch!

And today’s events, when they were made into memory videos and uploaded to the [World Public Screen], also set off a wave of discussion!


【World Public Screen】

【Ding! The Divine Tree Master ‘Night Wind’ uploaded a memory video! 】

When the other Divine Trees opened this video, they witnessed the nether army, which made these dozens of Divine Tree Division squads completely collapse, and they were all shocked!

[What are these monsters, my God, it’s too scary, the number is too scary!] 】

[They seem to be the Divine Tree Masters of the Dark Night Alliance?] How could such a video that was suddenly uploaded by the group be extinguished? 】

[Eh, don’t you think this place is a bit familiar, like the place where the last few Divine Tree Masters were attacked by monsters?] 】

[Upstairs so reminded, it seems that ah, this place is very familiar, these monsters are also very familiar!] 】

[I understand, the Night Alliance is eyeing the Linyuan mission, so send a squad to go on the mission, who knows that the monster in turn killed!] 】

[I feel that the strength of this squad should not be able to break the wrist with the Abyss-level copy, but in front of this monster legion, there is no resistance at all, how difficult is the Linyuan mission!] 】

[Not only that, you see, the young man in black in the picture cast a field, all the bodies of the Divine Tree Master are hidden in the night, this state is very powerful, it can be immune to damage, but these monsters ignore the field, and can still kill them, indicating that the difficulty of this copy is beyond our imagination!] 】

“Oh my God, then these monsters can’t go over and kill them, right?”] 】

[Yeah, didn’t the past just look for death?] 】

[What is the point of arranging such a difficult copy? 】

[For you, it is the meaning of sending to death, and for the tree-picking big man, that is the meaning of when to pass the level.] 】

[Yes, the Linyuan quest is a special staged task that was opened after the first kill achievement of the nightmare-level copy, and the difficulty you say is lower than the nightmare-level copy. 】

[I understand, this is the difficulty of the nightmare-level copy, it is really a nightmare-level ah, fortunately I have not been to this kind of place, otherwise I would not know how to die!] 】

[Ma Ya, a few days ago the guild also released a mission, let’s explore the Linyuan mission, now I will not go to kill, who goes to who is a fool, do you think that the life is not long enough? 】

[The tree-picker is furious at your words.] 】

[The tree guy is a BUG, can it be counted in it?] 】

[You see, they all seem to have seen the crack and were attacked by monsters!] 】

[Understand, in the future, where there are cracks in the gray world, I will definitely roll as far as I want!] 】

So am I! 】

[Lessons from the past, masters of the back cars, with the death of these people as a warning, I will never go any closer to these cracks. 】

[Curious to kill the cat, who loves to give people as a substitute ghost, hurry up, big deal quit the guild!] 】

This video, far from playing any strategy role for the Divine Tree Masters, also scared off a large number of Divine Tree Masters who wanted to go in and try it.

Try it and die!

Even some of the big guys, seeing the strength of these monsters, began to frown.

Many guilds have also canceled these tasks, and if they insist on publishing them, they will be treated as fools by other Divine Tree Masters – will people go to find death?

Unless sky-high conditions are offered!

Otherwise definitely not go!

Lu Shu saw this scene and nodded with satisfaction.


There are fewer Divine Tree Masters entering the crack, and the chance of finding the location of the treasure map will be much lower!

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