The Night Alliance.

Dark Night saw this video, and his brow frowned slightly.

These monsters, even if he himself shoots, are very difficult to deal with.

If you use the power of the entire Night Alliance, there is still a chance to solve this quest.

But the price to pay is too great!


Let’s not talk about the location of this copy, it is too far away from the location of the Dark Night himself, knowing that the Linyuan mission is so dangerous, now many of the Dark Night Alliance’s Divine Tree Masters are not willing to accept this bounty task.

Most of the Divine Tree Masters who joined the Night Alliance were profit-oriented, but they were not fools.

Not to give up your precious life for an S-grade fruit.

“It seems…”

“If you want to complete this Mission, you must think about it in the long run!”

“At this stage, maybe it’s too early.”

Meditate for a moment in the dark of night.


Wait until the next two Gray Realm attacks, after the past, with their own strength and the background of the Dark Night Alliance, they can break their wrists with the Linyuan mission.

But if this continues, sooner or later it will be the tree picker of the first list, opening up a bigger and bigger gap!

The night’s gaze became gloomy.

Lost another elite force…


The other party also uploaded the video before his death to the entire “world public screen”.

Now everyone knows how the Dark Night Alliance’s Divine Tree Master died!

For the deterrent power of the entire guild, there is a certain degree of decline!

When the time comes…

When recruiting personnel, it may cost more!

The dark night suddenly thought more and more angry, can’t understand this dying fool, upload the video to the [world public screen], what is the picture?

Wouldn’t it be okay to pass it directly back to the side of the night?

In fact……

The Development of the Night Alliance is more akin to an Assassin League.

The cooperation between the members of the organization and each other does not have much affection at all, and is completely bound by interests.

Who would want to do something for the organization before they die?

Uploaded to the [World Public Screen], it is just a selfish desire of other Divine Tree Masters to solve these monsters and avenge themselves.

But in this way, it hit the development of the Night Alliance.

The kind of guild created by the dark night, from the beginning there was such a problem, and now it can be said to be deeply rooted!


The organizer could only be gloomy, after all, this was the guild development model he had chosen, and all the consequences could only be swallowed.

But there’s nothing good to do…

After all, the difficulty of the Linyuan mission cannot be beaten!

It can only be abandoned for the time being.


Twilight Pavilion.

Twilight Rain listening to the wind is also paying attention to all this.

She frowned and passed the order.


Twilight Pavilion canceled the bounty program related to the Linyuan Mission…

“The difficulty of the Linyuan mission is so high…”

“According to the system’s prompts, it should not be as difficult as the nightmare-level copy.”

“But now it seems that the danger factor of this Mission is no less than that of the Nightmare-level Quest!”

“The attributes and resistance of these monsters are really exaggerated, aren’t they?”

Twilight Rain’s brow cycled deeply, and her ability, her understanding of the Grey Realm, was easily more than that of the other Divine Tree Masters.

According to Twilight’s guess, the Linyuan quest should be a transition from a nightmare-level quest to the next.

However, a fixed copy, just the abyss level needs to be spaced a certain distance, and only then will there be a copy of such difficulty.

Not to mention the nightmare level…

I’m afraid that there are only one or two copies in dozens of coordinates, and when it comes to the copy behind the nightmare level, it will definitely become more special.

The number of Pro-Abyss quests should be more than the Nightmare-level quests.

Twilight Rain Listening wind takes the rarity of the copy as a reference, and the smaller the number of copies, the lower the difficulty should be.

Then the Linyuan quest is prompted in the form of all members, and it is obvious that the number of them should be that everyone has a chance to contact it, so that it will be more than the number of nightmare-level copies.

By regular, it should be smaller than a nightmare-level copy.

Who knew it was so far against the heavens!

Just being an ordinary monster made the Divine Tree Master of the Night Alliance have no ability to resist!

Twilight Rain listened to the wind and estimated that his Twilight Rain Pavilion would not be much better than this squad, but there were some Sacred Light Divine Tree Masters, which might cause some interference, but that video had already shown that these monsters would not be afraid of the Holy Light restraint attack…

Rushing over, that is to give people a head!

“What the hell are these monsters?”


Twilight Rain listened to the wind’s mind, and couldn’t help but flash some questions.

According to the people of the World Public Screen, these monsters are part of the completion of the Mission of Linyuan.


How do you always feel weird?

Do you want to use the power of the supernatural to see?

Thinking about it carefully, Twilight Rain listened to the wind and suddenly gave up this practice.

If nothing else…

I’ve been vomiting a bit a lot of blood lately!

Twilight Rain listened to the wind and even began to wonder if she had awakened the most wasteful of the S-level powers?

