Sacred Tree.

Half of the leaves, at this time, have turned into a golden color.

It’s like giving birth to divinity!

With a breeze blowing.

Like a wave of leaves, it made a ‘whooshing’ sound.

On the tree, three distinctive fruits grow out.

One of the fruits, which blooms with a brilliant white light, is like a bodhi fruit and has the power of enlightenment.

The other two fruits are golden colors, corresponding to the Yuan Infant Immortal Fruit and the Yuan Infant Body Fruit, respectively.

“The Immortal Law and body method fruits only need to be eaten to get the corresponding operation method, and if you plant more, you can’t sell it.”

“The fruit of enlightenment, as long as you eat it, you can increase your understanding.”

“It can be planted as a subspecies spirit tree…”

Lu Shu first buried the fruit of enlightenment in the soil.


With the blessing of a hundredfold increase, a subspecies spirit tree rose from the ground and broke through the earth in an instant.

At the same time, a panel also appeared in front of Lu Shu——

【Enlightened Fruit Tree】

Species: Subspecies Spirit Tree

Product: The fruit of enlightenment

Period: 0.5 days (365/650)

Production times remaining: 1



Lu Shu first swallowed the Yuan Baby Body Fruit and swallowed it.

【Ding! You swallowed a Yuan Infant Body Technique Fruit and obtained the Heavenly Grade Yuan Infant Body Technique – “Nine Steps to the Void”! 】

With the transmission of physical memories in my mind…

The moment Lu Shu opened his eyes…

His figure suddenly became illusory!

The next second.

Lu Shu stepped out, as if tearing apart the void.

Just in the blink of an eye, his figure suddenly appeared a thousand meters away, stepping through the void and coming out!

The Divine Tree Space seemed to be a little unable to withstand this change!

The little white fox was even more shocked and couldn’t help but look sideways, seeing Lu Shu’s side, and his small eyes were full of great doubts.

Just now.

Clearly saw that Lu Shu had used the method of stepping through the void!

Isn’t this the little white fox’s own mastery?

Did Lu Shu even learn it?

That’s right!

Closing his eyes to perceive, Lu Shu did feel that he had stepped through the void at that moment just now, and instantly carried out a displacement!

And the Void Realm, in the realm of cultivating immortals, is generally a magic power that can only be cast when it returns to the void.

However, Lu Shu’s “Nine Steps on the Void”, as a body method of the Heavenly Order, although it could not travel in the void like the divine power, it could break the void in nine consecutive steps and teleport with the help of the void.

Moreover, in this teleporting void, Lu Shu can also be immune to damage like the little white fox, which can be described as extremely powerful!

“After learning this method, my movement speed in the Gray Realm will be faster!”

Lu Shu’s eyes lit up suddenly.

If you let the other Divine Tree Masters hear Lu Shu say this, I don’t know what they will feel…

Generally speaking, shouldn’t this skill be used to instantly kill bosses?

How did it become a running chart skill in your mouth?

However, for Lu Shu, it did work like this.

Instant kill type skills, will not be too much good!

The consumption of this “Nine Steps” is not very large, as long as the Aura is enough, as many steps as you want!

Lu Shu’s Cultivation of the Yuan Infant Gong Method divided the Yuan Infant into three Dharma Bodies, and the amount of its own Aura was also three times that of the ordinary Yuan Infant Realm!

Using the Yuan Infant Body Method, the consumption is much smaller in comparison!

This fa can be used casually to hurry!

Coupled with the Shadow Assassin’s movement attributes, it is not impossible to cross ten coordinates in the next day!



Lu Shu swallowed the immortal fruit and swallowed it down.

【Ding! You swallow the Immortal Fruit and get the next Immortal Law- “Three Flowers Gathering”! 】

Absorbed all the working tricks of the Immortal Law…

Lu Shu’s eyes opened slightly, revealing a smile.

“It is so…”

“Immortal Law is actually a kind of mysterious Daoist technique that is inferior to divine powers.”

“It’s just closer to the origin of the Heaven and Earth Dao than ordinary exercises, so it is called the Immortal Law.”

I absorbed the meaning of “Three Flowers Gathering” from my mind…

Lu Shu began to sit down and carefully feel it.


Above his head, three strange flowers were suspended.

These petals, as if they contain The Rhyme of the Tao, look ordinary, but give people a mysterious feeling of the number of avenues!

The breath on Lu Shu’s body was also becoming more and more mysterious!

Rumor has it that the divine power is determined, and the immortal law is through the five elements!

If you say, mastering the magic power, you can turn your hand into a cloud, and cover your hand for rain…


When cultivating the Immortal Law, you can control the power of the natural laws of heaven and earth, and use the aura of all things for your own use, and what stands out is the mysterious energy!

And the attack method of the Immortal Law is even more special, even the monsters in the reincarnation area can ignore the special attributes on their bodies.

Concentrate and gather Reiki.

Lu Shu took a deep breath and mobilized all the Yuan Infant Reiki.

On his head, the shadow of one of the flowers immediately appeared…


The next second…

The shadow of the flower had just condensed to halfway, and suddenly collapsed!

“It’s a little bit worse…”

Lu Shu’s brow frowned slightly.

He felt that he was a little bit less away from the use of the Immortal Law.

Moreover, although the operation tips of the exercises were absorbed, the rhyme and meaning contained in them were not fully penetrated.

The difference between the Immortal Fa and the Gong Fa is also reflected in the fact that the Immortal Fa needs more Enlightenment of the Dao practice before it can be unfolded.

It’s not a simple reiki use.

Simply put…

Lu Shu’s current Dao practice still needs further cultivation!

In fact, there were very few cultivators who could cultivate the Immortal Fa in the Yuan Infant Realm.

Just then…

In Lu Shu’s ear, a prompt suddenly came——

【Ding! Your Enlightened Fruit Tree has reached the production cycle, Enlightened Fruit +100! 】

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