【Fruits of Enlightenment】


[Effect: Taking the fruit of enlightenment can quickly enter the state of enlightenment, and cultivating any magic immortal method has great benefits!] 】

Lu Shu glanced at the effect of the Fruit of Enlightenment, and the corners of his mouth gently evoked a smile.

“It turned out to be the fruit of entering a state of epiphany.”

“I happened to encounter a little bottleneck when I was studying the Immortal Fa…”

“I don’t know how much this enlightenment of the fruit of enlightenment can play a role.”

With this in mind, Lu Shu gently plucked one of the enlightened fruits from the tree and put it in his mouth.

One bite down…

The moment the fruit of enlightenment melts in the mouth…

Lu Shu suddenly felt that his mind was like traveling to outer space!

As the soul became more and more empty, Lu Shu’s eyes suddenly seemed to see the essence of the world!

Everything appeared more transparent in his eyes, as if the essence of everything appeared before his eyes.

“Is this what the fruit of enlightenment does?”

Feel your own mind, enter a mysterious and mysterious state of enlightenment…

Lu Shu immediately closed his eyes and used all his attention to focus on the Immortal Law.

When trying to gather mental strength again…

Overhead, three petals, instantly condensed and formed!

The color of the petals, gilded, divine bathing, radiance flowing, looks like a flower that can only be possessed by gods and Buddhas.

As Lu Shu’s mind moved…

This three-foot-tall flower suddenly condensed and formed, with a mighty Dao rhyme, suppressing everything!

If there is a monster of the Gray Realm that appears in front of Lu Shu’s eyes, even if it has the attribute of reincarnation silhouette, it can be immune to most of the damage, and if it encounters the attack of the Golden Flower Shadow, I am afraid that it will be instantly suppressed to death!

“The role of the fruit of enlightenment is indeed powerful!”

Lu Shu nodded slightly, and a hint of joy appeared in his eyes.

Swallowing the fruit of enlightenment and entering a state of enlightenment, even mysterious techniques such as the Immortal Law can be understood instantly.

There were still ninety-nine fruits of enlightenment left, and Lu Shu planned to stay and swallow them slowly later.

Open the [Sacred Tree] panel ——

Products: Blood Inheritance Boundary Fruit, Premium Growth Fruit x3, Advanced Infant Fruit x1

Production cycle: 6 days (3900/650)

There are still four days to go before the Grey Invasion…

If it is a “deep-sea fishing rod”, you can also catch some diamond treasure chests, but you can produce these fruits before the Grey Realm begins to attack the island.

Just then…

Lu Shu’s doppelganger in the Grey Realm has come to the location of the Treasure Map!


【Grey World】

Where: Lost Jungle

Coordinates: (101,122)

Hazard factor: S class

BOSS: Thorny Dryad

Description: In this dangerous misty jungle, there are countless murderous vines.

“Yumi, possess the angel beast!”

“Angel beasts, use the fire attribute attack to burn all these vines!”

“Pikachu and Little White Fox, you are responsible for keeping an eye on the nearby monsters, and when they attack the angel beasts, kill them immediately!”

Lu Shu used the divine mind and quickly transmitted the sound.

All the pet troops moved quickly at this time.

The entrance to the treasure map is a copy of thorns with a hazard factor of S.

There are not only monsters of the kind of monsters here, but the real deadly is the ubiquitous thorns!

All the Thorny Tree Demons, after being polluted by the Abyss, turned into monsters even more terrifying than the Demon Beasts!

If they used ordinary flames, they would not be able to purify the Abyss Amplification on their bodies.

At this time, the divine flame of the angel beast was able to display its power!

A raging flame spread out in all directions.

The surrounding thorns were instantly burned to ashes!

The nearby demon beast, sensing the human attack, roared with rage!



Thunder is overflowing, thunder dragons are roaring!

Pikachu used 100,000 volts, and the electric light instantly enveloped the nearby demon beasts, and everywhere he passed, it was a mess!

The swift figure was like a flash of light, accompanied by dazzling thunder, leaving a brilliant arc in the air…

Rachel crossed the body of the demon beast, and the pair of writing wheel eyes with three gouge jade coldly stared at the weakness of the demon beast’s body, and launched a fatal attack with one blow!

After many rounds of life and death experience, Pikachu opened the writing wheel eye, and could already use the most crisp and neat means to accurately stab the deadly attack into the most vulnerable part of the demon beast.

A series of wails rang out…

Nearby monsters have fallen to the ground, dropping a series of strange high-grade ingredients, occasionally some rare species, and can also burst out rare ingredients.

Fortunately, these ingredients are not directly from the body of the monster, but the system dropped, so as long as it is marked as an ingredient, there will be no accident if it is eaten.

Of course.

These ingredients must be processed by cooking before they can be used.

Otherwise, although there will be no accidents, the taste will be unforgettable!

After solving all the thorns in the vicinity, Lu Shu also dropped some thorn seeds and brought them to the Sacred Tree Island, where he could plant some flowers and plants, with magical plants, and the defense line of the Guardian God Tree Island.

After everything is taken care of…

Lu Shu immediately let the pet large army and began to explore the formation.

After a while of searching…


A Pikachu, disconnected from Lu Shu…

“Found it!”

For this feeling, Lu Shu was all too familiar, his eyes lit up, and he immediately looked for the place where Pikachu had disappeared.

Sure enough…

The intersection leading to the Immortal Vault Sacred Land is right in front of you!

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