【Stinging Dragon】

Type: Dragon Clan

Abilities: Dragon Roar Strike, Angry Dragon Claw, Dragon Blood, Double Amplification, Green Sting Dragon Realm, Thunder Fruit (New)

Constitution: S+

Speed: S+

Spirit: S

Combined potential: SS


“The Green Dragon got the Thunder Fruit…”

“The comprehensive potential has been raised to SS level!”

“It’s fast enough!”

Lu Shu’s eyes lit up suddenly.

The Green Sting Dragon let out a roar like a dragon groan!

The sound was deafening and permeated heaven and earth.

It seems to shock nine days!

The silk rays shone out from the side of the Green Sting Dragon, dazzling!

Lu Shu didn’t expect that the Green Sting Dragon had obtained the Ringing Thunder Fruit and had actually received such a great boost!


Eyes are set on the abyss of the sea.

Since the island has gained expansion…

The exploration range of the abyss sea has become much deeper!

Last time.

Jenny Turtle explores the Palace of Poseidon.

But since the scope of the exploration was not enough, it did not go in.

This time, you can enter the Palace of the Sea God and find out!

But before that, Lu Shu planned to completely evolve the ability of the Jenny Turtle first.

There were also three hundred God-level growth fruits, which were not used.

“Jenny Turtle, eat all those fruits.”

Lu Shu pointed to the God-level Growth Fruit Tree and said.

Hearing that there are so many good things to eat, a hundred Jenny turtles, where the action is still the same as the turtle, even faster than Pikachu!

Divide three by five…

The fruit was completely divided!

Pikachu and the little white fox on the side were very envious.

These little guys haven’t tasted the fruits of god-level growth for a long time…

Lu Shu smiled and said, “Next time for sure!” ”

The remaining two hundred God-level growth fruits…

Lu Shu intended to save it first.

You may upgrade the sycamore phoenix in the future.

The level of the Divine Fire became even more important in the later exploration of the Grey Realm.


A hundred fruits, swallowed in the belly by the Jenny turtle.

After a brief metamorphosis…

The body of the Jenny Turtle continues to double in size!

Looking around…

Just the body of a Jenny turtle is already the size of a small island!

Hundreds of Jenny turtles surround the sacred tree island of Lu Shu, and this area is really a bit unbearable!

Even if it is placed on the beach, the location does not seem to be enough!

Dive into the deep sea!

Let these big guys stay on the Sacred Tree Island, and when they move carefully, will they spoil the flowers and grasses.

Even if it was to move the defensive barrier, it took a long time to gather all the Jenny turtles, and all of them were sent to the coast.

To this day.

Even if you don’t need [Ding Hai Zhu]…

With the strength of the Jenny turtle, the whirlpool that passed through the abyss sea was not a problem.


All the Jenny turtles dive into the deep sea.

Head deeper into the sea and explore.

During this period, several ‘ghost lamp fish’ who did not know good villains moved in the direction where Lu Shu was located.

The result was soon a new searchlight source.

Little by little, dive in…

The other deep-sea devil fish, feeling the breath of the Jenny turtle, instantly wandered around!

Although the fish’s memories are very short, the breath of death evokes their deepest memories of fear!

When the hundred Jenny turtles began to appear in the abyss…

All the fish recalled the fear of being dominated by the Jenny turtle that day!


Lu Shu came to the location of the Poseidon’s palace.

This time.

He took out the Mermaid Bone Flute.

The most mysterious music of the deep sea was played.

Near the Palace of the Sea God, two mermaid sea elves are stationed.

When they heard this beautiful music, they instantly let down their vigilance.

Lu Shu took the Jenny turtles and smoothly passed through the Neptune Palace.

【Legendary chests appear in front of you!】 】

That’s when it happened.

A prompt pops up in front of your eyes.

Follow the location where the chest appears.

An ocean palace, like an ancient mythological building built on the bottom of the sea, looks mysterious!

At the bottom of the sea, there is a rich treasure!

“Nearly 10,000 meters of sea…”

“When I got here, more and more treasures appeared!”

“Even legendary chests appear frequently.”

“What’s more, this is the Palace of the Sea God, and the density of treasures it has is even higher!”

Lu Shu’s gaze immediately focused on one of the palaces.

The elves that appeared nearby were soon caught by Lu Shu’s illusion.

If you can not bloodshed, it is best to avoid making a big fuss.

Once you kill any of the elves here…

Then, the owner of the Sea God Palace may sense the breath of the enemy and attack and kill it!

Lu Shu entered the Neptune Palace and opened the legendary treasure chest…

In a curtain of golden light…

In Lu Shu’s eyes, a line of text popped up in an instant——

【Congratulations on opening the Legendary Deep Sea Treasure Chest and getting the Special Life Essence!】 】

【Special Life Essence】


【Function: Can help the sacred tree to achieve substantial growth, and quickly complete the production of products! 】

“A higher life essence?”

Lu Shu’s eyes moved slightly.

From the Legendary Chest, open the Life Essence, this is the first time!

I don’t know how the effect is…


That’s when it happened.

Suddenly there was an siren outside the palace!

Lu Shu looked back and found that the owner of the Sea God Palace had already appeared in front of him.

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