“Stupid humans!”

“How dare you attack my palace!”


Ahead, there was an obscure wave of spirit.

The angry sea god, sensing that someone had entered his palace and obtained the treasure, immediately came to Lu Shu’s face.


The surrounding seas were violently stirring!

A panel popped up in front of Lu Shu————


Type: Abyss God Clan

Risk factor: SS

Perceptual range: 5,000 meters

Force: 5300

Speed: 6250

Defense: 7420

Skills: Call of the Sea God, Endless Sea, Thor Storm, Split Sea, Abyss Bloodline, Super Recovery, Abyss Amplification

Description: It is the Draco nobleman in the Abyss Sea, with the gifts of the Ancient God Clan, arrogance and anger, which are the most prominent characteristics of this race.


“Jenny Turtle, use the power of the Fruit of Water!”

Lu Shu immediately commanded.

The sea god, as a god clan in the sea, has a control over the laws of the sea, even thousands of times better than the elves of the mermaid tribe!

A hundred Jenny turtles, working together to harness the power of the fruit of water and water.


Lu Shu took out the Ding Hai Zhu and the Trident of the Sea God.

The sea god’s seawater power was immediately offset by Lu Shu’s two legendary marine magic weapons!

“Despicable human beings, you dare to defile the inheritance of our sea god, damn it!”

The sea god saw That Lu Shu take out the Ding Hai Zhu and the Trident of the Sea God, and the color of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes.

In its eyes…

Humans are a bunch of despicable species.

I was able to get the inheritance of the sea god!

How infuriating is that?


Lu Shu shook his head.

This neptune’s nonsense is also too much!

Let’s get rid of it!

The next second.

A hundred Jenny turtles launched a fierce attack on the sea god!

Million Tons of Boxing!


With the help of an extremely strong physique…

The million-ton punch of the Jenny Turtle caused the whole sea to tremble!

The earth-shaking sea is raging wildly, as if it has the power to destroy the world!

After being attacked by a hundred Jenny turtles, the sea god was instantly violently impacted, and his body flew backwards towards the depths of the sea, directly photographed on a palace.


That huge body collided with the palace, instantly crushing all the buildings around it into ruins!

From this blow, we can also see what kind of terrible destructive power the Jeni Turtle has reached now!

[Poseidon opens the Abyss Bloodline, gaining stats and realm amplifications!] 】

[Poseidon has turned on the super recovery and is rapidly recovering from his injuries…]

It didn’t take long.

Poseidon stood up again in the ruins.

Although this blow caused a lot of damage to the sea god.

But have to say…

Poseidon’s [Super Recovery], the effect is quite amazing!

After suffering such a heavy blow, it was completely recovered in a very short time!

Lu Shu was not only a little surprised to see it.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the abyss sea and a certain increase in the sea god!


Poseidon roared angrily.

The move just now, did not catch, suffered a big loss, so that the sea god felt that his face was dull.

The next second.

A roar that swept across the sea emanated from the mouth of the sea god.

[The god of the sea has launched the call of the god of the sea and is summoning the surrounding fish and elves to go here!] 】


When the sea god began to roar…

The surrounding sea waters heard the sound of abnormal movements.

Lu Shu’s brow frowned instantly.

Typical fight can not be called ah!

All the fish in the vicinity came over…

And it’s not just the Abyss Overlord and the Mermaid Clan.

Inside the Neptune Palace, there are also dragon clans with fairly rare bloodlines, as well as some monsters with higher bloodlines and coming from deeper seas.

Lu Shu guessed that there was more than one sea god in the Abyss Sea.

Or rather…

The sea god in front of him is just one of the gods in the Abyss Sea!

But Poseidon has the ability to summon a large number of teammates!

If you can’t solve the other party for a long time, you will really encounter some unknown situations and dangers.

Think of it.

Lu Shu took out the Guanghanqin.

Unleash the Imperial Domineering Spirit.

The next second.

Layer by layer weakened, reducing the attributes of the sea god in all aspects by a lot!

“Jenny Turtle, get rid of each other!”

Lu Shu quickly used ‘resonance’ to pass on his combat ideas to the Jenny Turtle on the field.


All the Jenny Turtles, along with Lu Shu, launched a deadly attack on the sea god!

The sea god was weakened by the emperor’s domineering spirit, and he also fell into Lu Shu’s illusion, lost consciousness for a while, and fell into a passive state…

When it was time to return to God, the sea god’s eyes were completely occupied by the figures of Lu Shu and hundreds of Jenny turtles!

The next second.

Genie Tortoises used millions of tons of boxing together!

At the same time, Lu Shu also used the power of the spirit system to interfere with the sea god again, causing the other party to enter a state of disorientation.


When the fist falls…

The entire sea instantly spread around!

That huge force shook the entire sea, and people couldn’t help but be afraid!

It seems that Lu Shu is the god in this sea!

The raging sound of rage has finally passed…

The figure of the sea god has completely disappeared!


A victory prompt pops up in front of your eyes –

[You killed the sea god!] 】

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