Chapter 135

Turn on the purple qi pupil force.

Lu Shu’s gaze instantly penetrated the fog and saw the direction in which Pikachu had disappeared.

With the help of spiritual power far beyond ordinary people, Lu Shu could soon find the intersection of the Immortal Dome Resort.

“Is it the illusion fog?”

Lu Shu showed an interesting look.

The fog in front of me looked like a field of thorns that chose people to eat.

However, who would have thought that just by crossing this psychedelic realm of thorns, one could go to the Holy Land?

Pikachu’s writing wheel eyes can break through the virtual reality, and naturally will not be affected by the illusion.

Sure enough, I came in and probed, and found the intersection of the Immortal Dome Sacred Place!

“Let’s all come and assemble.”

Lu Shu took the mighty pet army and stepped into the Immortal Dome Sacred Place together.


The vision was suddenly bright.

A fairy holy land is revealed in front of you.

In the distance, qionglou Yuyu’s palace, immortal qi, auspicious clouds condensed, brick by brick reflecting the five-color divine light, like glass reflecting the dream light and shadow, reflecting this piece of heaven and earth into a divine.

Lu Shu took a deep breath, felt the aura nearby was incomparably strong, and his eyes suddenly lit up, murmuring:

“The aura in this neighborhood is much stronger than the previous holy places!”

“The corresponding treasure will certainly not be less…”

“Pikachu, little white fox…”

“Start collecting!”

As Soon as Lu Shu’s voice fell, these little guys all searched around the holy places with excited expressions.

Less than a moment.

A prompt popped up in front of Lu Shu’s eyes——

【Legendary ore- Glass Stone appears in front of you!】 】


Glass stone, legendary ore, like the five-colored sacred stone that can only be seen in dreams, condenses the natural meaning of heaven and earth, reflects the light of various attributes, and gives birth to heaven and earth, which is an extremely rare ore.

Its grade was even above the Tianxuan Mine and Xuanwu Mine that Lu Shu had collected earlier!

Lu Shu instantly opened the warehouse and swept away all the nearby glazed stones.

Such a good treasure has been left in the Holy Land, but it is a pity, if it is collected by other Divine Tree Masters, it is not easy to inflate, to provoke a large number of Gray Realm monsters, the result is that they do not measure their strength, ignite the fire, and finally waste such good ore, and become the rations of the Grey Realm monsters, which will not spoil the treasure?

Lu Shu collected it himself, not only to make the best use of it, but also to play the best fate and mission of the glazed stone as a stone, which is a great credit!

【Ding! You get the legendary ore, Glazed Stone x50,000! 】

[Hint: Legendary ore appears in front of you – Tianxuan Stone!] 】

[Hint: The Heavenly Dao Stone Monument appears in front of you!] 】


After a few consecutive prompts, Lu Shu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Not only can you find the legendary Glass Stone, but even the Tianxuan Stone and the Heavenly Dao Stone Stele can be found one by one!




Suddenly, inside Lu Shu’s warehouse, there were a lot of legendary stones!

This is a city defense building that others dream of and is difficult to find!

Ordinary Divine Tree Masters can obtain rare ores, which is already very rare!

Although there are many these resources in the gray world, good materials are difficult to find.

Not to mention that other Divine Tree Masters are frantically sweeping up ordinary and difficult level copies, and now there are also some Divine Tree Masters who can successfully pass the Abyss Level Quests, and the top guilds have initially had the strength to explore nightmare-level quests…

The competition for these resources has become more intense!

Every day, there are Divine Tree Masters in the Grey Realm, and in order to grab each other’s resources, a big fight happens!

Only the holy land of the treasure map can explore such rich resources, directly a wave of fat, take off!

After all the Celestial Stones were collected…

The huge sacred mountain, made of the original sacred stones, has now become empty, just like a handsome man with long hair flowing, who has been bald overnight…

As far as the eye can see, the whole scenery of the sacred mountain is unobstructed.

And a stone stele that reveals the atmosphere of eternity appeared in the hinterland of the sacred mountain, and all the ore was collected and could be seen at a glance.

Lu Shu’s figure turned into a stream of light and suddenly came to the vicinity of the Heavenly Dao Stone Stele.

It seems to feel that Lu Shu’s body has a similar breath…

It’s the same as last time…

The Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet sent out a tremor.


The sound of the avenue, zheng zheng more than one.

Flowing between heaven and earth, everything in the vicinity reveals a breath of vicissitudes of time!

“This Heavenly Dao Stone Stele is even more complete!”

Lu Shu’s eyes lit up slightly.

If you can move the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet to your own Sacred Tree Island…

Perhaps, this Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet can bring about different changes!

Think of it.

Lu Shu immediately transferred the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet to his own Sacred Tree Island.

Four Heavenly Dao Stone Tablets stand near the Gate of Heaven!


With the addition of this Heavenly Dao Stele…

The nearby Heavenly Dao Stone Steles were connected to each other and sensed each other, and the mythological buildings, under the action of the Heavenly Machine Array, gathered together, and suddenly the gods were brilliant!

And those four Heavenly Dao stone tablets once again revealed an air of eternal vicissitudes, as if they contained the supreme “Dao”!

A wave of repression, penetrating through eternity, crushes everything!

Although Lu Shu was the master of the island, he felt the changes in the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet, and his heart fluttered.

The next second.

A prompt popped up in front of me ——

[You have gathered four Heavenly Dao Stone Tablets to initially unlock the power of the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablets–The Ancient Suppression!] 】


With a loud bang…

The four Heavenly Dao Stone Tablets suddenly fused together.

On the stone stele, a text of ancient Chinese is slowly engraved——


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