Open the Black Sea compass.

Under the guidance of the compass, you can find the direction of the deeper seas of the Black Sea…

Collect three legendary chests.


Lu Shu had already reached a range of fifteen thousand meters under the sea!

But after leaving the abyss…

Every kilometer of the Black Sea has a very wide range that can be explored!

Lu Shu only needs to part his mind, stay here, and send The Jenny Turtle to explore slowly.

Occasionally recruit some Neptune Clan and Magic Fish.

“Bring back these special life essences first…”

Lu Shu stepped into the teleportation array.

The Sea God Palace unleashed its teleportation ability in a trembling sound!

I have to say that the pressure of the Sea God Palace is really high enough!

Just launching a teleportation caused a series of vibrations in the surrounding sea!

Many schools of fish, feeling the huge noise caused by the Neptune Palace, fled towards other seas!

Lu Shu wants to recruit more fish next!

As a result, they were all scared away!

I can only laugh bitterly helplessly…

The temper of the Sea God Palace was too big, and if he had to make such a big move, he couldn’t do anything about it.

With a teleporting curtain of light, it landed in the dark sea.

The next second.

Lu Shu connected this teleportation array with the teleportation array of the Sacred Tree Island.

And his figure quickly returned to the Sacred Tree Island.


After this period of cultivation…

Lu Shu’s realm had already reached the Ninth Order of the Yuan Infant!

It is only one step away from the next step of the Yuan Baby’s return to the Void Realm!

Open your eyes…

From the teleportation array, four [Special Life Essence] were returned!

Compared to the “Advanced Life Essence”…

The size of the Special Life Essence appears larger, fuller, and more rounded.

The breath of life contained in it makes people feel refreshed!

Just by using a little spiritual power and perceiving it, you can feel the majestic breath in the essence of life, like the most sacred gift from nature!

“I don’t know what role the essence of life can play…”

Lu Shu silently recited a sentence in his heart, and then, with the essence of life, instantly moved to the position of the Honmei Divine Tree.

【Do you use Premium Life Essence x4?】 】

【Yes!】 】

The next second.

The four [Special Life Essences] were transformed into the purest life energy between heaven and earth and injected into the Divine Tree.

The branches and leaves on the surface of the Sacred Tree suddenly shone brightly!

At that moment…

One by one, the fruits grew out from the dense and rich branches of the sacred tree, and they shone with crystal clear luster!

[You have the fruit of life!] 】

[You’ve got the God-level Growth Fruit x5!] 】


Accelerated by the Special Growth Fruit…

It didn’t take long…

The Sacred Tree has already produced enough fruit!

A new fruit of life, produced!

With five [God-level Growth Fruits]…

The subsequent pet upgrade can also quickly reach the level of Pikachu and Little White Fox!


The physique of the Divine Tree is still rapidly rising!

The lush foliage is constantly growing upwards!

Breath of life!

【Ding! Your Sacred Tree absorbs the Premium Life Essence, with +5000 growth points! 】

【Ding! Your Sacred Tree absorbs the Premium Life Essence, with +5000 growth points! 】


【Ding! Your Divine Tree growth point has exceeded 100,000 points, and has been upgraded from a high-level spirit tree to a sacred tree! 】




Between heaven and earth, a strange current suddenly and inexplicably emerged.

When the wind blew, the dense branches and leaves of the trees rattled and made a tidal wave sound.

It seems like just a blink of an eye…

It’s like an eye……

All the branches and leaves of the Divine Tree had turned into golden colors!

Along with every leaf, it turned golden!

It is as if it is plated with a layer of gilding, and it blooms with dazzling brilliance!

But that gold is not local gold, it will not appear worldly, but it will be more sacred!

That is, after the Sacred Tree reached a certain realm, it began to manifest!

“Finally reached the stage of the Divine Tree!”

Lu Shu let out a long breath.

Crossing this stage, it seems to have passed a long, long time…

But in fact, it has not been half a year since I crossed into the Sacred Tree Game!

At this rate, a sacred tree was cultivated…

If I let the other Divine Tree Masters know, I’m afraid I’m so shocked that even my eyeballs will fall off!


In front of Lu Shu, a new [Divine Tree] panel appeared——

【Sacred Tree】

Stage: Primary Sacred Tree

Sunlight: 510/day (5.1×100)

Reiki: 540/day (5.4×100)

Subspecies Spirit Tree Remaining Capacity: 13 (total 15)

Lu Shu opened the [Sacred Tree] panel——

Products: Return to the fruit of the void, return to the fruit of the false Path

Production cycle: 5 days (4000/800)

Growth point: 101200 (31.4×100 = 3140/day)

Next Stage: Intermediate Sacred Tree (200,000 growth points)

Just then…

In front of Lu Shu, a prompt suddenly popped up——

[You get the reward for the first time in the Sacred Tree Game to achieve the Sacred Tree Achievement – Fairy Lake (God Level)!] 】

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