Why not only can nothing be counted, but also vomit blood every day?

This matter seems to have started from the last time when the tree picker was predicted…

Since then, every time Twilight Rain listened to the wind and wanted to predict something, it was easy to vomit blood, so that he didn’t even dare to use his own powers!

Generate psychological shadows fast!

But these monsters can no longer have anything to do with the tree pickers, right?

The fruit of the tree picker, Twilight Rain listening to the wind is traded, although the other party may be hiding other fruits, but there should be no ability to control the gray monsters…

Even if it could be controlled, it would not be these anti-heaven monsters in the video…

Think of it.

Twilight Rain listening to the wind could only temporarily make the members of the guild give up thinking about the Linyuan mission.

And warn them that if they rush into the cracks, they will bear the consequences!

Inside these two guilds, more or less infiltrated the Divine Tree Master of other guilds.

Seeing the two leading guilds of the Sacred Tree Game, they both gave up on any idea of the Linyuan mission…

Other guilds naturally give up.

The Linyuan mission has changed from the turning point of the sweets that everyone was optimistic about at the beginning and the turning point of the salted fish turning over, to the death zone that is now basically equal to the nightmare-level copy and avoided by everyone.

As long as it was a slightly more rational Divine Tree Master, he didn’t think that it would be a wise choice to go to the Linyuan Mission.

There are even some boring Divine Tree Masters, who frantically fabricate that they have a friend in the [World Public Screen], and enter the Linyuan mission, and the result is what an exaggerated end…

It is unknown what kind of mentality these Divine Tree Masters who make up stories are holding.

At least……

During this time…

Most of the Divine Tree Masters were discussing the Linyuan Mission.

But basically there are few Sacred Tree Masters who will actually go there!

Some Divine Tree Masters saw the crack and even avoided it from a distance, and would not even say the location casually, so as not to cause trouble.


Grey World.

Lu Shu killed this team of the Night Alliance and collected all the equipment on them.

“I’m so poor!”

“It’s all basically gold platinum equipment…”

“Just this captain’s body, there can be a few pieces of diamond equipment.”

Lu Shu shook his head in disappointment.

This equipment output, it is better to brush the nightmare-level copy yourself!

Dozens of Divine Tree Masters who had just been refined into undead spirits were suspended not far behind The Lu Tree.

Hearing Lu Shu’s words, these undead seemed to have a hint of meaning, and couldn’t help but tremble a little.


I don’t know if I was shaken cold by these words!

These equipment, Lu Shu naturally all threw to the five-colored altar in the island.

Instead, three Divine Stones were activated.

If you continue to scavenging the nearby quest, you may be able to light up the Divine Stone one more time!

From the corpses of these dozens of Divine Tree Masters, they scavenged some treasures.

Lu Shu suddenly felt a map from the black captain’s pocket.

Although there is no nightmare-level copy above, there is a special area that has attracted lu Shu’s attention ——

【The Gate of Reincarnation】

Coordinates: (100,100)

Hazard Factor: Unknown (Copy)

Description: There is a special door here, you can only open this door if you get the key from the abyss, but inside, it is best to have the mentality that there is no way to come out again.


“The Gate of Reincarnation?”

Lu Shu’s gaze moved slightly.

The description of the place is easy to overlook.

After all.

An Abyss Key is required to open.

There is only an ambiguous introduction to the associated risk factors.

But Lu Shu had obtained the Abyss Key from the nightmare-level dungeon, and naturally knew that this place would not be ordinary.

In the nightmare level or above, Lu Shu searched in the Gray Realm for a long time, collected a lot of maps, and there was no trace of it at all!

The nearest nightmare-level copy nearby has been separated by hundreds of coordinate points, and it is too long to pass the time of the gray world battle…

Lu Shu’s destination this time is to go to the next treasure map location.

The gate of reincarnation, which coordinates (100, 100), also happens to be on the way.


Lu Shu summoned an army of the undead.

While moving towards the coordinates (100, 100), you don’t forget to sweep the nearby quests.

With a day or two of exploring…

Looted some equipment and weapons…

Lu Shu threw all his equipment to the five-colored altar and successfully lit up all the sacred stones again!

[You’ve got a chance to hit the Luck Critical!] 】

Of course.

After scavenging during this time, Lu Shu did not find the treasure map.

It is also because the treasure map nearby has been scavenged by Lu Shu, and it is naturally difficult to find related treasures.

Keeping the opportunity for this lucky critical attack, Lu Shu did not feel too anxious.

That’s when it happened.

Two tips came from Lu Shu’s ear——

【Ding! Your fruit of life x100 has hatched! 】

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