At the same time.

A radio echoed throughout the Sacred Tree Game, in the ears of all the Divine Tree Masters—

[Congratulations to the Divine Tree Master ‘Tree Picker’ for receiving the first Sacred Tree Achievement Reward!] 】

This moment.

Even the people of the entire Sacred Tree Game are used to picking up tree people crazy to get achievement rewards…


When they found out that the level of the people’s sacred trees had already reached the holy tree…

This gap between heaven and earth makes everyone completely speechless!

After a brief silence…

A flash flood and tsunami erupted inside the chat box!

“Sleeper! Sleeper! Sleeper! I can only use three consecutive slots to express my inner mood at this moment! ”

“Brothers, did I hear you correctly?” Has anyone already reached the level of the Sacred Tree? ”

Weakly asked, what is a sacred tree?”

“It’s the level after the High Spirit Tree…”

“Oh my God, how many growth points does this level need, and do any big guys tell us about it?”

“Well, my current Spirit Tree, which has just reached the level of a high-level Spirit Tree, has found that growing to the Sacred Tree requires 100,000 growth points!”


“Sleeper, one hundred thousand?”

“Sleeper, I’m only six thousand growth points!”

“Sleeper, the big guy’s growth point is ten times mine!”



The divine tree master of the whole [world public screen], the small mouth is like smearing honey!

Even the countless “sleepers” cannot express their feelings at the moment.

Be aware…

Up to now, most of the Divine Tree Masters had not been able to break through the 10,000 growth points…

As long as you can have a high-level spirit tree of your own, then it is enough to crush most of the Divine Tree Masters in the Divine Tree Game!


Lu Shu told everyone that his Divine Tree had reached the level of a Sacred Tree!

This gap, this speed…

You say let’s not make people desperate?

“I just want to know what fruit the tree-picking big man’s current Divine Tree can produce?”

“Don’t think about it, people’s talents, maybe when it’s just a small sapling, the fruits produced are stronger than your high-level spirit trees!”

“The big truth upstairs is heartfelt!”

“Don’t you want to be so fierce, the fruits of the small saplings are stronger than our high-level spirit trees, this is also too exaggerated, right?”

“I don’t know what the rank is after the Sacred Tree…”

“Maybe it won’t take long for the tree boss to let you know the answer.”

“According to my calculations, the Sacred Tree will go from primary to advanced, and then to the next stage, I am afraid that it will take a million growth points…”

“Yes, the tree-picking big guy gathered 100,000 growth points, and it took a lot of time, and it was impossible to plant to the next stage without a year and a half, right?”


Lu Shu looked at the discussion of the people on the [World Public Screen], and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

A year and a half?

This is not necessarily needed!

The next second.

A prompt pops up in front of him —

【Do you choose to place the Fairy Lake?】 】

【Yes!】 】

A daylight-like light rose on the sacred tree island of Lu Shu!

Near the Sacred Tree, a relatively flat piece of ground suddenly opened up a huge lake!

The waterfall, from under a cliff, rushed straight down, and there was really a majestic trend of “flying down three thousand feet, suspected to be the Milky Way falling for nine days”!

The Milky Way Waterfall under the flow of the river follows a river channel to the sea outside the island.

That’s it.

The inner lake of the Sacred Tree Island is connected to the sea!

The exchange of water bodies will become more obvious!

It also improves the natural environment of the sacred tree island!


In the fairy lake, there is an extraordinary lake!

The aura gathered on the surface of the water steamed into colorful auspicious clouds and mist, enveloping all directions!

Suddenly, the entire Sacred Tree Island was in a hazy fog, like a dream.

Lu Shu felt the aura coming from all around him, twice as much as before, and hurriedly opened the [Divine Tree] panel to check it out——

Sunlight: 1010/day (10.1×100)

Reiki: 1040/day (10.4×100)

Products: Return to the fruit of the void, return to the fruit of the false Path

Production cycle: 4 days (4000/1000)

Growth point: 101200 (41.4×100 = 4140/day)


“Fairy Lake, transformed the natural environment of my sacred tree island!”

“The aura and sunlight around you can be doubled and absorbed!”

“No! To be precise, this lake also has a strange effect of absorbing and reflecting sunlight, which is equivalent to increasing the reflection of sunlight on the surface! ”

“Be able to absorb sunlight 100% and feedback to the Sacred Tree to get a double sunlight amplification effect…”

“This fairy lake is even more magical than I imagined!”

Lu Shu looked at the miraculous scene in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh.

Who would have thought that the Fairy Spirit Lake would have such a powerful effect?


Listen carefully!

In that spring, there seemed to be a slight fluctuation of life!

Lu Shu used his perceptual ability to probe away.

He was surprised to find that the Fairy Spirit Lake still had strange and incomparable life, which was slowly being conceived.

It’s just that it can’t be conceived so quickly at the moment, and it takes a little time to accumulate Reiki.

“In time…”

“Maybe my fairy lake can really give birth to the legendary fairy spirits?”

Lu Shu’s mind couldn’t help but think of this incredible thought.

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